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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. I'm pretty sure you set it up that way to avoid me. [emoji39]
  2. I think that's on your side. I'm seeing it fine on my phone and laptop... Tapatalk too!
  3. I'd scrub outside the tank in a small bucket of water. Peroxide works great if you can remove the rock and spray directly on the algae. Just be careful and not spray your corals.
  4. You call yourself a scientist! The majano wand has been out for like years! It sounds like Dan has the industrial version of it though!
  5. That's my meteor shower stapler! Can I have my stapler?
  6. No rush Makena. I'm happy babysitting them until you're ready... they'll just keep getting bigger!
  7. And turn your phone sidewise! Bwahaha! I had those once in a fish-only setup at the house when I was a kid. They never did anymore than that and stayed in the polyp stage... at least from what I could remember back then. Eventually they fizzled out. That's pretty cool to see!
  8. I like how Tim and I are used as metrics on a scale. [emoji39] If you're not moving anymore, come by and grab your corals whenever the new setup is ready for them! [emoji38]
  9. That's great to hear Makena! Surround yourself with good people! Good friends are everything! Even salty friends count!
  10. I'm sure it won't be an issue but you may just need to replace the media at a higher frequency, like 1/two weeks. Just depends on the bioload of your tank... but I'm guessing with all your fish, I'd just get a bigger reactor. You could probably get a TLF 550 and call it a day. They aren't too expensive and are plenty huge!
  11. I have a nanocube 28 hood with a 150-watt MH in it that you can try to balance over your tank if you want. Sorry, that's the best I have. I'm using my 250-watt MH over my frag tank, otherwise I would have that to let you borrow. If you want to try the nanocube 28 hood, give me a chance to fire it up first to make sure it works. It's been in storage for awhile.
  12. Get a different reactor then!
  13. Too much media bud! I use about 1-2 cups for 250 total water volume! If you want to use more, get a media reactor with a wider column so that it can actively fluidize.
  14. That breaks my heart Kim! I know you loved those fish! Too bad we don't have a FDI (Fish Deaths Investigations) department in Austin! I'd get an emperor angel as a center piece... you can show the kids how it eats all the LPS in your tank. It's just nature guys!
  15. NOOOOOO!!!! Not the tassled filefish!!! Sorry for the loss Kim!
  16. Hey hey! Look at that purple stylo go!!!
  17. I'd replace the filters/DI and get back to 0 TDS. Maybe you didn't have any issues in the past but perhaps there has been an accumulation of something you don't test for that is causing it. The theory fits well, especially since you've noted them looking worse after water changes. Just my 2 cents.
  18. She was ammonia dosing Sascha. [emoji23]
  19. nom nom nom what's next!? That clam would have been delicious I bet.Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk A chill just went down my back...
  20. That's hilarious and a great point... self-torture I tell you.
  21. Fun video, as always... well... at least I find it fun. How many are wondering... what the heck are we looking at Ty? I just thought it was cool to watch the wave currents ripple across the polyps of a large warp speed monti like wind across a field of grass. Deeepppp... I know. [emoji14]
  22. Pagoda cup pending... only the mini-fungia factory left! Order now I'll throw in a free cup of ambrosia tank water... guaranteed to grow polyps on your SPS's chest and make your tank inhabitants spawn like the Duggars!
  23. LPS? Pshhhhh! You guys know where my heart is... he lays a finger on my echinata and he won't see my boot coming!
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