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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Brah, do you even orange peel?
  2. I think that's a great idea. I only use Bayer to stun the AEFWs enough to shake them off the acros. If you dose enough though, it will surely kill the smaller ones. I am experimenting with Potassium dosing to kill off AEFW. Some people have had success with it in some of the larger forums. I'll report back once I actually have a good AEFW infested acro to test it with.
  3. In a general public announcement today for FarmerTy's Fungia Plates Inc, they will be moving their operations to etannert's tank in the near future.
  4. The longest! You are a methodical genius!
  5. That's why you really went to grad school right? To get away from the shame of crashing your SPS?
  6. I'm using the old "put a rock over them" method in hopes that they relocate onto that rock after being shaded for a bit. Then I just remove the rock and the anemone with it.
  7. Ridiculously fast actually. They go from a quarter size to about 2-3 inches across for me in about a year.
  8. They're still one of my favorite corals after all these years. So fun to feed them and watch their tentacles swaying with the water.
  9. I had a one spot too, went from 2" up to 6" in 12 months. They grow crazy fast.
  10. Green fungias - $15 for silver-dollar sized when expanded, $10 for quarter-sized when expanded. Here's the mother colony Kryptonite candy canes (super bright) - $20 for 10-15 polyp branch, $25 for 15-20 polyp branch. -ALL CANDYCANES SOLD!!! PM is key for requests. Thank you.
  11. When I start grumbling that my anemone split... people look at me like I'm crazy. Then I tell them I hate the process of removing the other anemone. My anemone mocks me then by splitting into 3's. [emoji36]
  12. Make it stop Dave! I call mercy! [emoji30]
  13. Looks great Makena! I'm going to plant an idea in your head... ever thought of painting the background a dark blue? [emoji6]
  14. I tried grafting my clownfish with nori and rice once and it was terrible... as in terribly delicious. [emoji39]
  15. Sorry, I forgot to update. It's been sold.
  16. That's pretty funny considering the amount of greens and reds in the revive's!I generally tune people whom make such blanket statements as "Kessil is all I will ever have on my reef" out. They are generally talking just to hear themselves. That pretty much wrapped up 90% of my posts right there... [emoji33]
  17. I like the maris due to the high volume of coral to price ratio. I still buy "designer" corals because lineage is important and you don't ever know what you're truly getting with mariculture so it can be hit or miss. My method for collecting acros in this new tank is a nice mix of "designer corals" (oregon tort, pink lemonade, shades of fall, hawkins echinata, etc) with a good mix of gorgeous maris to fill out the space.
  18. Haha, I only have a cell phone too but I'm working on fixing that situation.
  19. Looks like the one I picked up Vu. I'll race you to who colors it up first! [emoji39]
  20. I'm ready for you to drop some knowledge Obi-Sam Kenobe!
  21. Most important part of the bayer dip is to shake the heck out of the coral in the water to dislodge the pests and also triple rinse afterwards to make sure none get into the system and nuke your tank of pods.
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