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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Sadly, this is the one case where QT wouldn't have helped. The parasite originated from the live rock already in the tank. Unless you meant QT the new live rock... then yes.
  2. You can but the live sand is a waste of money IMO. Just go to any fish store and they'll have options. I like the Caribsea special reef grade sand myself. Don't use the home depot stuff.
  3. The other one you posted in my build thread looks like the delsawii I saw in their display tank... at least what I think it is.
  4. No, that's definitely the mariculture in their display tank. I have my suspicions that it is a delsawii.
  5. Now that one does look like the miyagi tort if that's the one you were referring to in my build thread.
  6. You tell me sir. I haven't gotten around to identifying it yet. [emoji39]
  7. The mariculture I saw in their tank, I thought it to be a valida or a delsawii. Do either one of these look like yours? http://www.baliaquarium.net/1-22-15/gallery/acropora-delsawii-pink/purple.html http://www.baliaquarium.net/1-120-105/gallery/acropora-valida-lavender.html
  8. If it's the same one I'm thinking of, it's a valida. The branches are a lot thinner than the miyagi tort. If you saw my tort in person, you'd see what I'm talking about. The branches are much thicker than a valida even though in the picture, it looks about the same.
  9. If it's the same valida I saw before in your tank, then it's a purple valida... especially if you got if from Niko's, then it's actually my old purple valida I sold them.
  10. Post a picture and I'll tell you. [emoji2] I wouldn't use the Miyagi tort picture I have up as a basis for comparison. Once grown out, the colony looks a lot different in growth form than a valida... even thickness of branches is very different between the two.
  11. Just a quick update, I honestly have not noticed too much of a difference in running the sterilizer than without it... other than I have to wipe my glass one or two days later than I normally would. When I added the emperor angelfish, it came into the system perfectly healthy and not a spot of ich on it. About 3-5 days in my system and you could see some white spots on its fins and tail but nowhere on the body. My midas blenny got a few spots on the right side of its body as well. Then 5-7 days later, nothing on any fish. Is this because of the UV sterilizer? I believe so... I think it helped it from spreading. Do I think the sterilizer eradicated ich from my system? No. It did what I hoped it would do, minimize an epidemic in my tank. Perhaps if I plumbed it the way it was recommended, with the intake at the bottom of the tank and the return at the top, perhaps it could eradicate it but I don't really want more plumbing lines in my tank. Supression works for me!
  12. Any update on this Tim? Has the Lugols reversed the STN and the flesh grown back?
  13. The ideal scenario would be to have it all fluidized in the reactor. It may be working, but not as efficiently as it could, IMO. But I have an opinion on everything so feel free to ignore. [emoji86]
  14. You got me Dan! I put myself out there and opened up and people left me hanging and feeling rejected and ashamed... [emoji27]
  15. Bump again! Surely there are more old pics of tanks sitting on a hard drive somewhere!
  16. Tricolor valida PC rainbow coloring up Teal blue mariculture Miyagi tort ORA hawkins echinata Yellow scroll coral... gorgeous Pearlberry
  17. I got snap happy with the camera: Nice effect of the emperor nipping... my sunset monti is not overly polypy and you can see the orange base better. A classic! Oregon tort! Blue tip bottlebrush German Blue polyp acro
  18. Did I forget to mention my green fungia plates have a very hairy disposition? They really love to extend their tentacles!
  19. If they had them back when I had my nanocube... I'd have totally bought one back then too!
  20. Thanks guys! Give me 3-6 months and FarmerTy's frag shop might be back in business! I will hopefully have my hands on a coral viewer box next week and take slightly better pictures the next go 'round.
  21. Yup, this is how I entertain myself these days. I use numbers I stole off of Sesame Street and label my corals. 1) Miyagi Tort variant 2) Superman Acro 3) Green Slimer 4) Purple Suharsoni I believe (Mariculture from RCA) 5) Aussie Shortcake 6) Northern Lights Nasuta 7) VividAquariums Rainbow Delight 8) Frag Farmers Red Stag 9) Branching Cyphastrea 1) Pink Mille (mariculture) 2) ORA Hawkins Echinata 3) Bright Pink Mille (AquaSD) 4) Bottlebrush Acro (Niko's) 5) Miyagi Tort 6) PC Rainbow 7) Oregon Tort 8) Teal Blue Acro (Mariculture) 9) ORA Chips Acro
  22. FarmerTy


    If it helps anyone, I can grab your stuff from his girlfriend as well. I live near the Domain.
  23. I never feed mine directly but I'm sure they get their fair share of food. They are a lot of fun to feed though... that's for sure.
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