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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. FTV Video update: Sorry, been awhile since I made a video and I realized I need to tone it down on some of the flyover speeds. The cyano is almost going away completely. It's been real hard to be patient with it and not just dump some chemiclean in there. Go figure... use 0 TDS RO/DI water and cyano goes away. Quick update on corals as well. All corals growing and happy... by that I mean SPS of course. What other corals are out there? Alk has been stable since I caught the fact that the pH probe needed to be calibrated... it's been safe enough to test weekly these days. Woohoo!!! Also, the emperor has decreed several other colonies of zoas shall be banished from the display tank. Looks like he's only going to tolerate purple deaths, nuclear greens, and grande palys. I hope people are ready for a zoa explosion at C4!
  2. Sweet! I got the green light to experiment!
  3. Looks like you're getting some good encrusting on the plugs!
  4. Borrow my giant fish trap and put his favorite food in it. [emoji4]
  5. Pretty awesome! I'm sure it's gratifying to have everything work out so nicely. For you bud, I'll only charge you $500/colony. [emoji14] They're FarmerTy exclusives!
  6. The tank looks great! That's some great progress!
  7. Definitely don't do peroxide... it'll kill the spiders but nuke your acros as well. I've noticed bayer doesn't really do anything to them so a close inspection with manual removal is best. Not sure if any of the coral dips work on them. Maybe try a potassium dip?
  8. Is this some sort of Jedi training school you're going to?
  9. I only have a bachelors... it's Mr. FrankenTy. [emoji22]
  10. I feel ya... the color is even better in person. I sure hope the teal stays and I'm beginning to get my hopes up as it's been that way since I acquired it. The rest of my maricultures seem like they are coloring up well and so I anticipate that this one, which has been in my system longer, is at its final color morph. If so, that'd be awesome! I'll have to ID it later once the branches grow out a little bit. It's too hard to tell right now. I agree with you... nothing I've ever seen has beat the color rendering of a full-grown and colored colony of pearlberry.
  11. Bpb, just for feedback, during my STN adventure after my upgrade, my hawkins echinata and my setosa were the most gorgeous I has ever seen them. I don't know if it was them super high salinity (1.032) or super high nitrates (50+ppm) but they were stunning... while everything else was STNING slowly in my tank. That's why I wonder if you need to be triple-checked on your parameters if you're still having problems with STN.
  12. Mine are distinctly male and female... got 4 males and 1 female. The only way I found out what they are is when they started releasing gametes into the water column.
  13. Somehow my zoa collection in the display tank is slowly migrating to the sump... This guy has been questioned as a possible suspect... [emoji15]
  14. I say use the patented FarmerTy sump/frag tank method where you slap a light over your sump and churn out the frags. No worries about additional equipment and separate water parameters to maintain. Either that or tap into that closet. You know you want to! [emoji14] Imagine all your winter coats smelling like you just took a trip to the ocean! Your friends will be jealous, your coworkers will want to be you!
  15. Deresas are so awesome! And they grow plenty fast too! You'll have a showpiece clam in no time!
  16. At least it's not STNing anymore. Keep us posted on the results of the echinata. I had one piece started STNing in an area, oddly because some sand/detritus fell on it and instead of pulling out the superglue and clippers like I usually do, I dipped it in a diluted Lugols solution just to give it a try. I'll post results/pictures when I have a chance.
  17. Did you buy a frag of SPS in a dark, seedy alley somewhere?
  18. Nice! I can't tell from the picture but is the flesh starting to grow back over the parts that died?
  19. Free palys courtesy of our soon-to-be grad student, Victoly. If you want some, you have to be at the meeting. Please don't ask me for a frag outside of the meeting. Thanks!
  20. I need a Mod! Online bullying! [emoji22]
  21. Man, it's no fun when you steal my thunder like that Sascha! Now I have nothing to say...
  22. Snail bungee jumping is all the rage these days...
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