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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Looks like you're about to make a Purigen deposit at the bank! [emoji39]
  2. June 20thC4 announcement thread) Thanks for sharing that! [emoji2] What time does it start though?? I couldn't find a start time.That's what we are all eagerly waiting to find out!
  3. PM'ed! Thanks for the offer but that engineer goby would wreck my tank! I'm having enough fun with the emperor angel!
  4. Yowzers! That is some high phosphates! I'm sure you might be able to acclimate some corals to it, like your mariculture. The one's that died coming from my system probably died of the spike in phosphate levels from my tank to yours. Once you get the skimmer dialed back in, I'm sure it'll help lower your phosphates along with changing out the GFO.
  5. I dreamt of the day when I would become a standard for something! [emoji6]
  6. Done, come on by sir and grab it!
  7. Yeah, and Johnny Depp was cool back then too. Things change Sascha! [emoji14] I am progressing as a reefer. [emoji23]
  8. And sadly... some of us are... [emoji22]Lol yes. And then there's Ty.. PahahOuch, that just landed you on the "no frags for you" list! [emoji87]
  9. That metal has got to be aluminum foil. I don't think you'll have an issue with metals but if you want to be proactive, I'd just run some of the filter media that removes metals (can get at Fish Gallery and I believe RCA, but not sure)... the name escapes me right now. Also, cuprisorb removes copper and also some other metals as well if you want to try that.
  10. Yeah yeah, what Reburn said... I'm a victim here! I don't ever instigate anything! What worries me is everyone is a little too close to my tank... would hate that to translate over to too close to my tank and communicates with my wife. Uh oh! Official order from the Ta household: no Gig'ems allowed in the household anymore!
  11. Except for AEFW and acro spiders! Oh, I just went there! [emoji23] That's for calling me out. [emoji12]
  12. Quiet you! You and Wardlaw are trying to sell me out with new purchases!I'm glad you're not working for the wife!
  13. That first pic almost looked like a freshwater planted tank James! You would have garnered some much deserved kudos in a different type forum! [emoji23]
  14. I'm going to be wearing shorts with extra deep pockets just for your bags of cash Makena! [emoji14]
  15. I'm going to keep pushing the limit on the length of videos... I'll slowly condition you to watch 20 min reef tank videos without batting an eyelash. Agreed on the leopard wrasses, however, personally I will still QT the other wrasses, like the fairy wrasses.
  16. That's nothing... wait until you reach the big boys number of 12 TDS and leave it that way for 2 months. [emoji4] I honestly don't know so I'm not being that helpful but I had a couple offers of DI resin from other reefers when I was in the same situation. Perhaps someone has some sitting around you can borrow and replace when you get more.
  17. That sounds like it'll work. I'm curious though, you'll be running carbon, GFO, and the Purigen in just a dual reactor? Are you doublestacking something?
  18. And sadly... some of us are... [emoji22]
  19. Don't do it Jim! You're going the wrong direction! [emoji5]
  20. I would just stick with the mesh bag. The manufacturer even recommends using it in a mesh bag so I wouldn't bother with trying it in a reactor. The granules seem so light that I could see them being difficult to fluidize without blowing all over the place.
  21. Got it as an impulse buy from Niko's to replace my leopard wrasse that died through the QT treatment of marine velvet. It went through a freshwater dip and a quick prazipro session before going in. Mandarins, leopard wrasses, and potentially another regal will be bypassed for QT as I feel like they all don't do well in QT. The rest get to hang out in this! [emoji2]
  22. Quick list of zoas I'll have frags of for C4. -fruit loops -cherry bombs/zombie eyes -king midas -Tubbs blue zoas -dragoneyes (gold center, green skirts, not to be confused with radioactive dragoneyes) -pretty pennies -cyan colored zoas (look like Tubbs but with cyan centers) -candy apple oranges (from ReefRaft) -blondies -bam bams -AOGS -cat eyes (one of my favorites ) -fire and ice -Sunbursts Can't wait!
  23. Save those cash frags Dan. I'll be fragging them up for C4.Off the top of my head: -fruit loops -cherry bombs/zombie eyes -king midas -Tubbs blue zoas -dragoneyes (gold center, green skirts, not to be confused with radioactive dragoneyes) -pretty pennies -cyan colored zoas (look like Tubbs but with cyan centers) -candy apple oranges (from ReefRaft) -blondies -bam bams -AOGS -cat eyes (one of my favorites ) -fire and ice -Sunbursts Okay, I lied. I just went over to the sump and looked so not off the top of my head. [emoji4]
  24. Thanks guys. I'm looking forward to C4 so I can make those colonies on the left disappear and start aquascaping the left side of the tank and adding my maricultures and my frag rack of goodies on there. It'll be full before I know it! Here's my current red planet colony. That's all that survived the upgrade crash. It literally was 2-3 polyps so that's actually a ton of progress. I got a little while to go but those red planets grow like weeds when they are happy so I'm hoping I don't have to wait too long.
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