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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Yes this one piece is getting the boot! No worries though..... It is my favorite too!! I have another smaller one that I am keeping.It lives on!
  2. Oh I'm sure it did. I could just totally see solenoid issues and gfo reactor issues tanking an SPS tank in no time flat. They control the two things, IMO, that are most pivotal to SPS success... PO4 levels and alk levels.
  3. I imagine you're knocking on that awesome quality wood that comprises your stand and hood? [emoji2]
  4. I like to call Seth... Tankless in Taylor. [emoji12]
  5. FarmerTy


    Nice tank and welcome! I vote for selling and restarting in Austin. We're a cheap city as far as frags go so you can restock pretty well and maintain your budget here.
  6. Ahhh... the always fun middle of the night noises from your tank. Isn't reefing grand?
  7. Sorry for the losses buddy. I didn't get to mention that in the last post since I was in a rush. I use the TLF reactor just fine for GFO but I only have 1-1.5 cups in there. Let me know if I can help replace anything you lost. I know the feeling of pulling out dead SPS colonies... it's no fun... and the smell is the worst!
  8. Throw in a cheeseburger and you got a deal!
  9. Jeez! I get swamped at work and then the natives go nuts on me! NvrEnuf, I would have accepted Jeepardy as the name of the game. [emoji23] I'm sure clicking the "follow thread" button was one of the worst decisions you guys have ever made! [emoji30]
  10. FarmerTy

    Snail Death

    I actually acclimate everything... fish, corals, and cleanup crew. The first thing I do is test the water that's in the bag. For fish, I only focus on acclimating to temp and salinity. For corals, I add acclimation for alk too (mainly talking SPS here) on top of temp and salinity. For cleanup crew, I take extra long to match the salinity... those little buggers are usually pretty intolerable of salinity changes.
  11. FarmerTy


    Healthy and happy looking tang when I saw him! Someone jump on this!
  12. Oh no, the warp speed got the boot! One of my favorite tabling montis, for sure... mine is starting to branch and also scroll. GLWS!
  13. Well said! I compare it to what a skimmer does for nutrients... UV is never going to strip everything from your tank for the most part but does of good job of keeping populations low so there is less of a chance for an ich infestation. I suscribe to the theory ich is always in our tanks... keeping fish healthy and happy typically avoids the infestation and to me, running UV keeps the populations lower so that they can't ever get to the level in the tank to be devastating to your fish population.
  14. Work has been owning me so I only got a quick glance at this Juiceman but I'd highly bet it's exactly what you said, alk and PO4 swings. Solenoids will go out eventually. I'd stop playing with that one, order another one... actually order two just to have one ready to swap next time. If I had to take a guess of which of the 2 parameters did it, I'd lean towards your phosphate getting above 0.18 ppm. That's when I noticed big time STN on my colonies back in my old tank. The swinging alk probably just tipped the scales. So, get another reactor other than those BRS ones and run your GFO consistently. Get a new solenoid and get your Carx in line. That should take care of everything. And drop off your water so I can do a double check for you.
  15. Jeez, you guys are making me keep one eye on my pair of ocellaris! They are as docile as can be! I clean stuff with my hand around their eggs and they'll just retreat into their anemones.
  16. Don't know if I'm there yet but I'll take being a Hanna standard for phosphate.
  17. Mike, no, I can't think of a single online vendor with free shipping on any amount and if they do, I'm assured that the shipping price is built in to the fish price. Online ordering fish just depends on the vendor you go with, but reputable ones have good success with stock surviving.
  18. Oh, I definitely agree with you using the red planet as a lighting guideline. I used to do the same before par meters started popping up locally to be borrowed reasonably easily. I just wanted to make sure they were fully colored pieces in your system before starting the experiment but 6 weeks seems pretty stable to me before ramping.
  19. Personal opinion is they are good. I think some zoa keepers prefer not to have them as their constant search for food with their tentacles disturbs zoa colonies.
  20. I agree with Tim and yes, I've run across similar literature supporting the 11 weeks timeframe as well.
  21. That comment hurts my red planet heart Jim! [emoji22] Just a quick question, was the red planet stable at the green color for a significant amount of time prior to your increasing the intensity experiment? I've found frags to lose the red color in transition to another system and then color right back up to red again in a month or so. Just mentioning because I'd hate for you to base the experiment on the frag if it hasn't reached stability in coloration in your tank yet. Ignore me if it has already. [emoji5]
  22. There's a flaw somewhere in this system... and I'm pretty sure it centers around my over documentation of my tank! I wonder how many others thought the same thing? [emoji57]
  23. Well, to have algae, you need more than just phosphate... so perhaps you are limited in something else in your system... like carbon or iron. Corals will adapt... so even if your phosphate is higher right now, some have adapted to it. It makes it a tad bit harsher on new additions probably, depending what environment they are coming from... but it doesn't mean instant death to your current corals. There is also the possibility that phosphate is leaching out of the rocks currently. At your consumption rate of GFO, and the amount you say you're feeding, it might be a possibility. The skimmer being not at 100% for a bit definitely can add to that.
  24. I need a scoop of your water!
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