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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Thanks bud. It's hard to find a true yellow in a coral without having to squint at it and pretend there's not a ton of green in it too. Not the scroll though... just straight yellow!
  2. Has the possibility of a bacterial infection been discussed? Perhaps treat the fish with an antibiotic?
  3. Thanks bud! I plea the 5th on any surprises!
  4. Depending on the timing, I'd be down for this too. I remember Mike (the boss) mentioning it couldn't be an official ARC event but if we coordinated and just did it outside of the sponsored club activities, it shouldn't be a problem. Perhaps this could be the backup plan for any meetings that don't meet the minimum 10 RSVPs needed. Oh, and yeah, I'm at Lamar/Braker intersection.
  5. It would be awesome to have a dimly light scene with a great white swimming for my front room. Make people nervous to come pick up corals...
  6. I think it was really nationwide with these trends. I was collecting ricordeas and zoas like crazy back in 2004... then it was all about chalices and acans (I skipped that phase)... then the big SPS push (more so because of better technology and husbandry practices allowed it to happen). Looks like we're getting the 2nd coming of the mushroom phase now. I'm just going to stay tragically unhip with my Walmart jeans acros and wear then until they fall apart on me.
  7. Great shot of my tricolor mille, a really cool mariculture that's coloring up nicely after being a polyp-less brown colony for 4 months, and my cousin IT mille (aka, the hairy one) Yes, it still exists! The one and only German blue polyp acropora! That and the once common but now hard to find yellow scroll coral Interesting mari I got Blue mille mariculture
  8. More fun: Had a hard time taking pictures of the pearlberry because of a similarly colored coral in the background throwing off the contrast... my emperor decided to help me with that. See, he's good for something other than eating all my zoas and LPS Sunset monti... classic Juiceman's gold torch Terrible shot of the ORA chips acro... it's right under a cross brace Teal blue mari... so pretty [emoji7] Yes, it has blue polyps... crazy! PC rainbow... still coloring up but getting much better Wax on, wax off... miyagi tort Can't get a deeper blue than the classic Oregon tort ORA Hawkins Echinata Pink mariculture mille... still coloring up
  9. I call it the FarmerTy liquid hot magma mille... just kidding. [emoji12] I actually got it in that AQUASD order... it was in the mille frag pack I bought, along with a bright neon green mille and that ridiculously hairy mille that just looks like a loose conglomeration of polyps because it's so hairy. I forget if it had a name but honestly, I don't bother writing down AquaSD's names because they just come up with new stuff every week.
  10. Hmmm, can't stitch in real life, can't stitch in digital life. You might be waiting a bit Boognish! [emoji39]
  11. Nice video! I felt like Jacques Cousteau there for a brief 15 mins!
  12. I'll throw up some more individual coral colony shots tomorrow when I get a chance.
  13. For the first time ever, I finally own a coral viewer box. Let's see it in action! Part of the current left scape Left scape again... purple stylo and friends Center void with huge Jedi mind trick colony and pink chalice Front left of right scape Far right of right scape Middle of right scape Middle of right scape Back of right scape Back of right scape
  14. Eventually the odds will win out I guess. The anemone split into 3 and the smallest one started to bubble. Guess which one I'm keeping?
  15. Some new promising maricultures! I think I have enough now to fill the left side of the tank once I remove the birdsnest, stylo, and digitata currently sitting on the left scape.
  16. Oh wait, I just noticed the Yumas part. [emoji85]
  17. http://www.austinreefclub.com/index.php?/topic/34203-ricordea-mushroom-3-for-40
  18. I think that's just a sign to go get some sweet new mariculture pieces to "test" out your tank with. [emoji5]
  19. Makes sense. I was going to put one in my locker to let me know when to empty it, since it's tucked behind the sump so I don't have to stare at and smell the nastiness.
  20. Very nice! I'm torn whether to put it in my skimmer cup itself or in the skimmate locker. Do you run a skimmate locker?
  21. That's what I would do... just place the rock and sand in, fill it up halfway, toss in a powerhead, throw in some bottled bacteria for the heck of it, and let the cycle BEGIN!!! Bear in mine it may smell for a couple of days, depending on the condition of your rock and how much it really needs to cure.
  22. FarmerTy


    Oops, I've been working so much my head is cloudy and I'm not thinking straight. It's a nice fish, worth the drive since it's healthy and already acclimated to tank life.
  23. Maybe the water got super clean and killed them? And the only reason you read high phosphate was because of the deaths?
  24. That's how he leaves you wanting more Jim! Awesome salesmanship!
  25. Careful not to yank it down too fast too. Sounds like a good plan though.
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