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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. You got me but not nearly as much as glass, that's for sure. If I had to take a wild guess, I'd say 150 lbs.
  2. If this is the tank on craigslist, it's acrylic. Two people should be able to handle it quite easily. If it is not, please ignore this post.
  3. One of my Jaebo pumps went out on me for about 3 weeks before I noticed. What tipped me off was all the detritus that started settling in that corner of the tank... so I feel ya. You just assume everything is doing its job.
  4. Jeez bud! Did you just fall in love with your new LPS tank that you stopped looking in the main tank?! That might explain your colony deaths right there... I've always noticed birdsnest have been fickle with flow.
  5. FarmerTy

    Hello! :)

    Welcome to the club!
  6. He's good for intimidating people but don't ask him to clean the glass of your tank for you... unless you want to pick up all your corals off the floor. [emoji5]
  7. You da man James! [emoji39]
  8. By "waiting list" he isn't kidding. I tried to get him to frag a nub of stylo for about a year. Your application was almost approved but then the water sample showed bits of macro algae in there indicative of a display tank macro algae setup. The application was denied vehemently from that point pending removal of said algae from the DT.
  9. Where did you think I got the SOPs for the application process from? You're lucky I excluded the part of interviewing your kindergarten teacher! Ohhh... sugar... yummy... ohhh... more sugar...
  10. Did I mention the extensive waiting list?
  11. There is a pretty rigorous application process. Written applications with a photocopy of your ID attached... at least 3 references of people that have seen your tank and can vouch for your husbandry skills. Interviews with members from your last reef club and probably the worst, submittal of water samples to verify that the new home will be adequate for the SPS orphans.
  12. Likewise, save me a table, hopefully not next to Sherita and Pham as they'll put me to shame. I'm curious about the time as well and the logistics of setup for those setting up a table.
  13. I source from everywhere for variety too. Online, local members, LFSs, and trips to other cities. I still have a lineage of RBTAs from Evansville Indiana, fungias from San Diego, and some acros from Midland!
  14. A substantial majority of the phosphate is going to be sourced from food. The rest is either going to be leached from the rocks/sand or from the source water. I'd run those tests that Victoly mentioned to identify what else may be contributing. It doesn't hurt to run a tad more aggressive on the PO4 removal via GFO... perhaps this is a case where the high capacity GFO may be useful.
  15. I saw this system in person and it was a super clean, slick setup! Sorry to hear you're getting out Ky but I'm glad it's for good reasons!
  16. It looks like you are doing everything you need to do to address the problem. How long has it been since you changed the filters and DI resin last? I'm sure they are doing their job but was asking to see how long it's been since you have been using 0 TDS water. I'd estimate that I ran my DI spent for roughly 2 months... during that time I was dumping 14 TDS water into my tank. Cyano and macro algae grew like crazy! I've probably been running with 0 TDS the last month and the cyano and macro algae have decreased significantly but they are still there. I'm being patient with it as I'm sure there was a large accumulation of nutrients during that time and the macro algae and cyano got a foothold in my system. Eventually, my system will revert to its normal balance and the cyano and macro algae will go away. As long as you're seeing progress, I'd let it be and keep doing what you're doing. If not, perhaps look into shortening your light cycle or backing up on your whites channel and running more actinic? Any thoughts to the red LEDs in your fixture aiding in the macro growth? I'd also manually pull as much as possible. I can only lend to what I've experienced but I'll share what had worked for me for a SPS dominated system... oversized skimmer, GFO reactor, biopellet reactor, carbon, and CaRX. No water changes, no mechanical filtration (filter socks), and no vacuuming of the sand ever. Mileage may vary but it worked like a charm on my old 125-gallon and my 215-gallon. I even experimented a bit at the start of my 215-gallon and tried to remove pellets and also GFO but found the greatest success when I just repeated the same formula of my old tank. Hope the input helps!
  17. Sorry to hear JGon! For future reference, I typically end up using Furan 2 which can be found at most local stores but there are many options.
  18. To all the mothers out there, thank you!
  19. Perhaps a 5-gallon bucket with a small pump in it will suffice. Throw some pvc fittings in there for shelter and treat according to the directions of the medication. Keep an eye on ammonia levels and change water when needed.
  20. That decision is up to you Mike. I feel like it's worth it but some may disagree. The cheap ones aren't the best too so I don't know if that muddies the situation. Do some research on UV sterilizers and you'll see which ones are the good ones.
  21. Oh nice! Got me salivating on a Sunday morning! As long as I don't have to squint! [emoji23]
  22. Looks very sharp and clean... but I hate to be the one to tell you bud, but I think your sump is going to leak a lot. [emoji12]
  23. Don't forget to yell out Beetlejuice too or you'll never see the yellow.
  24. No no, if you put it under 10k lighting, put some sunglasses on with a blue filter, and kick one leg up into the air, you can see that it's yellow.
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