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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. FarmerTy


    Oh nice! I've seen several different variations of pink lemonade and they're all gorgeous!
  2. No video and photo submissions needed for that one Vu! [emoji5]
  3. FarmerTy


    Jim, you've already PM'ed me about them and we've discussed it back and forth already. You never answered me back on my last PM so I thought you were not interested anymore.
  4. No resumes here! Photograph and video submissions with alk data logs for the last 3 months!
  5. I'll have to interview your current SPS before you're approved. [emoji14]
  6. I'll have to check in the morning but I might have some workable sizes that I can frag.
  7. FarmerTy


    I have a small piece of pink lemonade Vu. It's growing really well now so when it gets to a fraggable size, I'll hit you up. Also have the ORA chips and pearlberry too.
  8. I'm all about acclimating but I've never had an acro die of too much light so that's not a cause of concern for me. I've had some bleach out but always survived the process. I either leave them there to attempt to regain coloration or move it back down. Mind you, I'm running halides so I can't attest to the same experience with other lighting sources, especially LED.
  9. Sounds like a bacterial bloom and you're doing the right thing by turning on the skimmer to skim it all out. The skimmer will help with oxygenating the water as well since the biggest danger of a bacterial bloom is the reduction of available oxygen in the water that can lead to suffocation of your fish and livestock.
  10. Awesomeness! I'm digging the scape on the new tank!
  11. New corals go 5-7 days on the sandbed and right to where I want them after that.
  12. Thanks for the reef talk, the good food, and the delicious beer Dan and Meg!
  13. It won't take long. Took my 2" piece 2 years to get about the size of a stuffed chicken!
  14. Remember, I'm bringing some freebie Palys courtesy of Victoly so be ready to grab some if you want them! I live off of water and beer so I'm set!
  15. And the winner... the host himself!
  16. Alright, I made a mess again and there's scraps all over my sandbed. From what I can see, 1 purple death polyp, one small nub of warp speed monti, small piece of Jedi mind trick, a bunch of purple stylo tips (like 5-7), and a bunch of screaming green birdsnest tips. First $20 gets it and one caviat, YOU MUST PICK IT UP AT THE MONTHLY MEETING TODAY AT DAN'S AT 3PM. NO EXCEPTIONS. PM is the key!
  17. I've been using the Red Sea Reef Energy B for about 1.5 years now. No complaints here but I only dose it 2x/week at 20ml/dose for 250 total gallons in my tank.
  18. You got me Vietpride... just a guess. Only birdsnest I've ever kept was the screaming green one.
  19. Doesn't look like the screaming green but definitely a birdsnest. I'd guess ponape or pink birdsnest?
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