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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Those screaming green birdsnest frags are really screaming now! Sorry, twisted sense of humor. I'll hook you up with more once your system stabilizes some.
  2. I'm stumped. Might require it to grow out first before anybody can tell. Is it hard or soft?
  3. I sense a new build thread coming soon!
  4. 125 gallons sounds to mesh up with the size of the tank much more.
  5. Is Phosguard the only thing you're using? Or are you using GFO too?
  6. Kill it with fire... I mean... kill it with lasers!!!
  7. That looks like a great looking frag setup! Free bump!
  8. I've been running carbon in a bag for 5 years now. A reactor is definitely not needed in my opinion so I hear ya.
  9. I still just stick to the small packets for calibration for pH. pH 4.0 and pH 10.0 react to air very quickly and will cause your calibration fluid to drift off its setpoint. We used to throw the larger bottles away all the time when I was an environmental consultant because of this issue. Of course, we were also being audited for our field practices by the government so maybe we had to be just a little more picky about it.
  10. I never added one Dan because after much research, it got me overly concerned with increasing evaporation rates when running dehumidifiers. Basically, you suck out a ton of moisture and the air is drier, causing more evaporation. It's kind of a circle effect. I opted to encase the whole tank and vent outside instead but I'm still working on sealing it up properly and making sure proper vent holes are added to the system. So, my venting project is still in beta test stages.
  11. You're gonna lose FarmerTy frag rights if you don't tame that anemone soon Makena! [emoji87]
  12. That's terrible Ky! I'm sorry man!
  13. Dremel, scalpel, and scissors usually.
  14. I'm going chopshop on those bad boys! C4 here I come!
  15. Got mine in the middle chamber. I just ran a 250-watt metal halide over it and built a rack. I run it from 8am to 12pm, my regular lights run 5pm-12pm.
  16. I think it is smaller personally, but I've never asked them. Just by looks... but we all know looks can be deceiving.
  17. I think the plan works well for placement as you have the higher light loving corals up top and the lower light loving corals down low. It's nice that you gave GSP it's own corner too! If you are switching the lights, I would heed your own advice and just leave everything on the sand and let them acclimate before moving anything permanently to the rocks.
  18. Why the sad face? Do you think you won't pass the alk log test? [emoji15]
  19. Looks great Shawn! That looks like a nice maturing tank to me! Those are pineapple sponges (please, no SpongeBob references) and are a great sign of a maturing system. That frag of yours is becoming more big and beautiful each day... I might just keep it. [emoji12] Hit me up anytime next week or next weekend. This weekend is my wife's graduation and we have all manner of people in town for it so I'll be out-of-pocket.
  20. I should say the ideal plan is to see if anybody in San Antonio can receive your SPS for you and babysit them in their system while you move and setup the new tank. Then you could just pick them up a couple months later and place them in your new tank. You can pay for the lease time in their tank with frags of your stuff.
  21. I don't think much is needed during transport. These things fly across the country in plastic bags with no water flow. I think 3 hrs to San Antonio will be just fine. The more difficult part is making sure the ensuing nutrient spike from the move of their current tank won't nuke them and then the new tank is properly cycled enough to contain them. If it were me, bag all sps up for transport, float them in a 5-gallon bucket, lower the water in the nano down to just above the sandbed, save all the water I removed, and make an extra 5-gallon bucket of new water. I'd pack the tank last after already packing everything else you're moving and then the tank also be the first thing you unpack when you get to your new place. I'd then setup the old tank again, put back in the old water, and replace the corals into the tank. I'd do a water change that night or the next day depending on other moving tasks that need to get done. Then I'd setup the new tank with the dry rock, seed it with one rock from the old tank, dump some bacterial jump start product and allow it to fully cycle... like 3-4 weeks. Then move over 1-2 test pieces and if they do well, then move the rest of your stuff.
  22. Funny you say that as I've been abusing this guy so that nobody will want a frag so I can let it grow out. I've been calling it names for months now and telling it it's worthless. [emoji12]
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