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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Something cheap and huge... and kind of swims slow. Only thing I can think of is a giant frogfish or lionfish! Did you use the stinky shrimp method to bait the trap? Thought about interceptor? It'll nuke your amphipod and copepod population though... as well as your cleanup crew. Actually, I ran across one article that observed molts from cleanup crew being used as a food source so you might even want to remove you CUC.
  2. I'm sure you read the reefkeeping article on isopods by now. I was thinking this in my head before I found the article... maybe they should get a large bait fish that's easy to catch and use it to remove the isopods. Well lo' and behold, that's exactly what the article described as an option to try. I'd hate to be that fish though and I'd honestly feel really guilty for doing that but I don't see many effective alternatives to quickly remove your tank of isopods.
  3. Sorry guys! It seems like you're dealing with an infestation now. There's got to be some way of wiping these guys out!
  4. What trigger? You see nothing...
  5. I like watching videos of other people's tanks because I can stare with reckless abandon without being judged.
  6. Yeah, I got inspired from your pictures/video of the tank.
  7. Just in case anybody wants to stare at my tank for 2 minutes straight...
  8. That was a dinner at 5:30pm... I promise we're not that old. Sometimes my wife and her bestie get into some random adventures together and I just get pulled into the craziness.
  9. We may have downed a bottle after you guys left.
  10. I got to answer to a wife that's not a reefer! Some of us aren't so lucky as to have our wive's into the hobby as well.
  11. Haha, that wrasse is hilarious and super creepy at the same time! Good having you and Meg over to witness that!
  12. Test subjects don't usually have much of a choice in the matter... *cue maniacal laughter*
  13. No, I wouldn't wait until August but I'm not fish master so... take my advice with a grain of salt.
  14. I will say that I had turned off my skimmer and UV for a couple days just to see what happens and my water got really cloudy from all the bacteria being produced with biopellets and my emperor looked like he was getting ich on his fins. Turned them both back on and the water cleared in a day and he's looking pretty good again. I do like my experiments...
  15. I'd wait for as long as needed to get rid of those isopods and that's about it.
  16. Hey, take a water sample in the areas around the coral. I want to see what the parameters are! Rumor has it your alk at home is 10.8 dKh and no SPS are touching and burning each other. [emoji6]
  17. Original plan. Ich is the one disease I would want versus any of the other stuff out there.
  18. I usually just blow it away with a pipette or turkey baster. I wouldn't actually try to brush it off if possible.
  19. More like boring boring! Who wants to look at all those awesome tabling corals and maxima clams hiding in coral colonies? Pshhh... lame!
  20. I'd highly recommend calling if it's time sensitive like this.
  21. I'm still waiting for one of the LFSs to offer up an all you can grab shopping spree for fish. 2 minutes, one net, all the fish you can catch in that timeframe. [emoji7]
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