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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Alright, update pic of the emperor changing to adult coloration. He's definitely got more yellow and his tail is yellow now. Keep going dude! My pencil wrasse... everytime I look at him, I think of the old koi pond we had when I was a kid. He's very koi like.
  2. I'm following in your lead Juiceman!
  3. I like to pair them up with more aggressive acros to sting back their advances. It doesn't always work out though!
  4. We're like two ships passing in the sea Dan! I used to have a webcam (old phone running IPwebcam) on mine but after rearranging the room a bit, I lost my convenient mounting location for it. I only had access setup during certain hours though to avoid the cleaning glass in my underwear forgetfulness that could happen.
  5. Now if we're talking tank webcam access... indeed!
  6. I'm all for sharing but oddly, for some reason I don't want others on my Fusion? Now if you're watching my tank for me while I'm off diving in Tahiti... that's another thing. It is cool that allowing access is so easily done with Fusion.
  7. I will sir! I'm being dragged to a free 80s symphony somewhere so I'm sadly going to miss out! [emoji22] Pour some saltwater on the ground for me Jake! Great stock list sir!
  8. I'll have sunset monti and Jedi mind trick for sale at the C4 conference... June 20th.
  9. I'll bring my red fungia!
  10. Purple stylophora... but I could just be making that name up. [emoji39] Fungia party at Liz's! [emoji322] [emoji322]
  11. I'd hit up Mframe, Mike. He's the head honcho.
  12. Does she get free snacks and drinks too? If so, I'm in! Baby, I got you a gold torch for graduation... *smack in the back of the head*... but Woods told me you'd like it!
  13. Hey Jake, my wife graduated from grad school this year. Does she get the super-ultra graduate of 2015 discount?
  14. Looks good sir! Is that giant tube your pointer?
  15. You can buy mine Brian. It's right down the street from work for you and already has a sweet 215-gallon in it. All for the low, low price of $350k. [emoji41]
  16. I'll wave my pH probe and see if it helps.
  17. I'd like to think they'll get a free tank consultation during the process too but I may be overselling my tank knowledge there! [emoji6]
  18. I'm a big fan of extracting the original colony once it has encrusted and grown out on the rocks. It works well with zoas too. Place your frag, let it encrust and grow over the rock... then remove the original frag and let the encrusted coral grow back over the removed original frag. In this case, it was a giant original frag so... a giant hole was left in the middle to grow back over. I've found that it'll grow over it pretty quickly in these cases since the colony is generally happy and encrusted already, and growing back over the hole on all sides. Then, you have an instant mini colony to be able to cut up and sell off.
  19. Mike, a couple of folks and I have been working on a tank tour for July 12th, in the afternoon. More details to come as it comes to fruition but just wanted to mention.
  20. Hello ARC, I know I don't post on here much in the official capacity as a professional member but it's not really my style. I don't prefer to be in your face about the fact that I'm a real estate agent. I'm just happy to be here and help whenever you need to reach out to me. I wanted to say to all previous or current real estate clients of mine, if you're at C4, please feel free to drop by my setup and grab any 2 free frags of your choice. [emoji4] I plan to do this every year and you will have the opportunity to grab 2 free ones at each event annually for as long as I continue to do the frag swap. Thank you very much for the opportunity to help you with your real estate needs and trust me, I do miss hanging out with each one of you and getting to talk shop while looking for homes/listing your home. For those that are not previous or current real estate clients of mine, do remember that I give out 3 free frags with referrals for someone looking to buy/sell a home. [emoji106] Happy Reefing, -Ty the Real Estate Guy
  21. I try to keep people entertained! [emoji39]
  22. More carnage: I'm getting started on the zoas tonight! [emoji322]
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