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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Haha, I've been looking to change the name up for awhile now... especially since I haven't owned a Jeep for almost 3 years now. But I'd be lying if said that the sound of a FarmerTy Red Lotus Blossom Acro sounds terrible. [emoji41]
  2. It makes me sad to inform everyone that JeeperTy is retiring from the saltwater hobby. He had a good run on ARC since 2007 but it's time for him to move on! On a happier note, FarmerTy will take over for JeeperTy and continue the award-winning videos with awful music, mad-scientist experiments, and seemingly endless babbling on reef-related and non-reef-related subjects to whoever he can force to listen to him.
  3. Sorry, nothing in my bag of tricks to do that with zoas. I have to manually cut and scrape to get them off the rock and I don't see how someone could do that in the tank with a 30" height on it as well. Maybe someone else will chime in with a mind-blowing technique!
  4. None really. They were close to being the same on reliability. I just like the ability to control the CARX feed pump separately if needed. You'll need to check with the reactor you buy. The Korallin was optimized to work slightly under pressure. Most aren't so feeding it too much will cause issues with leaks and inefficient co2 usage.
  5. The first thought that came to my mind was that thing is bigger than 3 of my tanks end to end! And has rows of never ending razor sharp teeth! To top it all off, she's eating for two! Those guys are nuts to be in that water!
  6. Color was looking great as well as the health of the corals. I'm a control freak so take my opinion with a grain of salt... remove the zoas and put them on their own rock as discussed. Either that or put something on all sides to sting them back and halt their progression. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  7. Wow! That's pretty crazy! Glad everything turned out okay! Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  8. Beautiful specimen! Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  9. I'm a big fan of my magflipper! Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  10. I ran my Korallin off of a manifold, a Tom's aqualifter, and a maxi jet 600. I think I got the most consistent results from the maxijet. I currently run my no-name brand CARX (I suspect its a Precision Marine) off of my manifold with a flow valve on it and it's worked just fine as is. I will most likely build my next one out of PVC and make it giant! But that's a project down the road. Just a quick note, the Korallin's estimated usage is grossly over exaggerated. It handles a lot less than advertised but typically the stated number the Carx is rated for is for light use on most CaRXs. IME, the Korallin C1502 can handle 100 gallon max for a full SPS tank like my old 125-gallon but most don't run that SPS heavy.
  11. Tank was looking great Sascha! Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  12. How's the tub working out?Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  13. Oh, I gotcha. You do have some rock in there. Sorry, just had to say something because I thought it was just shrimp in an empty tank. Haha. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  14. I always did the 3 taps when inverted to check for bubbles. It's basically all muscle memory now after 10 years of that. No tapping these days in real estate other than tapping on walls to see if they are load bearing. [emoji4]
  15. I've run two different ones off of manifolds and also a maxi jet 600. Takes a little dialing but never needed a peristaltic. I know Ol Aggie has a peristaltic and it's quite loud... reminds me of my water sampling days. Luckily he has all his equipment in a closet away from the tank.
  16. Maybe I'm missing the point but the whole point of starting the cycle was to seed your live rock with bacteria. If you have no rock in there, you're only seeding the surfaces of the glass tank, which comparatively in surface to the rock, is barely anything. Or do you have sand in there you're seeding? Sorry if it's a dumb question.
  17. Convex on top, water in the lid, no bubbles. He nailed it Victoly! He didn't fill out a chain-of-custody but I'll forgive him this time since he was on his honeymoon.
  18. Haha, no bubbles for sure. He's been practicing his water sampling well!
  19. One is for sure an acro crab and is beneficial. The other I have no idea.
  20. 7.3 to 7.7 shouldn't have caused any problems unless maybe the acro was on its way out already. I've had 1.5 dKh jumps in a day and unless it was an unhealthy piece, usually much didn't happen. If it was sustained high or low is when I had the problems.
  21. Sorry to hear sir. Those isopods sure seem frustrating. How are your water parameters? Has your alk been pretty stable with the CaRX? Was this a new acro or one that's been in the system for a bit?
  22. No, it was not kept on ice and there were air bubbles in the sample so I would have had to flag the results on the lab report... just kidding... environmental consulting humor. It's because I didn't have enough volume of the sample to run the nitrate test so I had to pick what was of more interest. I could almost guess the nitrates were close to zero so I didn't run it.
  23. Yeah, I've actually enjoyed the batches of maricultures coming in. It's a new aspect of SPS that I'm quite enjoying. Finding the buried treasure amongst the sea of maricultures. I do find offense from the retailers naming them and selling them before they color up to their final color but it's up to the customers to demand better. For now, I like my gambling to be with full colonies and with no promises if they'll be duds or awesome... instead of someone showing me photos to make me think it's going to be awesome when the final colors and form... nobody has a clue on yet. My joy now is mixing up the mariculture treasures with old school favorites, like the oregon tort, hawkins echinata, pink lemonade... etc.
  24. Got my money on the red planet! I dare say most of AquaSDs acros are pastel not from zeo, but from the fact that they are fresh from the mariculture facility. Unless its one of their pieces that they've had a mother colony for awhile, the final color is as good of a guess to anyone. They just name based on the color they colored up with within the first few weeks in their system and begin to chop it up. There are gems to be found out there though. None of my acros look anything like they did when I ordered their mille pack but there's a couple that colored up wonderfully.
  25. I hear one year is typically the amount of time for a complete change from juvenile to adult form.
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