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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Thanks Jim! The growth rate on it is pretty amazing. It's definitely one of my faster growers!
  2. Those are actually his guards from the hordes of urchins and giant zebra turbo snails that are itching to mow him over!
  3. My ORA chips was getting just a little too close to my secret frag rack on the back wall of my tank. That tabling growth form and it's hairy disposition is something else! Everytime I try to take a colony shot, it always comes out bad because it's right below a brace and hard to get a good angle at it so I figured just to snap a pic of the frag.
  4. It's all about the small victories in life. During my SPS deaths from the tank upgrade, I was able to save out of my entire ORA red planet colony... just a nub of it with only two polyps on it. Now, it's still a nub but at least the polyp count is above 20 these days! It even regained it's color and displaying red and green now! [emoji41]
  5. I'll definitely do that and throw some awful background music in there too!
  6. Pure evil... that is... evil genius!!!
  7. Besides the increase between May 23rd and June 12th there's an increase between April 11th and May 2nd as well. My experience things are never linear very long if ever in reef systems. Getting rid of nuisance algae I just about always see things have little variation for a while and then very quickly show big changes. (Sorry about the quality of the pictures but my cell phone's been acting screwy. There are several pictures I can view but when I connect it with my PC to down load them the PC doesn't see them. The pictures should be a lot larger also.) Just use the Tapatalk app Tim. You can upload directly from the app on your phone and the pics are in full resolution.
  8. Man... I better listen to the wife on this one. I better hold off!
  9. Stomatella snail... reef friendly... should have a half shell on it. They actually reproduce in reef tanks if you have enough of them.
  10. Hmmm... gets me thinking....
  11. You might not recognize him at the rate he's been changing to an adult!
  12. How far are you away to free shipping?
  13. I haven't had a chance to peek in my sump for a bit now since I've been swamped with work and life itself has gotten very busy but I have been noticing more algal growth lately so I took a look just to check on things. Apparently my biopellets started clogging up a bit and weren't tumbling as fast as they normally do and my NO3 shot up to 12ppm. Nothing of note but enough to have some little spots of macro pop up on the rocks. I adjusted the flow and presto... back in action. I'd imagine the nitrates will be back to 0.25 ppm in a couple of weeks again. I hope to have some time this summer to be able to finish the stand/canopy and also slowly implement the LED test on my DT.
  14. I'd kill the flow in there while you're doing it so any disturbed detritus doesn't go floating into your DT. Maybe even follow up with sucking out all the water in that chamber and then using that as part of your water change.
  15. Did you ever figure out about your Nitrate test kit? Do you have the same Red Sea Pro version that can read high and low nitrates depending on dilution?
  16. Don't know how long your feeder was dumping food into your tank but you could have bound phosphates in your live rock. That'll take awhile to remove with an aggressive GFO attack plan. Still got me stumped on the nitrates. The biopellets should be knocking those out unless somehow your bacteria in the reactor died off and hasn't regained population.
  17. I wish I had input for you sir but the laminate floor my metal stand is on I've already deemed to be replaced upon move-out so I didn't care if it got screwed up with the tank on top of it. I will say that I don't like the idea of something like a rug or felt that can hold water as it will make it more difficult to dry under there and allow for rust to possibly form quicker. Just my 2 cents.
  18. You can count me as 2 people Chris. I've been fragging a lot of corals lately and I got a grip that could crush Jello like nothing. If you can aim for morning, that would be ideal as I'm hitting up the Beatles exhibit with my father-in-law that afternoon for some Father's Day action!
  19. What do you use for nutrient export Mike?
  20. Just for fun: 347 ppm CO2 outdoors 637 ppm CO2 indoors
  21. Beautiful, I think you assuaged my fears sir. Victoly just told me the same so two environmental consultants signing off is good enough for me. [emoji4]
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