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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Does that mean Dan gets a frag of red dragon and bananarama? I bet he just needed to feel a bit at home first before he mellowed out.
  2. There are spies everywhere!!!
  3. Oh nevermind, had a brain fart. Guess your only option is to run two 3' fixtures.
  4. Just a thought into the bulb replacement costs but it's almost nearly the same price to purchase a 3' T5 bulb versus a 6' T5 bulb. I think's it's a whole $4 more. In essence, going with two 3' fixtures will almost double your bulb costs. Perhaps just not run the rock and corals all the way to the edges of the tanks?
  5. ATI LED hybrid and I bet you can just reuse the same piece of wood but drill some new holes for the fixture.
  6. Mycedium? Oxypora? I just lump all those similar types as chalices.
  7. I'm being obnoxiously mysterious Jim! [emoji4]
  8. Good meeting you liquafried! The corals sound like they are going to a good home! Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  9. Oh what could be in the QT? I'll give you a hint... there are 2 fishes. [emoji6] I'm just surprised that I could get such good coloration from the corals without a skimmer and GFO!
  10. Busted! I can't even spell out alk these days which is why I abbreviate. [emoji41]
  11. Nice! I'm out in "the field" so I leaned on you man! Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  12. Uh, can you hook a brother up with a conversion? [emoji41]
  13. I put mine in the corner of the steel stand and put a bungee cord on it. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  14. I've tried it before and I wasn't a big fan of all the particles in the water. Looks like the one you bought also has gel binder. I try to stay away from gel binder as I remember reading somewhere that it isn't the best for our fish friends... but that could just be hearsay.
  15. Is it more efficient than GFO? Know anything about the toxicity or its use in reef environments?
  16. My fixture is about 9" off the water and 34" to the sandbed. The disco effect isn't really pronounced at all. I only noticed it because I'm used to just pure light from the MH bulbs. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  17. It's not too far off but a little bluer than I like. I'll aim to do my best to match the color spectrum as my corals adjust to the LED light.Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  18. I'll drop a bulb on the ground for all my fallen MH brothers...
  19. I think that describes all of us. FREE RBTAs for everyone!!!
  20. I think this is the infectious enthusiasm the Secret Reefer was talking about. The positive vibes are just oozing off your post! Congrats!
  21. How about more slightly dim/bluer tint side?
  22. Aw man! I just wrote a bunch of thoughtful insights and observations and Tapatalk lost it all! Abridged version: I matched the spectral quality and estimated par to about the same as the MH that it replaced. Pros: cool to the touch, color reproduction good (purples were better) Cons: blue tint in all photos, slight disco effect in shadows... nothing crazy though
  23. It begins! The FarmerTy LED era! I swapped out the left MH with a Ocean Revive Artic T247 fixture. LED-lit side: MH-lit side: Both together:
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