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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Wow! Fancy! I'm a little embarrassed of my 75-gallon resealed fish tank as a sump with random stuff thrown in it now... Great build!
  2. Live rock straight from the ocean scares me to no end. Last I remember, the original poster had mantis shrimp for sure and a lot of unknown algae on the rocks. I don't really see a reason for this practice anymore unless the person just loves the natural look of sponges, clams, barnacles, and macro algae. Most will die off anyways as we don't have the populations of planktonic and benthic food sources to sustain them. Then you're left with a few sponges, whatever rogue mantis shrimp are left, and rocks covered in macro. Not the look I want but I won't knock anybody who enjoys all the natural life that can be found on these rocks. When they first come in, they look amazing. I'm just a control freak and don't like the idea of unknown animals/pests/algae being introduced to my tank. Plus, it's crazy expensive and I'm cheap too! [emoji41] Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  3. Yeah, the linkia stars were just an experimental addition. I was wondering if I had bacterial levels, pods levels, detritus levels, or whatever population of food that they'll eat to stay alive. It's interesting that they've been alive since the Spring and I still have never seen them feed... up until the eaten portions on the tubinaria were witnessed. If they just take little chunks out of my montis and tubinaria... then they can have at it... especially the montis as I can almost guarantee they'll grow back faster than they have been eating it. I've witnessed the same with the asterina stars in tanks. IMO, all the complaints about stars eating zoas is mainly because the zoas were dying already and they are just doing their jobs, cleaning up. The linkia starfish however was definitely over a healthy tubinaria coral and there were pieces missing afterwards. Again, I don't mind, snack away my friends. Haha. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  4. Interesting observation today but I had noticed my blue linkia starfish laying on my new hero coral last night. He was still there this morning. When the lights came on, I noticed that some of the tips of the coral were gone and patches of flesh as well. Could it be that the linkia snacked on my hero coral? I've also heard that they may eat some montis as well.
  5. I added a flame angel with marine velvet that wiped half my tank. I over-tightened a union valve and had 5,550 gph hit me right in the chest. I didn't tie my carbon bag well enough and had a cup of carbon scattered over my sandbed. I allowed AEFW and bryopsis into my old 125-gallon system due to poor QT measures or lack thereof entirely. I moved a 180-gallon tank that I had resealed all by myself and managed to crack the bottom pane of glass. I didn't cover an overflow pipe with a snail guard in my old tank and it overflowed and shorted out some of my equipment. I overdosed vodka and killed off 3 of my longest living fish (3-4 years with me). I'm sure I could go on and on but the rest of them has been blocked out by my memory. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  6. A nice little side shot of the tank to end the weekend with!
  7. Good chatting with you sir! Thanks for coming by!
  8. I'll setup a timeshare instead!
  9. Let's hear them! Share what you got! I'll start it off with my own blunder... accidentally knocking off the tubing to the external port on my skimmer collection cup. I was basically skimming out tons of nastiness and dumping it right back into my tank. Reefer Fail! [emoji17]
  10. Mental note, to export nutrients, you need to have your skimmer actually remove the nasty stuff instead of just dump it back into you system through the external port hole. Looks like my tubing slipped off the port hole to the additional skimmate reservoir so my skimmer was just dumping it all back into my tank. I wouldn't imagine for more than 2 weeks as I emptied an almost full reservoir at that time. I must have just knocked it loose when putting everything back together. My reefer fail moment of the week. [emoji17]
  11. Jim, those quick release fittings are the same one's that Ocean Revive uses on their Artic T247 LED. They work awesome and raising, lowering, and leveling fixtures is a cinch.
  12. I don't like it. You should just sell me the fixtures and go back to LED only. [emoji13]
  13. That would make a lot of sense. [emoji15]
  14. No problem Justin! Sorry about running so late from the game!
  15. I'm guessing by the picture that you have a 20 gallon tank and not a 20 liter (~5 gal) tank? Though maybe a tad oversized, but I'm a big fan of the Ocean Revive T247 fixtures or the non digital version, S026 leds. You'd have to turn them very low on your tank but at least it'll work if you ever decide to upgrade your tank size. I like it because it's affordable and gives you, at least in my opinion, the best bang for your buck. You can get a fixture for around $150-$200 shipped. You can go buy the more expensive LED fixtures but I don't consider them any better from what I've seen of other people's tanks that have them. I just consider those brands better at marketing... they're still great lights, just not $400-$500 great IMO, especially when there are fixtures half the price that perform just as well. You give up some dimming features and maybe some control options via a tank controller but light for light, just as good and half the price.
  16. Updated quantities in 1st and 2nd post. Have 1 forest fire frag available now. Out this weekend for pickup but should be mostly available next week. Anything not sold by next weekend is headed to a LFS near you.
  17. Let me see if I can intercept this truck and get me some sweet new lights! [emoji12]
  18. Great behind-the-scenes tour of BML this evening. Cara even let us see some of the crazy new fixtures coming out in the near future! Really cool stuff!
  19. Very nice! That's what I'm talking about! Look at the setosa too! Wow! It's grown so much!
  20. I know a good Realtor! [emoji41] You know A realtorA as in Awesome?
  21. You sir are a true salesman! Well done! [emoji38]
  22. Photos are everything for a listing. I'll send over my listing contract but we'll need to hire a professional photographer. We'll need to stage it too so I'll have my stager come by and blow all the sand off it... place some nice corals around it too, and have some decorative fishes swimming by it. We'll get it sold in no time and above market value!
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