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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. You are 100% correct! About the cutest thing ever! Sorry if my wording was off but I'm not looking to give him away. He was gifted to me.
  2. Somehow I ended up with a free rock beauty angelfish. I'd like to thank the thoughtful person who gifted this beautiful fish to me. He's tiny as all get out... about the size of a half-dollar... has some torn front fins... potentially from being housed with an aggressor... but otherwise looks healthy and happy. The tough part is getting him to feed but I aim to knock that part out and let him join the community as an unexpected guest in due time after some good weeks of healthy eating. Bring on the legions of angels now that most of my softies and LPS have been removed!
  3. Did you forget to put on the list... rub it in to everyone on ARC that you're on a beach somewhere? [emoji4] Because you can check that one off the list. [emoji12]
  4. I'll be there around noon hopefully sir!
  5. They could charge me my first born son and I'd probably still get it... as long as it gives accurate results!
  6. Yeah, I'm near that area. Had to put out a warning to my friends/neighbors that night until they found it. Poor kid!
  7. I like the ecobak brand, been using them for years now and recently switched to their ecobak plus formula and it's working great. Make sure they tumble nicely, good rolling tumble but not too violent... make sure you start with 1/2 the recommended amount on the bottle and slowly add more after a month or so if needed. Make sure the output is either plumbed directly to the skimmer (a pvc T-fitting works great) or at least in the skimmer compartment in your sump.Hopefully that's not one of my frags STNing. I'm a big fan of superglueing the STNing flesh and a little above it too stop the STN.
  8. Got a wedding, otherwise I'd help sir. Have fun!
  9. I've added another item to my list... go taste coconut porter at Richard's place while staring at his tanks...
  10. They're in observation right now in the frag area. I like to make sure my corals are in good condition before they move out on their own.
  11. Aw dang... you just reminded me I need to soak my pumps too! [emoji17]
  12. You're calling my list massive? [emoji15]
  13. Tell her it eats yellow tangs Jim! Like Monty Python and the Holy Grail style!
  14. -Reaquascape the left side of the tank. -Glue down frags/mini colonies and let everything start growing out! -take final par readings for the new leds -frag some corals that need it
  15. Thought it'd be a fun idea to know what your fellow reefers might be up to on the weekends. Post your "to do" lists on this thread for the weekend. What is even more fun is to check Monday morning and see what actually got done! [emoji48]
  16. No rush. Let's make sure your tank is good and happy so this guy can survive for many more generations of clones! [emoji4]
  17. You're telling me! My last 11 years in reefkeeping have all been a lie... worst part is I've been spreading the lie. Oh yeah, alveopora is a cousin to the goniopora... liar FarmerTy! Liar! [emoji17] You know nothing!
  18. Once that emperor gets to full adult coloration, I'll stitch together all the pictures I've taken to show his progression. Quite the dramatic change since I got him. The duss is starting to get his adult color as well. Hopefully the colors darken up more and more as he gets bigger! Then when he's stunning... I'll have to give him up to you... [emoji17]
  19. Thanks Cameron! You've got a much better headstart than I did on saltwater tanks so I expect some amazing tanks out of you over the years!
  20. Finally got the guy Makena! How's your tank recovery doing? You need some more time before I ship this guy over to you?
  21. Dussemeri tang Emperor angel color update
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