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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Get the new Ocean Revive T247-B. It's on sale right now and has digital lighting control instead of the manual switch knobs like the S026 (great because it's only one AC plug instead of 2). http://www.oceanrevivellc.com/goods.php?id=21 The new "B" fixture has expandable legs so you can mount off the tank rim and not have to hang it. The color reproduction is great over my tank. I'm not going to ever turn anyone away from T5s as I think they have the greatest color rendition on SPS but tell me I don't have to change bulbs, worry about heat, and save electricity without sacrificing too much color and I'm sold. I've had great success with them with softies, LPS, and most importantly to me, SPS. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  2. Perhaps Epsom salt? I seem to remember that it helped some fish with loosening up bowel movements. I can't remember the concentration used but a quick google search will probably turn up something.
  3. Thank you sir! If my emperor ever changes his mind, I'll hit you up. [emoji6]
  4. I've stuck with the WP series, knowing they are the older model. The main reason is they produce more of a direct stream which is conducive with my wave program settings to move water in my 6' wide tank. Otherwise, I'd have already switched to the RW series.
  5. Awww... don't make me watch my own video! I only make those to punish others! [emoji23] Those are grandis palys... the only zoas/palys that my emperor will not destroy besides the nuclear greens I have. You mean to tell me that you did not know exactly where you were pointed in the tank at that time in the video and couldn't tell me from memory what I was talking about.Larry, I couldn't even tell you what I ate this morning! [emoji4]
  6. Awww... don't make me watch my own video! I only make those to punish others! [emoji23] Those are grandis palys... the only zoas/palys that my emperor will not destroy besides the nuclear greens I have.
  7. I buy the Jaebo WP40s for $60/pump usually. The Ecotech MP40 is around $350/pump. I can almost buy 6 Jaebos for 1 Ecotech. I'll hedge my bets that my 6 Jaebos will last longer than my 1 Ecotech. I don't care about fancy flow patterns for the Ecotech as I hook my Jaebo to my Apex and it goes through customized modes of flushing left, flushing right, both pumps on, wave modes, and random modes. For me, it's a win with the Jaebos... until Ecotech starts dropping their price. Then it's a different story.
  8. Funny because I only see the green with the frags under the LEDs in the frag tank. The colony under the MH hardly shows that much green.
  9. Thank you sir. I'm still waiting for the colors in the SPS to start changing from the LED swap but they still haven't. Perhaps it's a slower change so I'll keep watching out for it. If they don't change at all, then you have me sold on LEDs. [emoji41]
  10. Whipped up this new video last night. This is what I end up doing when I'm overworked and tired! I make videos of the tank and take pictures. [emoji30]
  11. I'm with Woods. They're so cheap, if I get 1-2 years out of each, worth it for me then buying the higher priced pumps at $300-$400/pump.
  12. As I understand it, the Tunze product is just a "safety connector" that automatically switches the power source when the AC power is lost. It does not supply a power source, you have to give it a power source. The UPS and the Jaebo product supplies power in case of your power going out. It is essentially your "safety connector" and power source.
  13. Larry, Jaebo actually does make a battery backup. It's next on my list of toys to buy down the road. http://m.fish-street.com/coralbox_powercell_for_jebao_battery_pump__dc_pump
  14. Larry, diatoms usually appear because of silicates in the water. Typically from new sand that is used to start the tank and possibly from your source water for water changes and top off. It's just another "ugly" phase the tank will go through while it's reaching for stability. I normally ignore this development and keep my husbandry practices the same during this "outbreak" as it usually goes away once all the silicates have been used up in your system, assuming your source water does not continue to be a source of silicates. Long post short... just let it be is what I usually do. It'll go away by itself.
  15. Got a new method now. It comes with some risk to the DT but I am getting better results than my current QT practices. I've just lost too many fishes lately to my QT that I don't trust it anymore. -Freshwater dip for 5 mins (to observe for marine flukes) -acclimate in the QT for observation for a couple days (treat if necessary in QT tank) -if everything looks good, put the fish in my sump -continue to monitor the fish in the sump and acclimate it to pellets/flakes/nori/mysis (it can pick off pods/sponges/algae in the sump as supplemental food) -once fully acclimated and eating well, in the DT it goes. Note, I'd only do this since I have a gigantic UV filter that is hooked up between the sump and DT. All water that leaves the sump and goes to the DT must pass through this. While it doesn't guarantee all potential parasites are killed, a good majority of them will be. That to me is worth the risk then to continue to see fish die slowly in QT. I should mention the deaths in the QT tank are generally considered sensitive fishes.
  16. +1 Just ignore it. You'll do more harm chasing pH than just leaving it be.
  17. He's an angel Mike! He belongs in a SPS tank! He'll might turn on your juicy looking LPS and softies in no time!
  18. My Thunder = stolen Thanks guys! Here's the video anyways... I made the music extra ridiculous to punish you guys for your comments.
  19. Nice! I used a similar pet food container for my skimmate locker and went with a larger dog food container that had wheels for my ATO container (~12 gallons). I just drilled a tap in the back and put in a manual float valve and presto... done. I haven't gotten around to putting electronic float switches connected to my Apex yet to let me know when it's empty but that'll be down the line.
  20. Sad day! That thing looked so pretty! Potter's/leopard wrasses are known to not ship well so perhaps something happened during shipping that caused his death down the line. They also have a higher incidences of worms so a good prazipro treatment is always on the books for me with them. I'd be surprised if the flower anemone did it in.
  21. Come on by Patrick! I got the perfect thing to pay forward to you! [emoji33]
  22. I'll fall on my fragging shears for the shame and dishonor I have brought upon my screen name!
  23. Alright, going to be the first to fess up! I got nothing done because I was showing houses all weekend. [emoji17]
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