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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Just a quick update that I wanted to share with all my fellow ARCers. As business has been growing, I've made the decision to grow with it to better meet the needs of my clients. I have currently added two showing agents and hopefully a third to my team down the road to better serve my clients. I also have hired a part-time real estate assistant to better help me keep everything running nice and smooth with the business. As always, your support on this club has always been one of my biggest avenues of business, not just directly with your own home purchases but of those friends and family you trust me with to assist with their needs. I owe a lot to this club and the friends I've met on it as well! I'm looking forward to thanking everyone at the next meeting I am able to host. Please make use of the referral system and keep getting those free frags! The tank is going into full frag production mode just for you guys and it's cruising along. Alright, that's all the salesmanship I can muster about my business for now. I'll let the shameless self-promotion go into hibernation mode for another quarter or so. Hey, at least I didn't make a video with cheesy music! Happy Reefing! -Ty
  2. I still have a couple of previous real estate clients who haven't capitalized on the two free frags for the year! I never thought I'd have to beg people to come pick up free frags!
  3. Contemplating a quarterly frag-a-thon to streamline coral sales from this point on...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheOceanTraveler


      I'm in. Great idea

    3. Gig 'em @ NDstructible

      Gig 'em @ NDstructible

      Will these be held at your house while we all stand in front of your tank and yell out what we want Wall Street style?

    4. mFrame


      we could definitely coordinate it with the monthly meetings for deliveries

  4. Poor grad student... will program for money!
  5. You programming phobe you! This device does nothing to alter the state of your tank, it just says "hey there's a problem". Can you leave your job to fix a problem? If not, what good does it do to notify you that something is awry? I think what Victoly is saying is that he'll program your Apex for you. [emoji12]
  6. Best scenario is to have both, Apex and Mindstream. One monitors and the other can control equipment for auto control of foundation elements. I love the concept but hate the price and the monthly replacement. If it ever becomes cheaper, I may be open to it. For now, my system runs itself just with the Apex and the only thing I have to do is test my alk weekly and the rest of the parameters quarterly.
  7. If you suspect it of having a lot of bound phosphates, test the water. If it does, employ lathanum chloride or GFO in a reactor to lower phosphates.
  8. I like to soak them in RO/DI water for a couple of days. Afterwards, I swap out the RO/DI water for saltwater from my tank and throw a pump in there. I top off water for evaporation but basically leave it as is, maybe throw a few pellets of food in there to help the cycle. After I get passed the "smelly" period, I slowly add the rock to my system one at a time over a period of a couple of weeks to not disrupt my tank stability.
  9. Well, this is direct progeny from the original Colorado Sunburst. The owner of Elite Reefs has about 11 in her tank I believe. Once one splits, she moves it to the store to sell. So, I'd say the colors have shown they can be maintained for a quite awhile. Now, the question is, will it be maintained once I put it under LEDs. Elite Reef kept it under a 400-watt MH so I put it under mine to not have to fight acclimation too much.
  10. I gave it some krill last night. Daddy needs to make some of his money back on this thing! It made quite the dent!
  11. Ding ding ding, we have a winner. I snuck off to Denver to go to a wedding this weekend. What else do you do in Colorado but hit up fish stores while you have some free time. And what better thing to pick up while you're there than one of these bad boys. Colorado sunburst anemone! A present to myself for working so hard! This thing totally lives up to the hype! It's under my 400-watt halide and it is stunning! You should have seen it under the LEDs when I was acclimating it! Wild!
  12. FarmerTy

    New Member

    I used to inhabit nanoreef.com back in the day when I was rocking the nano cube. Glad you've decided to join ARC. There are some great people on here. Hope all the corals are doing well.
  13. Still have her sitting here waiting for her new home! [emoji4]
  14. Good meeting you DrGodzilla and I enjoyed the chatting about tanks! I hope they all do well in the new setup. I was serious about the beers for frags system... especially if you're brewing! Ty...brewing now! A Belgian style bouble bock, AKA the Stupid Making Beer at around 9.5% ABV,Thanks for the stuff! In awe of your setup. Your frags are doing very mell in my 2G...the favia will make it into the 20G in a week or two. E I need me some Stupid! [emoji13]
  15. Is a fish boy anything like a cabana boy? If that's the case, I'd be more worried if I was you!
  16. I hear ya. My boss walked in one day, looked up when I had the canopy open, and then just walked away. She's like, I don't even want to know! I had her fooled for a good long time since I matched the spectrum so well. My lighting switch passed the wife test!
  17. Tank looks good! What's the word on the lighting? You switch yet?
  18. I have 4 snails in my entire 215-gallon. Sea urchins, giant zebra snails (the size of a racquetball), and sea cucumbers is where it's at! Don't even mention hermit crabs in my presence please.
  19. http://www.advancedaquarist.com/blog/even-in-the-red-sea-xenia-are-taking-over
  20. I really need to get some sleep. I'm starting to see cap corals on thermometers.
  21. Good meeting you DrGodzilla and I enjoyed the chatting about tanks! I hope they all do well in the new setup. I was serious about the beers for frags system... especially if you're brewing!
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