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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Slow processes here guys. You're probably not going to see anything significant for a couple weeks, IME.
  2. I've got this pest anemone in my tank. Just throwing it out there so people are forewarned before buying stuff from me. Buyer beware if this is on your frag.
  3. Maybe you're the only one who made it to the other side of the mountain?
  4. Awesome pack Sam! Austinites have it good! That's a $300 pack at the retail level, not including shipping!
  5. Yes, but after the organics have already broken down releasing nitrates and phosphates. The biopellets and GFO attack the brrakdown products. Why not remove the source organics first? Either way, I say preference because I don't think there's that much of a difference. In all honesty, a tank that size, 20% water changes every 2 weeks and thats all you'll need.
  6. My vote is for skimmer. Attacks the nutrient problem at the source and also provides aeration to the tank.
  7. I can't tell Sam. I'll need to inspect that in person in my tank please. [emoji16]
  8. Last time I am posting in this, but I am curious if you consider plant nurseries as agricultural. They are not for the most part working with the goal of producing food, they are producing decorative plants. However the aforementioned nurseries are solidly in the qualify for an ag exemption zone. So what is the difference between a plant nursery and a coral grow out facility which is achieving the exact same goal of producing decorative living organisms for the sole purpose of decorating a place of business or home the only difference is the medium that is used to sustain them.Now don't get me wrong I am not trying to lessen the work that people who produce our food do, but the agricultural exemption is about more than just food production, timber production also qualifies and as I have stated above decorative plant nurseries also qualify. Now I do not think that any side business coral grow out facility would qualify under the its an aquaculture nursery argument because there is a minimum size of facility needed in order to qualify ( for nurseries I believe it is an acre) so it would really have to be a huge under taking to develop a facility for coral production large enough to the point that you could get the comptroller to even consider giving the exemption. Alright I am done no more arguing about ag exemptions from Larry, sorry if I offended any farmers or ranchers. You didn't offend this farmer. [emoji6]
  9. FarmerTy

    Ckyuv's 90g

    You'd be my new hero if you did. [emoji4]
  10. I beg to differ. My wife's purple stylo earrings are all the rage these days. I'm working on a pagoda cup hat here soon.
  11. My source is Elite Reefs in Denver. I walked into the store and it was just sitting in a basket under 400-watt halides. My jaw dropped because it looked so spectacular and I told the nice lady to put it in a bag before someone else got it. They said they have 11 in a grow out tank at all times and when one splits, they bring it up to the store to sell. They said they are slow splitters.
  12. And an Asian bodysuit. [emoji16]
  13. Awesome stuff Vietpride! There's like two people in Austin that might jump on this, one just bought a Colorado Sunburst anemone and poor again and the other is posting this thread. Lol. Maybe Sam or Reburn will jump on this. Great specimen at a great price.
  14. I wish I had more time to stare at it. It's stunning! I'll snap some tonight if I can sneak it but I've already promised tonight to the wife since she hasn't seen me for a bit.
  15. http://www.addictiveaquaculture.com/12-led-lighting-reef-grow Sometimes its cheaper and sometimes its more expensive than the Ocean Revive site.
  16. C'mon Victoly... Get it right! [emoji41] Tytherealestateguy.com
  17. I love it! Free bumps for life! All I have to do is start a little school rivalry! [emoji6]
  18. My cardinal was super picky and only ate mysis.
  19. Aggie Aquatics gentlemen?
  20. I need you to switch to water science and run my aquaculture facility down the road sir.
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