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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Happy early birthday! Come get an anemone! [emoji12]
  2. Hi Cameron, I do have algae, just in different forms than most. I have red turf algae and dictyota, although my blonde naso destroyed the dictyota and I don't see it anymore. I actually enjoy the red turf algae and let it grow. The tangs and angels pick on it and it's a healthy absorber of nitrates and phosphates. But, to get to the source of it all, I control the amount of algae by controlling the nutrient levels. I haven't been able to keep up with your build but I just remember last that you were dealing with hair algae. I believe I may have mentioned that your amount of live stock in your tank might be a bit too much and more importantly, you introduced them too quickly. Quickly meaning that systems need time to adjust to larger, messier eating fish like tangs and angels. They have a huge biological impact on your tank. If you add multiple ones in a short span of time without allowing your system to adjust, then you'll just have an excess of nutrients. If you catch yourself in this situation already, frequent water changes are ideal until your system can stabilize as well as frequent manual removal of the offending algae. Adding other pathways of nutrient reduction well help too, such as a refugium it reactors (biopellets, GFO, etc).
  3. Math is the universal truth! It can't be wrong! I'm pretty sure it's the acans. They need to get their act together!
  4. That's what Jolts been saying for a year now and word on the street is he's still buying. I'm pretty sure I saw some frags glued to his overflow in the last FTS.
  5. Dan's been talking to the fish a little too much? [emoji12]
  6. Normally I'd be down but going to be a busy weekend!
  7. Welcome! It's nice to see a different tank approach!
  8. Bad. Its releasing bound nutrients back into your water.
  9. Yeah, I killed it! [emoji6] The deceased adult has the ability to produce daughter colonies and that's what happened to mine. It's not a 100% guarantee it'll work though.
  10. I think that'd be hard to do but I'll let others chime in here if they have any thoughts.
  11. What do you mean by fix it? Buying a sand goby means he'll pick up sand and sift it. If you don't want that to happen in your tank, then you need to remove him.
  12. Looks like too much light to me.
  13. Oddly, yes. Everything worked exactly as programmed except ones that were programmed with the temp or ph within its logic.
  14. Does your pH ever read squirrelly as well? I had to send my unit in when my temp and pH started reading oddly. Found out my board was fried and needed to be replaced.
  15. Toss up a picture if you can Matt.
  16. You should have went over there to deliver it Mark. I heard DoMa has quite the exceptional tank.
  17. Oh no! Do water changes and some carbon. Remove anything that is dying or beyond saving before it adds to the nutrient problem and compounds the issue. Once it's up and rocking again, I'll replace anything you lost that you got from me Liz! Sorry for the rotten luck!
  18. What I'm about to tell you is going to blow your mind... Turn your phone sideways. [emoji12]
  19. Good thing you blast through lighting and tanks at the speed of lightning then Patrick! [emoji23] Now give me some Jason Fox Flame acro! Fast!
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