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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Proper calcium, alk, and Mg levels combined with lower light has been my experience. It's everywhere in my tank that gets minimal lighting. The 400-watt halides though would cook it so it was never on the main rocks. Since the LEDs are newer, I have not observed new growth patterns but it's still pretty much on the edges of my lighting. They don't do well with higher lighting.
  2. My thoughts were on precipitation as well though even a margin of error on the Ca test kit could be a factor here. My calcium could drop ~40ppm in two days but I also have a SPS dominant tank. 75 ppm drop seems absurd for the current tank inhabitants though I guess it would depend on the size of the colonies/clam.
  3. Only reason I mention coralline because it is a large consumer of Mg by weight. I wish I could add more of my observations from experience but I've never really had to dose Mg because enough is supplied by my Calcium reactor.
  4. Do you happen to use kalkwasser? Or have a ton of coralline algae?
  5. Now throw it into the air, spin 3 times, and then catch it.
  6. That looks like silly string in a bag!
  7. Where's the update pics Makena! [emoji6]
  8. Based on appreciation and my standard holding fee, just bring $200 Makena and we should be even for the RBTA. [emoji6]
  9. I heard palytoxin only makes Tim stronger! [emoji13]
  10. Those frozen bottles still might come in handy tomorrow since it's going to be like 1000 degrees tomorrow. I'd just open them and pour them over my head periodically throughout the day. I'm like the human Hanna meter... I've sadly almost gotten to the point where I can visually judge it before it even hits the Hanna meter. By taste is what I'm still perfecting.
  11. Oh no, you ruined the mood by being super cereal! [emoji13] Thanks bud. That means a lot. I'm glad some of my over documentation and random experiments were entertaining and useful for someone other than myself.
  12. Thanks for the entertainment tonight fellas. It was nice getting my mind off of work!
  13. I'll have to remember this next time I drink water with ice at your place and wonder why it tasted salty... But perfectly at 8.0 dKh and 420 ppm Ca.
  14. Everyone that has them seems to like the tiger tail sea cucumbers for cuc.Had tiger tails for about 2 years. Great cleaners and proficient at self reproduction. I prefer pink and black ones though. Haven't had one reproduce yet and they eat a little slower but they distribute sand better. The tiger tails always had their backends in the rocks and so after years of this, you get this piling effect around the bases of your rock structures.
  15. Disclaimer, objects in the thread are riskier then they appear!
  16. You've only lived half a life then sir! [emoji12]
  17. You're missing out! Pure genius hidden in there in the cracks!
  18. It only cycles 3x from 7-9pm. If it holds you over for the morning/afternoon, then you are more than welcome to it.
  19. If you don't mind removing it yourself, I have a 1/3 HP chiller (chills my 215 gallon) you can steal from my system for the day if you don't mind bringing it right back when you're done with it. I still have one MH on my system and it's the only thing that still makes my temperature rise. I can leave it off for a day if you need the chiller. PM me if you are interested.
  20. I wish they had a jaw-dropping emoticon but that's the best I could find. Holy cow man! That's a ton of reading there! I feel like I should either give you a trophy for completion of the build thread or apologize profusely for putting you through that!
  21. Well said sir and I appreciate you still fighting the good fight for 100 pages. I'm planning a retirement party for the occasion.@Larry - new goal? Have you seen the gibberish in this build thread? It only serves purpose to only add volume, not quality. [emoji23]
  22. I'd honestly just use a regular salt brand and not one of the brands that has increased Ca and alk. Your needs aren't really high right now for them so using a regular salt will keep your levels more consistent... not to mention cheaper!
  23. Red algae being cyano? Diatoms? Dinos?
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