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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. That's odd for this to happen to an established fish with no introduction of a new fish. Did you add anything new to the tank? Perhaps ammonia poisoning? Maybe something to do with the temperature change caused a small cycle and released enough ammonia to cause its deterioration? Just reaching at straws here but if you didnt add anything new to the tank, my suspicions are based on water quality. If he is getting sucked into the pump, I'm going to say there's not much you can do for him at this point. I've never brought a fish back from that point.
  2. How about trying RO/DI water for a couple of months and see if it goes away Makena?
  3. Larry, it looks like too much light. Just keep it on the sandbed for a bit and see how it reacts to it. I don't know what salt you're using but like Sascha said, it's probably one of the "pro" salts that has higher Ca and Alk. You probably don't need to use that type of salt yet until your Ca/Alk demands increase. You can just use any other brand that has more normal levels of Ca/Alk in it instead of the elevated types. The alk levels will go down on their own with uptake, though in your system, it may take a long time since there isn't a lot of corals uptaking. You can always use muriatic acid to lower it but I don't suggest that. I would just recommend letting it go down naturally. My setosa currently sits in par from 50-150 (low light) and is happy. They don't need much light and still look good.
  4. I only see a hazey silhouette... For all I know that could be a red shower puff. [emoji6]
  5. Here's my dog Z perched in his favorite spot. Here he is being goofy this morning.
  6. Thanks Dan. That emperor changed a lot quicker than I thought it would. I'll probably aim to host sometime in the late Fall and have everyone over for some tasty food and a good discussion topic. Yeah, I had tried a Regal 2 other times with a full QT and it didn't work out. This time I did my sump method and it seems to be going a lot better now. They are just so sensitive that they poorly in QT. Just got to get that bugger to eat but at least he's staying in good health while I train him. He's finding plenty in the sump to eat so I'm not worried. Not full LED yet. I've been too preoccupied to order my last unit and install it. The corals under the LEDs currently look like nothing has changed since the transition. Like I said, unorthodox percentages I'm using but it's working, go figure. 80% white and 20% blue, I guess sometimes it's okay to march to the beat of your own drummer. Yeah Jim, I wanted to go with different varieties of fishes I've never had before after losing so many to marine velvet. But for some reason, I couldn't not get another blonde naso. It was always my coveted tang and I had to get another. I also got a replacement leopard wrasse too... They are just too stunning and beautiful not to have one in the tank.
  7. So last time I went radio silent on the build, I came home with a Colorado sunburst anemone. This time around, I'll update everyone on my fish livestock additions over the past 6 months. As most of you know, I went through a self-inflicted marine velvet epidemic that wiped out half my fish population at the beginning of the year. I've been slowly adding back to the fish population and allowing the tank to adjust to the additions. Most notably, I added this juvi emperor angelfish. Which turned into this behemoth! Then I got a replacement leopard wrasse and a flame hawkfish. Then I picked up a tomini tang and shortly after, a dussemeri tang. In the short time I had him, the dussemeri tang grew 1.5" and was quickly getting too big for the tank already. I knew he was going to need an 8' long tank soon so I made the decision to rehome him to a bigger tank. Goodbye handsome! I also picked up a powder blue tang during that time and kept him in the sump as I wanted him to be one of the last additions to the tank since they are so territorial, especially with new additions. To replace the dussemeri tang, I picked up a naso tang and an orange shoulder tang. [emoji41] I made sure to get a small naso tang and a larger orange shoulder so neither would have too much issues with the current medium-sized tomini tang in the tank. It worked out as I had hoped... No fighting anywhere. The orange shoulder is in it's ugly ducking phase between juvi and adult forms. Oh, did I mention the pyramid butterfly? [emoji16] I'm making one last attempt with a regal angelfish before I throw in the towel with them. So far so good, he's looking nice and healthy in my sump for the past week but he's still just grazing the rocks and not eating what I've given him yet. In time... he's finding plenty in the sump to eat. If you were paying attention, you're probably wondering what happened to the powder blue tang in the sump. Well, he got booted to the skimmer/CaRX chamber for being a jerk. Alright, everyone is caught up now. Oh wait, forgot to mention my niger trigger met his end carpet surfing. I have suspicions my little niece and nephew played a part in spooking him. Only additions now if everything goes right is maybe one more fairy wrasse down the road and a few anthias... But I'll let the tank adjust a bit more before that happens. Keep in mind all of this happened with about 1-2 fish a month added to allow the system to adjust... so nobody go crazy and start throwing tons of fish into the tank thinking I did the same. [emoji12] Happy reefing y'all! I'll try to be better about posting.
  8. Great price! I'd be all over this if I didn't have one already!
  9. Makena, drop by some tank water one day straight from your system to my house and I'll test it for you.
  10. If he really is a camelback, they aren't reef safe anyways.
  11. Expand please. I'm new to making my own RO. Maybe SChrisEV will chime in but he was having the same problem. We found that it was his higher CO2 content in his water that caused the rapid depletion of his DI resin. I think he was temporarily aerating his water in a separate tub for a day before pushing through the DI. Also, I think he setup a post membrane water purge before sending it through DI. I did the same thing (basically add a 3-way valve after membrane and before DI to dump the initial 2-3 mins of made water as its usually the dirtiest) and my DI resin, which only used to last me 6 months is going on almost a year now and still showing 0 on the TDS meter.
  12. I think you're in the wrong place to look for someone to talk you out of a bigger tank! Do it! Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  13. Can't give away the goose! I can have both, the goose and the pumps! Muahaha!
  14. Good to see you posting again.
  15. I wonder if they'll take back that Colorado Sunburst anemone... daddy needs a new pair of Apex controlled pumps!
  16. Oh man, this thread is like 4 months ago. I don't even have most of the corals anymore. There may be a snippet of the purple gorgonian left in the sump somewhere buried under a rock but that's it.
  17. Yeah, I guess if you're showing something, just keep running the lesser amount of GFO.
  18. I like the idea... And continue leaving GFO offline.
  19. http://www.advancedaquarist.com/blog/alien-green-reef-worm-is-either-gross-or-beautiful
  20. I think the all-in-one's make great starter tanks. I ran a nano cube for 5 years and learned a lot about reef tanks during that time. I think you can't go wrong with it.
  21. Sounds like spurned love there! The cow had seen enough!
  22. Jake has a giant piece of my ORA chips Jim in his show tank. I'm not sure if he's fragging it yet.
  23. I like to jump out of trees and pounce on the caracaras myself when they are busy eating. Luckily, I'm part of the Caracara catch and release program though so I only do it for sport. [emoji12]
  24. Took the words right out of my mouth.
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