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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Yeah, I have two blocks... Thank you C4. Set them and leave them there... In a low flow environment for denitrification. If you don't have a low flow area, I'd make one... Else you're just using it for nitrification and at that point, I wouldn't bother. Most reef tanks have no issues with nitrification and you might even add to your nitrate issue if its too proficient at nitrification. Jestep is correct, don't rinse it or you'll reset your bacterial population. Just a note, on some of the bigger forums, I've been in discussion with others on the potential leeching of Al into the water column from those blocks. I haven't had any issues yet but my Al levels are definitely elevated.
  2. Sexing cardinals is really hard. The best way to identify them is to feed the heck out of them and the male will have two protrusions near is anus and the female will only have one. Don't believe the longer dorsal fin as an indicator of sex... It's not conclusive.
  3. I have an extra controller. Remind me when I see you next.
  4. New life spectrum for pellets... Hands down.
  5. FarmerTy


    If it's for your planted tank... i'm out!
  6. Alright, for you blue light lovers! [emoji7]
  7. Ah jeez, you guys are going to make me put up an actinic crazy picture so you can see that these things glow just as crazy as all the other rainbow anemones you've seen posted for sale, aren't you? Alright, I give! I'll post one later today.
  8. I'm not a fan of those anemone-lover types of reefers... Bunch of hippies! They think they are so cool with their wavy tentacles in their tank... Trying to be fancy and dipping with cipro and what not... Letting their anemones roam freely when I prefer a more rigid, structured type of tank where super glue and epoxy dominate and everything has its place and most importantly, nothing expands beyond the set borders I give it.
  9. I should note they look ridiculous under actinics and bluer tank lights. I just never ran them that blue in my tank.
  10. Alright folks, got the Colorado sunburst and not looking to have an anemone tank here so my two "rainbow" anemones must go. The reason I put the word rainbow in quotes is because I didn't buy them as rainbows but they have the same coloration as the one's posted by Pham, Bigsby, and Versace in previous for sale posts. I will leave it up to the buyer to call them whatever they want. $75 I have two available. They have both been on the right side of my tank under pretty low lighting so they'll probably need to color back up a bit. About 4" across the oral disc when fully expanded. Here's what they looked like in their prime: And here's what they look like now, sitting in a basket at the top of my tank and getting hit with a ton of flow: PM is the key!
  11. I've heard it's rare that the bailed polyp will ever grow a skeleton but it can happen. Otherwise, I know a fat emperor that will make a tasty snack out of it. Lol.
  12. Polyp bailout usually means there is a condition that is not agreeable. Getting enough light? Too much flow?
  13. Fiverr.com Patrick. Go there... It'll blow your mind!
  14. It works great... Again, it just comes down to cost. Flexible PVC is ridiculously expensive compared to schedule 40 and a couple of elbows.
  15. Take a good whiff of that thing just to appreciate your bacterial load in your tank.
  16. My current setting of 80% white/ 20% blue in my DT allows me to photograph without having to play with settings. I have to do that in my sump though as I'm running 60% blue/20% white down there. I crank the white up to 100% to shoot down there. The picture looks great! I think you nailed it. Part of me thinks I might not even put the acrylic sheet in there. It's not like these units are sealed so who am I kidding thinking moisture doesn't get into the fixture.
  17. Yeah, I have mine currently tuned to a 14k Radium and really like the color spectrum. After 4 months in with these fixtures, I'm pleasantly surprised. I think the only thing I'll do is still add a T5 or a BML strip on the front of my tank to help blend the light better and light spots which aren't receiving as much par. I'll probably remove the 90 degree optics from the red and green LEDs as well as I can see somewhat of a spotting effect from them if I look closely, but that's just me being picky. Once I remove the optics, the LEDs will be at a native 120 degree optic which will distribute the light better. I was advised to cut a piece of acrylic to replace the removed optic for splash control and I just might do that.
  18. You should see that anemone in person! It's crazy! Glad you're going with the tried and true method for your tank. I'm all about finding what worked best with your system and it seemed like you had a pretty good recipe before. I'm glad you are having success with SPS again. They are a love/hate relationship but truly rewarding when things go your way. I see you've gone with a more blue look to your lighting. How are you liking those Revive fixtures? Are you having a pretty seamless transition?
  19. Those fish would be fine but the blue tang and foxface will feel a little cramped by the 2nd year, if you get them small to start with. My former foxface went from 2.5" to 5" in a year and the blue hippo I had went from 3"-6" in about 1.5 years. A 5" hippo tang and a 6" foxface will feel pretty cramped in a 55-gallon.
  20. Can you just put a nice, juicy clam in the middle of a glass bowl? Come and get it pyramid snails!
  21. Sorry about that. It's never an easy decision but it's the most humane thing to do.
  22. I wouldn't think lympho, you're correct on that. Maybe putting him in the QT took him out of the offending condition? Are his fins looking like they are growing back at all? Does he seem better this morning?
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