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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. That's crazy! Because when you dropped it to 6.50 last time, it spiked your alk. Guess the consumption caught up?
  2. Man, I'd dose back to 7 dKh and drop that pH in the reactor even more. When's the last time you calibrated the pH probe in the CaRX?
  3. Something die? Autofeeder going nuts? Your RO/DI filters/resin spent? BTW, a majority of phosphate that enters your tank is through fish food.
  4. Hey, I didn't get any snacks last time! Oh wait, there were those brownies...
  5. Throwback Thursday! How about a picture of my 2nd tank, my good ole' 65-gallon. We all start somewhere! I love the dual maxijet 1200 tank circulation pumps and the single 250-watt metal halide with 4 VHOs.
  6. FarmerTy


    Your welcome sir. Good seeing you again and thanks for stopping by.
  7. If you are supplementing alk, I'd stay away from any of the "pro" versions of salt with higher alk. I've been using the cheap Coralife for years. You can get a big box of it at RCA for cheap usually.
  8. It's almost like dating... Mindstream - I'd be open to a relationship but I need to work on myself first. Neptune - If Mindstream asked me out, I wouldn't say no.
  9. Looking good! Keep an eye on that alk! Adding 3 colonies can have some big effects on your alk consumption. [emoji4]
  10. I may have asked you already Giddy, but have you seen any of these ReefRaft corals in person? You may want to lay eyes on them first before you pay the price. I think you'd be more satisfied and also get more for your money if you just went to a couple of the tanks in town that have a bunch of SPS and bought what you liked that you saw personally. On that note, I do have the PC rainbow, ORA pearlberry, and an aussie shortcake, not to be confused with a strawberry shortcake. Not to get into the naming so much but the original strawberry shortcake acro was actually an acropora nasuta and the strawberry shortcakes you see more of nowadays are acropora microclades. The aussie shortcake I have is an acropora microclades.
  11. Oh no, sorry for your loss Makena. I've always had luck in my old nano with routine water changes with RO/DI water... but it only worked when I did them like clockwork. If I even missed a week, it started going downhill for me. No worries about the anemone. We all experience setbacks here and there, it's what you do after them that define you. Jump back on the horse and keep at it if you still want to do reefing.
  12. I bit the bullet and preordered the Jaebo DCS12000 and aqualink controller. I'll be sure to post feedback for everyone once the pumps and controller actually start shipping. I have no idea when they are supposed to be released but hopefully soon.
  13. Bone cutters would be ideal but I'm sure you don't have any of those on hand... And if you do, I'm never coming over to buy frags from you. [emoji6] I've used an extra pair of wire cutters before in a pinch. I just wouldn't recommend continual usage as it does rust pretty quickly. Maybe pick up a cheap pair at harbor freight to hold you over and order a nice pair of bone cutters for the future. I like the Boston Aquatics cutters for value/quality.
  14. That little tuft of algae will turn into an epidemic in your tank. Trust me... I've been there... embarrassingly, more than once.
  15. Yeah, you can get it at Home Depot or Lowe's. It is an insecticide. I have been using it for 3 years now with no issues. The only acro I've found sensitive to it was an acropora surhasoni... everything wasn't even bothered by it... and believe me... I've dipped a whole lot of different types of acros. I've even accidentally left one in it for a couple of hours to no issues. I don't even really measure the amount I use any more either... I just pour until it's milky white. I do warn that you should triple rinse the coral after the dip. Just the residue of the Bayer on the acros have laid waste to my pod population before and that stopped when I rinsed it 3 times in a different cup each time, letting it soak in the cup for 10-15 minutes each. I'd also give them a good shake in each container, especially the Bayer, to dislodge any AEFWs. It's great for stunning them and you do the mechanical part by shaking them off. Do inspect for eggs while you have the corals and scrape/superglue over any you see. Please do use gloves too... we're talking an insecticide here.
  16. Sorry, maris = mariculture. I'm throwing out reef slang like there's no tomorrow. Yes, just clip right at the base and either glue directly to your rock or to another plug. Like I mentioned, Gig'em cuts his off, boils the old plugs, and then glues them back on them. IME, coral RX doesn't even really bug AEFW or red bugs, two of the most common pests for acros.
  17. You should hit up that PMRogers guy that has the massive tank on ReefCentral. He lives in Austin but isn't really active on ARC. He wanted to go all SPS and he's still in stocking mode. Those colonies will go nicely in his tank.
  18. Be careful with peroxide and SPS. I hope you just dipped the plugs and not the acro itself. They don't particularly take peroxide dips as well as zoas and some LPS do.
  19. They had a great selection there last time I went by. Great finds! Somes pieces of advice: 1) Hopefully you dipped them before putting them in your tank. My preference is a Bayer dip but I've been toying with a potassium dip lately. 2) I'd highly recommend cutting them off their base plug they came on. It has a higher chance of harboring the dreaded AEFW eggs and also brings in a ton of algae types you may never have wanted. I've gotten red turf algae (which I like), dictoya, chaeto, wiry red algae, and ulva before I listened to others to cut them off their plugs. Gig'em actually removes his, boils the plug, and then reattaches them. 3) I've observed maris doing better when put right into higher light instead of the usual start them in lower par and increase as you go. YMMV. The most fun about maris is getting to watch them color up and be amazed at the color forms that present themselves as it acclimates to tank life. Looks like you picked up some potential beauties!
  20. I'd highly recommend you try to tune your CaRX without the solenoid needing to function if possible. I aim to do that and actually turn off my solenoid. Once it can keep a consistent pH that matches my alk/Ca consumption, then I program my high/low setpoints for pH to turn on/off the gas if it ever goes above/below what I want it to do. I usually give it a 0.10 buffer... like if I wanted to keep 6.55 pH, I'd make sure it can maintain that number without a solenoid, then once it holds steady, I program my Apex to stay between 6.45-6.65 pH.
  21. Yes, sorry I didn't update.
  22. I'm looking into a DC pump myself and might replace my Sicce Syncra 12.0. I've had decent results with the Jaebo line of circulation pumps so far with one or two going out on me in the last 2-3 years. Not too bad for a pump that's almost 1/6 the price of a MP40. I might be willing to try their DC return pump since it's going to be on it's 3rd iteration now... DC--->DCT--->DCS line. Jaebo is also selling an aqua link controller. I'm also not sure what the aqua link controller is all about yet but it looks like you'll be able to control your DC pump speeds and allows you to link to your Apex. It also has a port for you to add a battery backup and has some ATO capabilities if you hook up their ATO sensor and a pump to it. Very interesting indeed. For $230.00 for both the DCS12000 and aqua link controller, that sounds like a pretty good deal, assuming the return pump lasts more than 2-3 years. You could also get a Vectra for $450... and pray it also gives you back rubs and bakes cookies for you for that price. Obviously you can tell I'm a value shopper... I'm just hoping I don't get stuck with a trash pump in the end though... risk/reward factor there is always dicey.
  23. Hilarious! I saved my ORA red planet from just two polyps... fight the good fight Juiceman!
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