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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. It's kind of a stalemate with the sunset monti... I burn you this week... you burn me back next week... just kind of a give and push with the DMZ in the middle. Yeah, I'm pretty happy about that frag rack hidden back there. At eye level, it gives depth to the right rock structure but if you look closer, you'll see a full frag rack of my choice new additions. That's like advanced ninja fragger skill level there.
  2. After the last frag-a-thon, I'm nervous for you!
  3. Who wants to make bets on how long this frag will live in captivity? I got dibs on 8 months! I think Jake at RCA kept a good colony alive for 6 months in his growout system before it crashed. I say I can beat Jake by a couple of months. Honestly, I think I'll have less success than him. I think it has such a woeful record for survival is because it probably desires less light and slightly dirtier water than your average SPS tank has. It may do better in a LPS/softie tank than anything else but that's just a guess.
  4. Oh, my ORA hawkins echinata? I've had 4 frags of that just sitting in my frag tank for the last 2 months. I'll be bringing them to the frag swap if you can make it.
  5. If you're talking about the giant LPS coral, that's a fat boy Duncan colony, about the size of a cantaloupe.
  6. They were doing $50/2" frag. From the look of that colony, they had about 5-6 more frags they could make out of it. It's about the healthiest specimen I've seen imported into Austin in awhile. The yellow looking coral is actually lime green and it's a surhasonoi. It'll go more neon green as it adjusts. Dan has some he was selling a couple weeks back if you're looking for some.
  7. That's because I'm a knucklehead and left it private. It's public now!
  8. Aussie echinata! RCA had a gorgeous colony they are fragging right now!
  9. Well, it's about time for another video update. Enjoy!
  10. Sorry to hear Makena. When you're ready to jump back in, hit me up and I'll help set you get the basics for success.
  11. I love mine! I use it all the time to test water from new coral additions before acclimating them. You wouldn't believe the salinity I've gotten some frags/maris from! This is a great product and a great price for it.
  12. Nothing changed at all.. it was quite uneventful, but in a good way. Come check it out for yourself one day when you're not working all those crazy hours!
  13. Pshhh, work has been too busy for me to even play with it much! 2 LEDs and one MH still... sigh. At least there might be a new CaRX in its future!
  14. I wouldn't read into that mari not looking so good as a condition of your tank. I saw that one at RCA before you picked it up and it had a rough time during transit. That, and it appears to be a smooth skin acro and they are finicky as a general rule. The mini-barnacles are nothing to worry about as they are often found on maricultures. They'll usually slowly die out in our systems as there usually isn't enough planktonic food to support them.
  15. I use the epoxy when it's just a small piece I want to kill but when its large sections, I use the kalk. You can get a whole bag of pickling lime at the store for under $5 and it'll make a ton of kalk paste. You buy a small stick of epoxy and its like $8. I'm cheap. :-)
  16. Apply it with a testing syringe, like your usual 10ml plastic syringe. It has the consistency of aiptasia X if you've ever used that before... very goopy. It should stay in place but just turn off the powerheads while applying. If you make it thick enough, once the GSP dies, you can just break it out and suck it up with a turkey baster so it doesn't add too much to your alk.
  17. The paste is thick and doesn't usually take off on you. Just make sure you turn off the pumps for a little bit and let it stew. It'll burn and kill it. Over time it should just dissolve and add an insignificant amount to your Ca/alk levels.
  18. Mine drops about 2.0 dKh/day without any supplementation if that gives you any reference for usage. 2.0 dKh is too much for a daily drop in my opinion but I'm going to assume yours probably uses about 1.0-1.5 dKh/day, just ballpark guestimation from your water volume and your population of corals that uptake Ca/alk. In that case, if it were my tank, I'd feel comfortable letting it just drop naturally with coral uptake.
  19. The minute the reagent hit your water, I could already tell before putting it in the Hanna meter... This stuff is screaming high! I'd still look into the muriatic acid option to lower your alk slowly.
  20. Glad the coralife salt is working for you. I've been using it for years with no issues... Doesn't hurt that it's cheap too. Can you just mix up since kalk paste and spread it over the GSP?
  21. I smell mutiny! You and Meg better sleep with one eye open tonight!
  22. The LEDs I bought are the Ocean Revive T247s if you want to look into them while doing research. I am greatly impressed with their results and they are ridiculously cheap. I've bought corals more expensive then them. [emoji38]
  23. Curious as to your results once the unit is fully online. Keep us posted and take some good nutrient data for comparison purposes. Us nerds want to know the details![emoji6]
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