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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. I don't know if I'd consider them uniform compared to some other tanks I've seen but I would guess a large part has to do with water flow. Mine is pretty random and alternates so that you don't have that leaning effect.Thank you, I hope the mari colors up into something awesome! Hope your yellow mille stays yellow so I can get me some of that action! [emoji4]
  2. I hope this guy from the RCA after hours sale does something awesome! Come on color change!
  3. Go full creeper and have Tina pull up the tax record. [emoji33]
  4. Bacterial infections kill fast. I'd act as quick as you can if possible.
  5. How are your other fish? Is he a new addition? It looks almost bacterial. I'd QT him immediately and treat him with an antibiotic of some sort. It doesn't look like velvet to me.
  6. I got all 3 but the pink lemonade is still just a frag. It's going to take some time before its fraggable.
  7. That's just good customer service skills there... I don't need to be called three times for me to answer.
  8. I'm like Beetlejuice, just mention my name and I appear!
  9. I moved my nano from Cali to Austin in one straight 22 hr drive in the middle of the summer. In hindsight, not worth it. Just sell off and rebuy there... Especially if you're planning to upgrade anyways. You'll get choice selection anyways with all the Socal reef stores at your disposal.
  10. Somehow I walked in for snails and I came out with an acropora mariculture colony. #nowillpower [emoji17]
  11. Some will bring frags pre-bagged and just that without a tank. Or you can find someone that has a little room in their frag tank they can spare. I might have some room that day, just check with me when you get there.
  12. That's funny. That's my big problem with it too. Just stick an urchin on top of eat and let it eat you a clearing in the algae for the new frag. If anybody gives me an ewww... algae look... I'll tell them they are focusing on the wrong parts of the tank.
  13. FarmerTy Ice Fire echinata has a good ring to it. [emoji12]
  14. I've give you an introductory patch if you want back into the red turf algae club? [emoji6]
  15. Red turf algae, I have the same thing. I enjoy it actually and leave it be. I knocked it out with the turbo snails you suggested but then the rocks looked so bare that I let it grow back out. The tangs graze on it and there's always pods running around in it. It's like coralline but without the Ca/alk uptake that I hate about coralline. Instead, it uptakes nitrates and phosphates... even better.
  16. That's more of an upcoming upgrade face to me.
  17. I used a silicone baking mat from Bed Bath and Beyond and zip-tied it around the pump. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  18. I'm a lefty too! <---- Note... that's his left hand!
  19. Thank you sir! I griped to the wife yesterday and said there doesn't look like anything I can work on with the tank lately... it looks nice. To her reply, she said, I guarantee you'll make up something you have to do... It's true! I was born with the inability for idle hands... they must always be doing something.
  20. Is it wrong to get excited about zebra turbo snails? Nobody has had them in stock for awhile now! Woohoo!
  21. I would like to see an echinata in the wild and see first hand what conditions they thrive under. Shallow vs. deep. Clear water vs being closer to shore with more nutrients or being near the reef rim where nutrient rich water from the ocean floor are being pushed up. Near the reef crest where there is a lot of water movement or in a lagoon or cove where there is gradual water movement from the tides. The thin branches of the echinata suggests they would be found in calmer areas where the branches have less of a chance of being broken by rough waters. Agreed, let me know when you and your wife head out to Australia for some diving! Throw some corals in your pocket while you are at it! We made it to page 100! Party!!!
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