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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. FarmerTy


    Welcome to the club!
  2. I had a ton of that stuff at the Fall Frag swap Matt. I'm all out of any useable amount but I'm sure someone on the club has some to give you.Medium flow with a shop light from HD will usually work for lighting. Go for the more yellow bulb.
  3. First off, great video! Tank is looking good so far! Two questions: 1) Is that ARC open in the background in the computer? 2) Are you pushing the camera along on a chair with wheels?
  4. I think chedda is a joke Matt. The chaeto not looking so good is not. It definitely is not happy from the looks of the video. You may want to try different lighting or try better flow. Again, hard to tell because it won't me go fullscreen with it.
  5. I'd just have the person coming over to feed and top off to feed much less than you do. People who generally don't have their own tank as add more than you want them to. Your fish will be fine to be fed less over those two weeks than for the person to accidentally overfeed and you'll have more problems than just fatter fish. For your media bags and media, any chance you can have your friend keep up the same change regiment you do? I don't necessarily like the thought of doubling up media as it doesn't really equate to lasting twice as long... more so it lasts the same amount of time but 2x more powerful! Or change up your media regiment when you are out of town and unable to monitor any potential side effects. Just my 2 cents. FWIW, when I used to travel, barring anything going wrong, I came back to a tank that looked nicer than the one that I kept putting my hands into.
  6. Anytime Ty. Bring a box cutter but leave your cargo shorts behind. I don't want you sneaking off with something. Foiled again by your genius sir!
  7. He said I could come over and help him open all the boxes!!! Woot woot! Congrats bud!
  8. Wonderful response sir! The quest for knowledge is always admirable and commendable, as well as staying strong in the face of those that don't share your desire for knowledge. I don't think Parasuta is a Marine Biologist but he/she mentions that they are a biologist. Either case, par for course enough to probably answer your question. I'm an ex-scientist but I only like to speak on subjects I have thorough knowledge on so unless you're talking remediation/assessment of environmental issues, then I'm not your guy. Heck, I've forgotten most of that stuff by now too!
  9. Awesome video! I'm all worked up from that music. Good thing I didn't watch it last night before bed! I appreciate the 15 second wind down at the end of the video with no music so my heartrate can return back to normal. Tank looks great! One thing I've found is the youtube editor built-in anti-shake option is amazing! It takes my cruddy shaky hands video and turns it into something I think I can take to the next Cannes Film festival.
  10. Video doesn't work for me. I'm looking on tapatalk.
  11. Personal preference, return section.
  12. I've heard taping up a picture of clowns hosting on your tank glass for them to see it helps... however anecdotal that really is... it's worth a shot. I'd hold off on the mega-thread until you finish your masters. My wife found every excuse in the book to not do her master's thesis until it was really crunch time.
  13. Great looking work in staining the stand. I like the non-uniformity of it better actually. Have you gotten the anemone to host the clowns yet?
  14. Fungias are still one of my favorite corals to this day. I think a small green one like the one you got from me was the 3rd coral I ever bought, way back in 2004.I'd have a whole sandbed of them if it wasn't for the emperor angel. At least I can still grow them out for others to enjoy!
  15. That sounds like an expensive decision sir! [emoji12]
  16. Haha, no trash talk really. He was just pretty adamant on his position on no water changes. I jumped into the thread later on in the conversation and posted my tank video and spoke on my experience with no water changes and we exchanged questions, that's all. Nothing juicy. [emoji4] Good call Jim, I'll call up the NoPox guys and we'll take Randy down together. Haha. Totally kidding by the way folks! I am a huge Randy Farley-Holmes fan.
  17. Tank looks great! I'm appreciative of the level of effort you put in to making the video! It's superb!
  18. I'm coming after Randy Farley-Holmes next and tell him a few things about chemistry.
  19. Haha, you caught that, didn't you. [emoji41] It's alright... I've never seen his tank but I can give kudos to his plumbing skills! [emoji106]
  20. Who wants to make bets on how long this frag will live in captivity?Oh man, woke up this morning to some odd RTN in a couple random frags in the sump. All parameters check out but its making me nervous. I'm sure it has to do with my CaRX effluent flow issues but that isn't helping me sleep at night.Saw a little STN but nothing serious in the DT. I cut the ice fire echinata in half because I noticed a little STN on its base. I glued the offending STN and placed that bottom piece in another portion of the tank and the healthy top half I reglued back in place. I hope you placed your bets on 3 months or less on the ice fire echinata Gig'em. [emoji16]
  21. Yeah, kind of has the whole galaxy/nebula thing going for it. Haha. Come on split!!!
  22. I believe Aaron uses the Fritz bacteria but double check with him just to be sure.
  23. I finally moved my powder blue tang, purple tang, and flame angel into the main tank. Here's my whole fish population, minus anthias towards the beginning of next year. Yes, I've used that background music before but it's just plain awesome so I had to use it again.
  24. Some pics I took for fun tonight. That RCA Baton Rouge Tort is coloring up nicely! Can anybody spot the ice fire echinata? [emoji12] No idea what this is but the subtle colors are mesmerizing to me. What better backdrop than a Colorado Sunburst anemone behind a Pearlberry colony? You got me. It's just pretty. FarmerTy Ectoplasm
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