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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. That's a shame, what wholesale place in LA? Sounds like they are just shoving fish into a bag and throwing them in a box to Texas.
  2. AKA a Walt Disney Tenius. Not sure if you've ever seen one in person but I've heard it only looks that way under deep actinics. When you have regular lights on, it's just a plain ole' tenius. No problem with that except the price tag for it is not worth it in my opinion for a plain ole' tenius.
  3. I'd never buy another copperband unless I saw it happily eating in the store first. They are notoriously bad shippers and end up damaging their sensitive mouth parts in the bag usually. I'd save that one for a local buy instead of ordering it if I were you. Same thing with leopard wrasses if you ever decide to get one... they tend to dart around and smash up their sensitive mouth parts. The good shippers will ship them with some sand in the bag. Sorry about the wrasses, hopefully the other one makes it for you!
  4. Bubble Magnus Curve 9 - Rated 400g - $348.50 on marinedepot.com ASM G4+ - Rated 400g - $398.65 on marinedepot.com ASM G4x - Rated 450g - $412.95 on ebay.com Bubble Magnus C9 - Rated 530g - $383.15 on fishtanksdirect.com Skimz Monster SM203 - Rated 528g - $349.99 on bulkreefsupply.com Aquamax Q3 - Rated 420g - $369.74 on marinedepot.com Aquamax CO-3 - Rated 450g - $382.49 on marinedepot.com I've only had experience with the Reef Octopus, Skimz, and ASM brands, though I heard great things about the Aquamaxx skimmers. I'd never go back to an ASM again, made of cheap extruded PVC and those Sedra pumps are the loudest I've ever heard. I had the ASM 3 and the ASM 4+, they ran fine but again, the noise was so distracting and loud. It seemed to vibrate the whole sump and stand. Plus, their size, with the newer more efficient skimmers out there, you can get more efficiency out of a much smaller package. Skimz, great quality, made of thick acrylic. One of the most silent skimmers I've ever had, but this was also the first skimmer that I owned which had the pump within the body of the skimmer. Nonetheless, I think it would have been just as quiet if the pump was outside the housing as the pump hardly made any noise at all. I'd buy another Skimz in a heartbeart as I had nothing but good experiences with my SM201. My only complaint would be that their size ratings are awfully generous. I tend to agree with BRS on their recommended skimmer capacity on their website regarding the SKIMZ line. Skimz says the SM203 unit is rated up to 528 gallons. First off, the ratings you get with skimmers are usually light bioload, which almost nobody runs in your average reef tank. We're talking sparse corals and a few fish, I'd guess less than 10% of hobbyists run a light bioload. You're estimating a medium bioload, according to BRS, they say it'll handle 240 gallons for a medium bioload, which would be underpowered in your setup. You'd have to go one model up. I know you mentioned it you didn't have a good experience with the Reef Octopus you had. Not sure which pump it had but I currently run the SRO5000 with the bubble blaster pump. Amazing pump, nice and quiet for an external pump, and the amount of bubbles is ridiculous. FWIW, it was rated similar to the Skimz SM201 unit I had but after running both back to back, this one definitely pulls more skimmate than my Skimz. Again, I think Skimz are great skimmers, just a little overstated on their ratings. In regards to the BRS ratings, my Skimz was suggested to handle a heavy bioload of 190 gallons, while the Reef Octopus was stated to handle a 400 gallon heavy bioload... even though they are both stated 500+ gallons by the manufacturers.
  5. You got it sir. Quick summary: Variable Dimming port programs (both left and right) and 3 timer programs are all outlet configurations. You'll need to setup virtual outlets for Timer 1-3 to program them. You can delete all the other virtual outlets that are created as they are not needed. You will need to do this with the normal control panel, not ApexFusion. The Timer outlet programs are a way to somewhat randomize programs through the day between specific times so your tank is always switching between the 3 Timer programs over the default set background program. For instance, from 15:00-23:59, my Apex will be running Lt_Flush and Rt_Flush as my default background and then throughout the day, Timer 1-3 will turn on and run one of the three other programs (Dblflush, Pulse, or Wave2) during that time to mix it up a little. But before you can even program any of the outlets, you'll need to create the profiles below as Apex will not accept programming outlets with profile names that don't exist yet. Kind of the chicken before the egg thing so just program your profiles first. Variable Dimming Port program (Left Jaebo) Set Wave1 If Time 11:30 to 14:59 Then DuskDawn If Time 15:00 to 23:59 Then Lt_Flush If Time 00:00 to 02:29 Then DuskDawn If Time 02:30 to 11:29 Then Night If Outlet Timer1 = ON Then DblFlush If Outlet Timer2 = ON Then Pulse If Outlet Timer3 = ON Then Wave2 If FeedA 000 Then OFF Variable Dimming Port program (Right Jaebo) Set Wave1 If Time 11:30 to 14:59 Then DuskDawn If Time 15:00 to 23:59 Then Rt_Flush If Time 00:00 to 02:29 Then DuskDawn If Time 02:30 to 11:29 Then Night If Outlet Timer1 = ON Then DblFlush If Outlet Timer2 = ON Then Pulse If Outlet Timer3 = ON Then Wave2 If FeedA 000 Then OFF Timer 1 (Virtual Outlet) OSC 120:00/010:00/000:00 Then ON If Outlet Timer2 = ON Then OFF If Time 00:00 to 15:00 Then OFF If FeedA 000 Then OFF Timer 2 (Virtual Outlet) OSC 045:00/015:00/000:00 Then ON If Outlet Timer3 = ON Then OFF If Time 00:00 to 15:00 Then OFF If FeedA 000 Then OFF Timer 3 (Virtual Outlet) OSC 015:00/005:00/000:00 Then ON If Outlet Timer1 = ON Then OFF If Time 00:00 to 15:00 Then OFF If FeedA 000 Then OFF Profiles Wave1 Synchronize - yes Divide by 10 - yes Initial Off Time - 0 On Time - 9 Off Time - 3 Min Intensity - 30 Max Intensity - 70 Wave2 Synchronize - no Divide by 10 - yes Initial Off Time - 0 On Time - 7 Off Time - 4 Min Intensity - 30 Max Intensity - 80 Lt_Flush Synchronize - no Divide by 10 - no Initial Off Time - 0 On Time - 120 Off Time - 120 Min Intensity - 0 Max Intensity - 100 Rt_Flush Synchronize - no Divide by 10 - no Initial Off Time - 120 On Time - 120 Off Time - 120 Min Intensity - 0 Max Intensity - 100 DuskDawn Synchronize - yes Divide by 10 - yes Initial Off Time - 0 On Time - 7 Off Time - 4 Min Intensity - 30 Max Intensity - 60 Night Synchronize - no Divide by 10 - no Initial Off Time - 0 On Time - 10 Off Time - 10 Min Intensity - 0 Max Intensity - 30 DblFlush Synchronize - no Divide by 10 - no Initial Off Time - 0 On Time - 60 Off Time - 60 Min Intensity - 0 Max Intensity - 100 Pulse Synchronize - yes Divide by 10 - no Initial Off Time - 0 On Time - 10 Off Time - 10 Min Intensity - 0 Max Intensity - 100 Summary of my profiles: Wave1 is a non-coordinated, smashing of both pumps. It's not synced and just random pulses. Wave 2 is a coordinated 2-3" (vertical height) wave motion in my tank, similar to my old Tunze nano wavebox. LtFlush is my left pump blowing at 100% for 2 minutes (alternates with RtFlush for total tank gyre flows that reverse direction...we can call this my Maspect Gyre mode) RtFlush is my right pump blowing at 100% for 2 minutes DblFlush should really be called export mode... as it's my Lt Flush and Rt Flush crashing into each other and stirring everything up. DuskDawn is a very low energy wave mode to ramp things down Night is low intensity 10 second bursts followed by 10 seconds of stillness Pulse mode is high energy 10 second bursts followed by 10 seconds of stillness... I wanted to replicate the swells of waves going over a reef. Hope that helps. Disclaimer, I'm not a programmer in any sense of the word but I'm quite proficient at borrowing code from others and fitting it to my needs.
  6. If you ever need profiles once you start programming, I have some nice ones programmed already for my system that should be basically copy and paste for the Tunzes as I use then for my Jaebos.
  7. Better get the bets in quick, the first session of the triple dipper begins this Sunday!
  8. Tank looks amazing! Now get it wet already!
  9. No comments about this that I've seen on their site. Source?Just some chatter I've seen on the national forums Mike. Nothing concrete or an official statement yet that I've seen.
  10. That's awesome! I guess I need to stop being lazy and do the same. Please update with more nerdy data about pH levels down the road Dan. I want to see how much it helps in the system for pH values.
  11. Vertical is the way to go in my opinion but if you can do like 4-5", that'll probably be best.
  12. I like to spread the misery! [emoji16] You got quite the pack there for a steal of a price! Like I mentioned, keep the nutrients low and the alk stable and they'll grow like crazy for you.
  13. Dan and Meg just need to buy more indoor plants to offset our CO2 production... I mean more "CO2 reactors". Make sure they are Apex compatible.
  14. BoobyTraps don't work on Ty. Wasn't he the kid from goonies?No, the kid from Indiana Jones... Get it right!
  15. I run my pumps at 30% at night so my fish don't get tossed around while sleeping and I like to think the slower flow allows for plankton to swim around easier and for my hungry coral polyps to catch them better. All just theory though.
  16. I always love inventive gadgets. I'm going to be that guy and ask, why the need to constant dose Mg? Before my CaRX, I just dosed it back up monthly.
  17. Yeah, I never did it because DI resin is pretty cheap and we only really use like 1 liter a year in those cartridges.
  18. Passed the leak test with flying colors. Why didn't I do this like 12 months ago? [emoji17] It'll be at the meeting, see everyone in 2 hrs.
  19. I have a couple of buckets for you Dave and if I'm free that weekend, be happy to help move the tank.
  20. Here's the CaRX I'm throwing in for the auction. Was running my 215-gallon dominant SPS tank with monthly refills of media. It will have to be run in sump as it leaks near the pump connection. Honestly, I think I took care of it with a dab of silicone on the threads but I didn't have time to test it. If I get a chance after basketball this morning, I'll give her a run.
  21. I'm going to knock on Dan and Meg's on December 25th. I have a pretty good feeling there will be some awesome door prizes at their household all wrapped up with a bow. Better yet, I'm going to knock on Reburn's, Ol Aggie's, or Jolt's door. Word on the street is that they'll be getting some saltwater toys this holiday season. [emoji16]
  22. Water testing would be a fun topic. Kind of a, bring your own test kits and water and we'll all sit down and test water together. Maybe Victoly can hook us up with a meeting at the UT labs and run us through some testing do's and don'ts.
  23. I posted the first picture I could find on my phone! Best I got! I call it the half and half. The overly blue left side washes out the right side in pics. Enjoy! [emoji12]
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