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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Nooo, not you too KimP! I'm losing all the southies!!! Jimbo - a cash register full of interceptor and potassium!
  2. Five letters Victoly... R...E...L..A...X... It worked for Aaron Rodgers so I'm hoping it has the same effect for me.
  3. That's how good I am Jimbo, can't even see me! That's a bummer, hopefully it was coral instead of fish for the delayed shipment.
  4. That's all part of the scam. Everyone expects me to be at Juiceman's waiting for an awesome black tang but what I'm really doing is sitting at your place right now scooping up all your precious corals! Diabolical! [emoji33]
  5. Yeah, was wondering too! My overnight UPS package got delayed yesterday and is arriving today. Luckily, there's nothing alive in it. Hopefully the same delay didn't hit you sir.
  6. The madness! Dipping station and the acro holding tank that's tied into the DT. I currently have all water going INTO the tub running through the UV first. This will be switched around once I dip all the acros tomorrow. What is interesting is that I found this dead brittlestar in the tub. The only way he could have gotten there is through the UV. I wonder if he got sucked through the pump and got killed at that time and then passed through the UV and into the tub. I highly doubt the UV could kill an animal of that size.
  7. How much you charging to "store" one of my frag plugs in a hole adjacent to the Foxflame mother colony for 2 months? [emoji6]
  8. I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure your black tang has ich. [emoji12] Nice!
  9. Exactly what time should I meet the Fedex guy? [emoji48]
  10. Later tonight I'll be diving off the top of my tank into a 100-gallon tub if you want to see it in person. I'll be holding SPS colonies in each hand. The intent is the force of impact of my cannonball into the tub will dislodge any parasites without the use of chemicals.
  11. Ummm...I think I'll pass...that seems like a good way to end up in the hospital! Fortune favors the brave Jimbo! [emoji4]
  12. You want genius? Buy one of these and latch a cable to it while sitting in your chair and let it pull you around the tank as its cleaning! Genius! [emoji41] http://reefbuilders.com/2015/08/03/oceanswipe360-robotic-glass-cleaner-kickstart-fall/
  13. The people on this club are the best. Always willing to lend a hand! [emoji12]
  14. I can let you borrow a 400 watt MH. [emoji6]
  15. For real! I'd use a frag tank way more than we'd ever use that table. Maybe a frag tank with a glass table topper for the holidays.
  16. Wow! I have nothing to add as you have already done everything I would have mentioned... but that is crazy! That's why I won't stick another glass heater in my system again, titanium all the way! Hopefully all goes well from this point since you caught it so quickly.
  17. I really don't mind having people over when the tank is like that and if it's a valuable learning tool to see it in action, I'm game for it. The main problem will be space. My front room where the tank is isn't the biggest room. Add a large dining table, a china cabinet, a piano, a giant tank, and now two tubs on the floor will make it that much smaller... which means I'll be only able to let 2 people come to the meeting in January. I'll just throw everyone's names in a hat and pull out the two lucky winners! I think I can make it work and just have everyone hang out in the living room and we can all tour the tank/tubs as part of the demo. I'll start printing up T-shirts now with that on it for sale at the January meeting! I'll autograph it if you purchase a frag from me that day too! Luckily there is this minuscule 7' wall that separates the living room from the front dining room/fish room. The wall is my saving grace because if the wife can't see it, she doesn't get too wound up about it. I can't even remember the last time she stepped into that front room other than to find me.
  18. This guy won't touch any coral!!! [emoji23]
  19. Maybe give him some zoanthids or kryptonite candy canes. My emperor angel loved those! [emoji12]
  20. A little bit of a conundrum I'm dealing with currently as I try to decide what's the best route forward. I am on week 2 of the triple-dipper acro pest blowout. I will be dipping all the acros for the 2nd time with Bayer, interceptor, and potassium tomorrow night but this time, I'll be placing all the acros in a 100-gallon tub that will be plumbed into my main system, with a UV plumbed on the effluent end of the tub going back to the sump. The reasoning behind it, to leave the main DT empty of acros so any potential pests that are not on the colonies will die out. The UV on the eflluent end of the tub going back to the sump will be used to kill off any freshly hatched pests that may be water-born, in theory preventing any pests that may reside on the acros in the tub from reinfecting the DT. Again, overkill but why not if I have the equipment. This allows my water parameters to be stable for the acros and at the same time, allow me to run an acro "fallow" period within the DT. The conundrum is this though, with the addition of the powder blue to the DT, it jumpstarted a whole ich festival in my tank. He lived for 3 months in the sump without any ich but once brought into the main population, his susceptibility to ich allowed a gateway for the population to bloom in the DT and now I officially have an ich issue. The main targets seem to be the powder blue, the emperor angel, the flame angel, the tomini tang, and the orange should tang. The rest seem mostly unaffected and hardly show any spots. So, I was thinking to myself, any way I could utilize the setup I have currently for the acro "fallow" period and combine that with a fish "fallow" period? All my brainstorming ideas have resulted in a big, fat "NO". I'd hate to have to run 2 tubs, one for acros and one for fish to be fallow. Plus, going fallow on the DT would mean 72 days of a fishless tank which throws off the January meeting at my place. I might need to postpone until March then so that people actually get to see an actual reef tank when coming over, instead of 2 tubs and a glass box with rocks in it. Any thoughts are appreciated.
  21. Did you see my earlier post Kevin? I'd do the same process for your Ca.
  22. Where are you getting the 190 ml number from? Are you using soda ash or sodium bicarbonate for your alk dosing?
  23. So Kevin has explained to me that his tank from Sunday afternoon to Monday afternoon (roughly 24 hrs), his alk dropped from 7.3 dKh to 6.0 dKh. From this point on, we know that his tank consumes roughly 1.3 dKh of alk daily. For supplementation purposes, since he is using 2-part, with a total water volume of about 95 gallons, he would need to dose 88.2 ml/day of alk a day to keep up with his tank's demand. I would at this point, dose the alk level back up to 7.3 dKh or whatever his preferred alk level is (just try to increase it less than 1 dKh/day) and then set his dosers to add 88.2 ml/day. This should keep his alk pretty stable from this point on and it will need to be checked and tweaked occasionally to keep up with growing demand. Just repeat the same process for calcium to know how much calcium to dose/day as well.
  24. I sold them to clear them out once my emperor decided they were candy to him. I don't have them anymore but a bunch of people bought them so there should be a bunch out there.
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