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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Hey hey hey, you're not allowed to mention the word crash while I'm doing all this stuff!
  2. LPS spotlight since I have no acros right now...
  3. Phase 2 begins! It's time to catch out all the fish and begin the tank transfer method to rid them all of ich before QT'ing them for 76 days. Moths to a flame!
  4. I was hoping I could attend with the wife but I have some family that needs assistance tomorrow. Pour some saltwater on the ground for me!
  5. Well go put on a hat, I want the tippage! [emoji145] Bpb - dipping is the easy stuff. I'm more worried about the fish removal. My tank is the safe zone and I'm always afraid to take anything out of it as I'm going into uncharted waters from that point. Are my nitrates too high? Is the temperature fluctuating too much? Is there enough dissolved oxygen... Etc.
  6. FarmerTy

    new here

    Makes me glad I can manually edit the post count. Congratulations Ty, you're our new post leader. Shhh... I'm going to get punched in the mouth!
  7. FarmerTy

    new here

    [emoji15] ... Uh, I heard it is more effective to go after the 2nd highest poster on the club. *backs slowly out of the thread* Welcome to the club!
  8. AEFW (acro eating flatworms) and red bugs only attack acros so the birdsnest, stylos, montis, LPS, and softies are all safe.
  9. You guys are crazy! My house is a no laser zone... unless someone gives me a lightsaber.. then all the rules are out the window.
  10. It'll help with their regulatory image. See the softer side of OSHA...
  11. I've never heard of fish building sand nests to attract mates other than your standard burrow like most gobies. What other fish do this as intricately? Freshwater? Saltwater?
  12. Yeah, it's for real. Saw a special on it, fish mating behaviors. The more intricate designs supposedly attract better mates. This is a perfect segue-way for you Ty! Any eligible bachelors in this town looking for someone may want to go through you to upgrade their house. Haha, I bought a house and met my wife indirectly through it. You may be on to something there. [emoji6]
  13. This would be interesting if its for real.
  14. Here's what I'm going to put on the bottle. It'll kill all... but look cute while doing it.
  15. The link provided doesn't work for me but either case, I'd buy new bulbs... especially if you don't know the exact age of the bulb or if it is a good spectrum for corals. T5 bulbs need to be replaced annually anyways... with some that replace them every 9 months. You can order them from bulk reef supply, just Google what a good 4-bulb combo is for your tank. You can't go wrong with ATI and Geisemann bulbs. I used to run a coral +, blue +, purple +, and another coral + back in the day but you may want to get more updated advice.
  16. Story on the news this morning is that UPS is down to 91% on-time delivery this year compared to 97% last year. They are strug-a-ling Joe Namath style. I wonder if this is a company-supplied stat by UPS or just based on vendor feedback from customers/clients. Just from the small sample size of our club, we have 3 UPS overnight packages that have been delayed. Also, maybe they can still get the packages to you in 2-3 days no problem but a majority of their delays may be focused in their overnight programs? So maybe the 9% that are late, 8% of that is from their overnight shipping programs... which is abysmal and kind of lives up with what we are seeing on this forum at least. Would it be prudent to request Fedex during the holidays for shipping livestock at this point? I'd almost be willing to pay the vendor extra to do so if its an option.
  17. I forgot to mention, I put two frags, one tabling acro that was super healthy and encrusted the entire plug already and a small piece of ORA hawkins echinata in a small cup with all three dip solutions in it and left it for 2.5 hrs. Both were understandably a little ticked off but both survived just fine. I'm not sure I trust that to do to my colonies yet but a few more tests might convince me of it. I wish I had a piece of acro that was infected with red bugs, AEFW, and black bugs so I can see if the triple dip is just as effective combined. Who's ready for the FarmerTy all-in-one-triple-dip-of-death? Coming to a store near you!
  18. You think it looks naked now? Wait until the fish are removed for 76 days! Thanks Ol'aggie. I forgot to update you that I got your tub to stop leaking. There's nothing a ridiculous amount of silicone won't fix I guess. I'll have to run through the tank now and kalk any leftover encrusted pieces of SPS on the rock when I removed the colonies. I think there's really only one piece from where the ORA Chips acro was... as it was one of the only pieces that I let encrust on the rock up to that point.
  19. Just what I mentioned above. I found these white little pods on about 3-4 colonies, and only those oddly. They weren't on any other pieces. They didn't seem to cause any physical reactions from the acros such as reduced polyp extension or STN but I nuked them all anyways just in case.
  20. Check out my softie/LPS/monti tank!
  21. All the precious cargo in the holding tub now. It's still plumbed to the DT but with a giant UV to keep any potential pests from making it back in. Check out my new softie/LPS tank! [emoji12]
  22. Round 2! This time I combined the interceptor and potassium dips. It saved me about 45-60 mins of time dipping.
  23. At least it's in Texas. There's some hope of getting it today still! Crossing my fingers for you sir!
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