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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. I've been able to do the same thing but not with the powder blue. If any fish gets an outbreak, I'd leave it be and they always recover. The powder blues never recover for me... hence why I'm tearing apart the tank. Lol.
  2. Are you still expecting delivery this Sunday? Just let me know what you find out about the delivery. If they are going to just load it right into the truck, then I can just meet you at the house and help you take it into the house and put it on the stand. I'll bring a furniture dolly.
  3. I'm just to going to call it straight awesome luck! Jerk! [emoji12]
  4. I've never done hypo. How long do you need to run it for it to clear the tank? I know fallow was 76 days. I wasn't sure if it was different with hypo.
  5. Just a thought that occurred to me... you are the only person I know directly that has acantharus tangs, in a known ich management situation, that doesn't have huge outbreaks of ich on your tangs. Anything you can think of that helps your fish recover so well and not succumb? The minute I put a powder blue in the tank, all hell breaks loose! Otherwise, I went years with ich management with other tangs and angels with no issues. This is with a giant UV too!
  6. Anecdotal evidence in some of the larger forums say ich management won't work with the acantharus tangs... they are just too prone to succumbing to ich and once they are infected, they become the reproductive catalyst for ich and the population booms, overwhelming your other fish which were showing no infection up to that point with their natural resistance. That's the main reason why I'm treating for ich and going fallow. I want to keep a powder blue and maybe an achilles one day. If I didn't want them, I would have just continued to run ich management and my fish would have been fine. Even more evidence to support that conclusion, I had my powder blue in my sump for 3 months in the same water, no ich on the tang at all and the main DT had 15 fish with an occasional spot here or there, but no outbreaks. The minute I put the powder blue in the main DT, he got ich and it only got worse and worse... and no, he was not getting bullied or stressed in any way that I could see. Once an outbreak broke out on him, he became the one to aid in increasing the population of ich in the tank and all the other fish, which were once able to be resistent to ich, broke out in ich as well. Are you doing hypo in a QT tank with all the fish separately and then leaving the DT fallow for 76 days? Or are you removing corals to another system and then going hypo on the main DT?
  7. Reburn brings up a good point. Have you actually checked that it's dosing that much a day? Try dosing it to an empty measuring cup to test it?
  8. FarmerTy

    Birdsnest base

    Odd free item, but if I had a new tank and needed something to seed it, I'd want this. I cut the dead portion off my screaming green birdsnest and its chock full of brittle stars, pods, starfish, and sponges. Good way to seed a new tank or refugium. It's sitting in my sump for now but I want it gone before the weekend. It'll go to whoever can pick it up first. If nobody wants it, I'll dry it out and toss it into my CaRX. It's huge!
  9. I would also recommend some larger dosing volumes per day instead of the 12x/day. Maybe cut it down to 4x like Reburn suggested. My 215-gallon eats up about 2dKh/day and with your water ratio to SPS/clam mass, I don't think it's too out of the norm if you're using more than 1dKh/day. Just for clarification, you are dosing 88ml/day of alk, and you're still losing 1dKh/day? So if you weren't dosing at all, you'd be losing 2.3dKh/day?
  10. Oh nooo!!! Are you treating with copper, hypo, chloroquine phosphate, or tank transfer method?
  11. What was your usage of Ca/day? If you're using up 1dKh/day, why are you dosing 132ml of alk? Or do you mean you're losing 1dKh/day while dosing the previously calculated 88ml/day of alk we determined you needed to dose to keep up with your corals demand?
  12. Absolutely! I bought the same package back in the day and once I had all the basics, bought the alk, Mg, and Ca refill supplements in bulk from that point forward.
  13. Hmm... I'm checking the fish database again but the doesn't look like a leopard wrasse. I'll give it one more day and I'm going to go ahead and treat the other fish and I'll just have to treat the leopard by himself. Cruddy part is the 76 day counter doesn't start until I get him out of that tank!
  14. Did you take that helpful tip from Gig'ems Official Guide to Dating? [emoji23]
  15. Which line are you blowing into? I would remove all lines and blow on them to see if there are any obstructions to any of them. A small piece of media could have possibly clogged one of them.
  16. What does it read on your gauges? Did you take apart the regulator assembly at all? Check your check valve for obstruction? Are any your CaRX lines obstructed? Can you blow on the tube and air passes through it just fine?
  17. Ghost town! The new mayor of ghost town In the transit tub before I put them in the treatment tub and start the TTM. I actually still have to catch the leopard wrasse. He did a sand dive once he figured out what was going on and I haven't seen him since. Hopefully I can grab him tomorrow night and get this thing started. He will definitely be hard to catch though.
  18. Man, so all I need to turn you guys into frag swap elves is a couple bottles of wine? I'll have two next weekend for you guys! I got the SaoSa frag swap coming up! I'll have the cleanest frags in town!
  19. True, but it's a hobby. I'm willing to be Ty's having a blast doing his little mad-scientist experiment. Some people want to just look at the pretty fish... Others want to play with the equipment... And others want to frag everything... It's all about doing what you enjoy. I'm definitely of the always "trying to improve my tank" mentality. I don't handle being idle well. I'm sure I could have just walked away from my tank and everything would have been fine regardless. But if I can ensure there are no pests with my final populations of fish and corals, why not? Is there risk? Of course. Is it worth it to me to do this? Well, I think I've already answered that! [emoji6] Plus, it's the only chance I get to experiment anymore since the career change. [emoji16]
  20. I take it this is a case-by-case basis as I don't think you'd keep one if it was nipping your corals, yes? Any words of wisdom on how to choose or acclimate so that your Angel isn't a reef eater? Definitely case-by-case with angels but with a flame, I'm going to say nipping is in their DNA. Mine actually nips... but for me, it doesn't matter. Volume is on my side... it is like my old rabbitfish... they just nibble a little to taste but never really focus on one enough kill it. I have so much volume of corals that it really doesn't matter. Same with my emperor angel, he nips as well... just in their DNA. But there are so many colonies that it gets so spread out, it doesn't even matter anymore. That's my take on it at least.
  21. FarmerTy

    new here

    Oh, 99% of the stuff that comes out of my mouth is total BS anyways. I'm always joking around as well. [emoji23]
  22. FarmerTy

    new here

    I'm hosting the January meeting! It's hard to discuss my topic after getting punched in the mouth!
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