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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Ich theronts will typically release from their encysted tomont stage at night and will look for a host. I bet you are seeing the progression of all the free swimming theronts latching on to your poor PBT throughout the day. They'll detach within 3-7 days and find substrate/rock to encyst into a tomont form and the cycle will begin anew. That's why the tank transfer method works... Once they drop off the fish, you move the fish to another tank entirely. No more encysted tomonts to reinfect the fish again. You move the fish 4 times with a max of 72 hrs in each tank to be sure all fall off and viola, no more ich.
  2. I'm not sure the music will actually be considered better though. Zombie snails! I bet that's what people thought when they first saw a nassarius rise out of the sand! Zombie snails! Ahhhhh! Run for your salt!
  3. FarmerTy

    New DaM Acros

    DaM! That's a lot of acro frags! You got me beat!
  4. Glad I could be of indirect assistance. [emoji41] I would let the silicone dry a bit after the water test so it doesn't leach any chemicals into the tank. I'm not sure if it's in direct contact with any tank water or not. Typically a week is the safest bet.
  5. FTS...fishless... Acroless... The mayor says there is nothing to see here!
  6. Wuh? Was I paying attention? What a steal! [emoji12]
  7. Hahahahahaha. You discreet? BahahahahahaHey, I was discreet about you being the stunt double for The Mountain in Game of Thrones... Oops! [emoji38]
  8. 100% pure silicone usually does the trick. You can get a small tube at Home Depot for $3.
  9. This meeting was about how to make it more visible for others to know there was going to be a meeting and get info out. Two words: sky writer
  10. That's nice to be melting media at 6.80. What media are you running these days? Caribsea? Reborn?
  11. I'm getting good growth in the acro tub surprisingly and things haven't lost color... actually, some are coloring up even more. #tublife I'm planning to leave the DT empty until the weekend before the January meeting at my house. I think that'll be ample time to starve out any pests if there were any in the tank. I only have one last dip this week to end my 3 weeks of dipping but I've decided to continue the interceptor/potassium dip every week until they go back in the display. Might as well since they are all sitting there and easy to reach and dip. I'm still looking for an AEFW-infested piece of coral if anybody has one. I want to see if the potassium/interceptor dip is just as potent as the Bayer. I would love it to be as the Bayer requires so much more work and safety preparation... not to mention the dipping my hands in toxic materials. I see just as much pod, snail, and brittlestar die off in both solutions so I'm hoping it's just as effective on AEFW but without all the extra work and safety precautions. If someone has one, I'll be discreet if you would like. I'll even trade you for a nice, shiney, triple-dipped piece of acro for your infested piece. [emoji4]
  12. This is about exciting as it gets for my alk results these days. I may have to go to bimonthly testing now instead of weekly.
  13. That's great you're getting good growth on everything! With the new lighting and a stable CaRX, you're going to be unstoppable! When was the last time you calibrated your probes?
  14. I always wanted a lab coat but only the lab scientists got to have them. I was a field scientist so all I got was raingear, a log book, and some Carhart clothing. [emoji17] I did however perfect a maniacal laugh over the years! Muahahaha! [emoji48] So who wants to learn about the life cycle of ich and treatment options over the dipping demonstration for SPS for the January meeting? [emoji4]
  15. It's like the next zombie apocalypse! Run for your lives! It's spreading everywhere!
  16. One leopard wrasse... check! Just passing this helpful little nugget along but if anybody happens to be trying to catch a leopard wrasse, just stick a net in the water and watch for where it dashes into the sand. Then get a net on either side of that and start working your way towards it. When you get close enough, it'll dash out of the sand and hopefully into one of your nets. Day 1 of 76 of FarmerTy's Fallow Fest! March 3rd, here I come!!! This also marks Day 1 of the tank transfer method (TTM). The fish will be moved every 3 days (not to ever pass 72 hrs) to a new tank with new water. After 4 transfers, they will be ich free and will remain in the tub for 76 days before I put them back in the DT.
  17. Alright, how about 15.7" being the largest recorded sailfin.
  18. I've had a different experience with tang aggression... being that they were all introduced together for the most part and having only a 215-gallon and 125-gallon, I think the ample but not overly large tank gave them enough room to not feel cramped but not enough room to stake out their own little piece of the pie. I think if you're seeing aggression in your 470-gallon, it's because it's so big that each tang has set up a territory and will defend it as best as possible. In Jimbo's tank, I think it'll work like my tanks and the tang populations I kept. Large enough to not feel cramped but not too large that territories will be established and defended. I will say that the sailfin will probably have to go to a bigger tank 5-8 years down the line as they can get up to 18" long but probably fine for now.
  19. I'd let it ride and see what happens. I'd also keep your fish population lower... I think that's the issue with my tank... I'm heavily stocked which just gives them more hosts once the PBT starts off the ich fest.
  20. From some experiences I've read about, hypo on the DT would not be the option I choose. In my unprofessional opinion, I'd be surprised if it didn't affect bacterial populations in the tank. Bacteria are very simple... I just think they'll be affected greatly by a change in salinity. It would affect the osmostic pressure in their systems much more than a it would affect a fish and I say enough to kill them. For clearing of the DT with hypo, I'd imagine it's 76 days just like going fallow. The long timeframe with being fallow shouldn't change based on treatment type, at least that's my assumption.
  21. Juiceman's Snake Oil.. Only $199.99, Instant Ich Management! Coming soonPlease sir! I'll take two!
  22. Normally I agree with you, I've been on the same boat with you on ich management in tanks. But for me, I can't seem to keep powder blues healthy so ich-free is the only way I can do it from this point. Unless you give me some of your special tankwater, I have no other options. Haha.
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