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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Oh wait, that was your RO jug? I thought that was your composting trashcan so I threw my food in there.
  2. Awesome! Everyone, don't forget to RSVP on the poll on this thread so I know how many people are coming. If not, you can sit there and watch the rest of us eat eggrolls and springrolls because I didn't account for you! Alright, just kidding but it sure would help me in estimating how much to cater in. I'm still undecided on the topic of the meeting. Do people want to listen to a talk about dipping SPS? Or do people want to listen to a talk about ich? I could talk about both but I see myself saying Bueller... Bueller... Bueller... a couple times through it as people start dozing off.
  3. Doesn't matter, just pick one to use as your reference. These are hobbiest grade kits here... we're talking a +/- of 0.4 dKh error margin, easily. Nice, now just sit back and watch everything grow!
  4. Don't start throwing significant figures out and nerding the place up!
  5. I'm sitting at 6.74 on my reactor so 6.80 is reasonable if there is enough volume of media I'd imagine.
  6. JasReef, I have an chiller temperature controller you can have sir. PM me and we can figure out a time/day for you to pick it up or you can just show up at the January meeting at my place and get it then. Thank you both for your service to our country.
  7. http://www.amazon.com/XXL-Ceramic-Coral-Frag-Disks/dp/B00OWKP1TY
  8. Wow, that's awful and pretty bad karma there. I hope the seller makes it right. At least post that there was a temperature probe issue to disclose everything.
  9. You got me, I never bought one but I've seen them at some of the LFS for their stock.
  10. Sorry, I realized I never answered this question.The main reason for the 72 hrs is to interrupt the life cycle of ich. At minimum, it takes 72 hrs for the trophont to drop off the fish, enter into the encysted tomont stage, and then release back into the water column to reinfect its host again. If you swap the tank prior to the 72 hr timeline, you'll always be one step ahead of any encysted tomonts releasing the next batch of free swimming theronts to reinfect the fish. You'll give enough time for as much of the trophonts that are burrowed into your fish to drop off as possible (not all will drop off in 72 hrs) but move them before the new batch of theronts hatch from the encysted tomont stage. This is why you have to move them a total of 4 times in 12 days, to make sure all trophonts have fallen off the fish during this time and that you moved them quick enough before the 72 hrs passed and they don't get reinfected with the next generation of parasites.
  11. They sell those giant frag discs. Maybe buy one of those and glue it in the middle and put sand over the rest of the disc so it blends better and helps secure it as well?
  12. That and the clean-up crew. Those guys crack me up. Ty doesn't go to stand up comedian shows or movies to be entertained, he just watches his clean up crew fumble around while he narrates the story and gives them dialogue You laugh but you were narrating right beside me the last time!
  13. Get a bigger rock to glue that goniopora to it because you won't be able to get him to stop. That's just in his nature.
  14. Only reason I mention just to keep an eye out is that they could have no outward symptoms and still die of it. What makes it even more confusing is to have ich as well and have the ich lower the immune system of the fish and be seen as the outward physical symptom, but really have velvet wiping them out unknowingly. Not saying its the case in this scenario, just saying to keep an eye out for fish swimming in front of powerheads and other mysterious deaths.
  15. So what do you think killed your other fish? When fish die from ich, at least in my experience, they are covered in parasites and it's highly visible.Often when fish die of velvet, the parasite actually killed them from asphyxiation as it'll overtake their gills, sometimes with no outward physical symptoms. The dead giveaway of velvet are fishes that swim in front of powerheads, typically at night if you turn the pumps down at night. The only other thing I can think of that'll kill fish in a day or two (that's not environmental) is a bacterial infection, but that's highly visible too on the fishes exterior.
  16. FarmerTy

    Hello Everyone

    Welcome to the club!
  17. If RCA is out, I think I've seen it at Aquadome as well. If neither has it, you can borrow mine as long as you replace what you use.
  18. Picture of bottle. If you use it, dose it according to its supplied instructions and not what you see online as this is a different form of CP.
  19. That might be marine velvet then. Typically when you see physical signs on your fish, they are probably beyond help by then. Velvet looks a tad bit different than ich. It almost looks like fine sugar coated all over your fish. It can kill in 2-3 days, much quicker than ich. If you suspect marine velvet, I'd QT immediately and treat all fish with chloroquine phosphate (NLS spectrum sells it in a powder form, I believe RCA has it). While transferring to QT, I'd do a 5 minute freshwater bath to give the fish immediate relief and then put them in the QT with chloroquine phosphate.
  20. Bottomless chips people! Come and get your frags!
  21. Always was a huge fan of black sand. Tank looks great! Not sure about the statue but time will tell if it is a problem tenant.
  22. They're gonna have to run you through a ag swag detector before they'll let you on campus... They're on to us! Run!
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