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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Hey Tom, the swap is tomorrow in San Antonio so can't do it then. When are you free next?
  2. Wow! Great setup! The sump section looks so clean!
  3. Welcome to the club! That time-lapse will be awesome!
  4. Top middle of rack. They are ORA Hawkins Echinatas. $25/frag if you're interested. PM me if you are. -Ty
  5. Can I talk you into 30" wide? [emoji4] It's my only regret with my current tank. The depth limits my aquascaping. I'm glad he talked you into 6'. Those future tangs of yours will love it!
  6. For the clowns, mine have hosted duncans and torch corals before, but only temporarily when I removed my anemone for treatment. Long-term I heard its possible for them to host but me personally, I've seen how they beat up that anemone. Not sure how LPS would take that kind of abuse long-term but it worked fine for me for a couple of weeks with no issues.
  7. My other thought was a cap for you but I didn't know if you've had success with any type of monti before. The ledge would look nice but they suck up alk and Ca so your water changes would have to keep up. Either that or you'll have to start dosing.
  8. Even I make fun of me Dan! [emoji12] Sascha, only reason I mention is because you had a ton of views of your old build thread. Now either you are obsessive and looked at your own thread thousands of times or people were actually reading it. I'd like to believe the latter. [emoji23]
  9. I think some type of euphyllia (torch, frogspawn, hammer, anchor) coral should look nice down there. It'll give you some depth and also something flowing in the current. They are also pretty hardy and tolerant of a lot of conditions and lighting.
  10. I can see little one's budding off the larger ones! You're going to be PVC rich!
  11. As usual, I find a way to cheat the system!
  12. I still run into people who have read my thread and told me they like this or that or appreciated I posted about a certain subject or another. I'm like... first off, who are you? I've never seen your name on ARC. To which they reply, I'm a lurker but never really post. I've ran into 3-4 people like that just over the holidays alone so I definitely feel that our build threads that we maintain are beneficial to others. Personally, I post because I enjoy it. Sure, it makes it fun when everyone else jumps on and makes a comment or even makes fun of me... but regardless, I just enjoy posting about my tank. You'll sometimes see 10-15 posts on my build thread with no comments at all but I just keep posting because its fun for me.
  13. You got me bud. I've never used acid on any of my rocks. I have however bought the dry pukani rock from BRS and I thought it was great. It currently is about 60% of the rock in my display tank right now.
  14. FarmerTy


    Cool idea! I only have the same type cyphastrea so no help here.
  15. Nice plan! Just some thoughts. I'd go 30 days minimum for fish QT but that's just me. You're the fish guy... I'll step back into my coral hole now as that's all I know. I'd also run with dry rock personally to start but there are many schools of thought on that. You know there's no such thing as a good update without pictures right?
  16. FarmerTy

    PM emails

    There is a button Sascha, it's in your settings. [emoji4] The problem we're having is the button is activated to receive notifications and it isn't sending them. Or maybe they are being blocked by our email systems... I hadn't looked in the spam folder to check yet.
  17. I'm in!!! I'm looking forward to this one!
  18. Can ARC supply a giant inflatable slip and slide as well?
  19. I'll follow it up with some "engineering controls" to potentially alleviate the ease of reinfection via ich.
  20. Two things: 1) This is my view right now. 2) I just had an ephiphany! I remember reading that during the ich life cycle, it drops off the fish, typically at night, and then encysts into the tomont stage. After 3+ days, new ich theronts will release and find their next host. What makes ich so devious is that it literally falls off where the fish sleeps, and then when it multiplies and releases again, it'll release right where the fish is sleeping and reinfect the host again and again! My epiphany is the fact that I turn down my water flow at night. The stillness of the water is the ultimate environment for successful reinfection! The ich theronts don't have to fight flow and can lazily swim right to their next host when they release at night! In a perfect world, I should be ich free by March 3, that's 76 days of running the tank fallow. But just to cover my bases, I'm going to reprogram my flow to be just as active at night. That, combined with my oversized UV, should help a lot if ich finds its way back into my system. The flow issue makes more sense now as I think about the powder blue tang that lived in the sump for 3 months without showing any signs of ich at all. The sump had tons of good flow through it. Even if a theront managed its way into the sump to get to the powder blue, the water current in there was much too fast for it to latch on, even when the fish was more still and sleeping. Even if a tomont cyst happened to form in the sump by the sleeping powder blue, once all the ich theronts are released, the flow would just push them all away making it more difficult to attach to the host. Hmmmm.... Interesting... Just a theory of course but it does make you think.
  21. Maybe uninstall it and reinstall? Mine is working just fine.
  22. Alright, meeting reboot! I'll have spring rolls and eggrolls on order for this meeting as a big thank you to the ARC community for putting up with me as a professional sponsor and also putting up with me as the guy who posts way too much on a daily basis! My apologies! One free gift to all groups/families that attend, can't give everyone one... I'm not rich! [emoji6] It's nothing big so don't get crazy excited but you won't leave empty handed. I'll have some exciting frags in my frag tank to clear out as well so I can shut it down. Help me out! Also, please bring frags for the auctions. They've been going really well and people have been scoring some crazy cheap corals! There will be no fish in the tank yet until March 3 so you'll just have to look at all the boring corals instead. For those of you that must look at a fish or two, there is a fish tub in the office that I'll give tours of by request. [emoji16] Lastly, the topic will be dipping SPS. I'll walk you through my own method for dipping new frags and also demonstrate some alternative dips that you can use as well. I hope some of you will find it interesting. I'm looking forward to having everyone over! -Ty
  23. Just use those $20 battery operated air pumps. They even turn on when they sense the power is off.
  24. Cheapest in town that I've run across is River City Aquatics, $50 for a 200 gallon box.
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