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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. What kind of flame wrasses do you have again?
  2. Looks great now! I think the Black Tang just wants to be reunited with is yellow bellied blue tang buddy. Why don't you bring the black tang the next time you have beers at Whole Foods by me.
  3. What's that sir? Polyp... I got a polyp growth on my arm. Don't touch it, could be contagious.
  4. Hey hey hey, I was made in China too! Well, really, I was made in Hong Kong but still... [emoji6]
  5. Yeah, nothing like putting a magnifica in my pocket. I can explain the rash honey! Was that too much? [emoji23]
  6. Showed a home today and the client, who happens to be a Reefer, spotted something incorrect. Can you? [emoji4]
  7. I might get a chance in the Fall. Maybe I can reach out to him and get a behind-the-scenes tour.
  8. Sometimes I just do things to see if anybody is paying attention... Uhhh... Good catch there buddy. [emoji12]
  9. Here's a thought, make the drains louder again. It'll save you some money. [emoji23] I like my Jaebo DCT12000. Quiet, energy efficient, and hopefully it doesn't crap out on me in 6 months. Actually, I think that's how long I've been running it.
  10. Here's an article on reefbuilders that links to other articles detailing other parts of the system if you want to nerd out on it. [emoji4]
  11. Teaser pics for those that will be attending. Besides the SPS dipping demonstration, I'll let you in on an old family aquascaping trick that was passed down from generation to generation in my family. Traced all the way back to the Shang dynasty when the ruling class of China first setup their saltwater reef tanks in clay tanks. Alright, not really but fun to say... [emoji12]
  12. Hilarious! Maybe you stored yours upright enough to not be affected by the white cap. That's why I thanked Hanna for the three free reagent bottles! Let's get alk test crazy!
  13. Just throw another Jaebo return pump down there and call it a day. I've used a Sicce, a Mag pump, a Reeflo, and a Jaebo. The Jaebo is the only DC pump out of the group but hands down my favorite for a submersible.
  14. Oh, I remember that green monti cap. Super bright green! Yeah, it's a really bright colored one. I swear I find a new 3 or 4" piece every week that broke off and went crazy where it fell. For the life of me, I bleach all the red caps I put in the same tank though. That's so weird about the red caps not doing as well. That green cap was super low in my tank and the red one was higher up if I remember right.
  15. Oh, I remember that green monti cap. Super bright green!
  16. FarmerTy


    From the album: 215 gallon

  17. FarmerTy

    215 gallon

  18. Hmmm... tried to copy my FTS gif from Brian's thread here and that didn't work. I'm Gif-ignorant! I need an adult please!
  19. Wow Neonreefer! That's hilarious and sad, all at the same time! It was an emotional roller coaster! Thanks for sharing!
  20. Those wrasses... always be jumping! At least you can scream for someone. All my misadventures happen when I'm working alone at home.
  21. You should, it's just across the highway from you!
  22. Not sure if you caught where I mentioned getting one with individual reflectors. The unit you linked does not have individual reflectors. You'll lose out on some good par but if you want to save money, the fixture you linked should work just fine for your needs.
  23. I hear it!!! AHHH!!!!! I'm sorry, I won't tell anyone! I swear!!!
  24. What was that? Like 10 years ago for you then? [emoji23] What you didn't know is that you were the illegitimate son of Thor and that it was your powers starting to manifest at a young age.
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