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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. I usually let it get half way down before filling but I'm lazy. Probably topoff every 2-4 months is ideal.
  2. That bbq chicken pizza was awesome! Thanks Jake for the good times and awesome deals!
  3. Get a 20-lb! Then use the existing 5-lb as the hold-me-over bottle when the 20-lb runs out.
  4. You should see the satellite imagery over my house for CO2 production from 2014-2015! That was from too many egg rolls in 2015!!!!! Reborn and new-mag here. No, the eggrolls contributed to the carbon monoxide issue... Not carbon dioxide. [emoji41]
  5. And no, that's not chaeto in the sump... That's a giant half of a screaming green birdsnest colony about the size of football.
  6. Don't say I didn't warn you! It isn't going to ever win any beauty contests. That's why it stays behind closed doors.
  7. You should see the satellite imagery over my house for CO2 production from 2014-2015!
  8. I used to get 8-9 months with a 5-lb with my 125-gal. I barely made 1 year with a 20-lb cylinder this past year.
  9. I currently run 1:3 blue to white and I love it.
  10. When I first started, a large container of ARM lasted me a good year. Now, I'm happy to get through a year or two with a 5-gallon bucket.
  11. TLF Reborn for me. I used the ARM media for years until they had a bad batch that took out some tanks. Then I switched. Big difference I notice is the media looks like sticks of acros whereas the the ARM media is chunks. I've never had to run a magnesium supplement with either media.
  12. I run dawn to dusk mode as well. It just felt weird selling to people with mainly blue lights.
  13. That was hilarious! I needed that! Brian helped me out with the SoaSA swap and if you stood at one end of the frag swap and looked down to the other, you'd see this cascade of blue lights and then one oddly bright white setup where Brian and I sat. I felt so out of place not running a ton of blue that I turned my whites down a bit just not to offend people. I even had one guy ask me if I can turn up the blues to look at some coral!Does everybody run blue tanks at home these days and I'm just the old dinosaur that still runs my white? That's funny! Have that be your trademark thing and everyone can find your set up the easiest I still run my tank white all day, but the early morning and late evening the lights fade from/to blue just to enjoy the color differences. I felt like people were going to run me out of the building with those lights.
  14. That was hilarious! I needed that! Brian helped me out with the SoaSA swap and if you stood at one end of the frag swap and looked down to the other, you'd see this cascade of blue lights and then one oddly bright white setup where Brian and I sat. I felt so out of place not running a ton of blue that I turned my whites down a bit just not to offend people. I even had one guy ask me if I can turn up the blues to look at some coral! Does everybody run blue tanks at home these days and I'm just the old dinosaur that still runs my white?
  15. That's why I pat down everyone before they leave my house. Is that a tort in your pocket or...
  16. Oh, the chopsticks are just temporary until the glue and epoxy sets. If it were longer term, I'd go acrylic.
  17. Don't go all Oprah with me! She's actually rich! I'm not! Haha, after Tai Chi but before my abacus lessons. We actually have a ton of those disposable chopsticks from my rehearsal dinner from my wedding a couple years ago. Might as well put them to use!
  18. Tub gone! This looks much better in its place... even though it's just temporary. It's ready for some meeting day shopping for those coming!
  19. According to this shower curtain, yes!
  20. C'mon, I'll buy the beers! Just bring that black tang! [emoji16] Thanks for the info on the wrasses. They were just ginormous that I thought they might have been a different type, from another origin.
  21. Winner winner! You get a chicken dinner Jolt!
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