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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Can't wait for year zero with the new tank! Then you won't have any more excuses to not add more coral!
  2. Lyretail anthias Midas blenny checking himself out My coveted majestic angel All have already eaten within the first hour. Mysis, zooplankton mix, cyclopeeze, and live black worms have all been tried and accepted as a food source today already. Flakes and pellets were rejected. Now to slowly wean them on pellets so my autofeeder can take over as the primary feeder all day.
  3. I like him a lot. I'm just getting to my max bioload with some new additions coming in and he got the pink slip sadly.
  4. It's because they defaulted to chat instead of PMs now. Click on your Me tab, go to settings, and disable chat being always on.Then when you send a message, it'll ask if you want to send a chat or send a PM.
  5. The anthias, majestic angel, and midas blenny all look super healthy! They were all eating within the hour. A big thank you to Jake and his crew at RCA for taking care of me!
  6. I didn't see a PM yet. I'm supposed to hear back from someone this weekend but if they don't grab it, it's yours sir.
  7. All Hail!! The Mayor of Fairy Wrasse City entersI like it Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk I hear distant calls of kazoos sounding your approach...
  8. FarmerTy

    Jens 240

    Me too! The tank sounds awesome!!!
  9. The anemones need no maintenance from a fish so it's entirely your desire to have another fish or not. I've never had maroons but my guess is the new fish will get beat up pretty bad depending on what your pair of clownfish are.
  10. Tunze is located in town. I'd just give them a call and they'll probably just give you the tubing or pieces needed to make it fit.
  11. Pics or it didn't happen! [emoji6]
  12. What are you trying to do exactly? The pump showed is meant to be put in your ATO reservoir. Are you trying to connect it directly to the RO line coming out of your RO/DI system?
  13. They do but that minimum order amount that they are pretty bullish about. I went to buy some glue and before even letting me know what they had, they had said in a very overt tone that minimum order was...
  14. Just a heads up, Regal Plastics had a minimum order amount. It used to be $20 but I'm pretty sure it went up now to maybe $30/$40.
  15. I say be the mayor of fairy wrasse city! Get like 7 different fairy wrasses and call it a day. There will be so much motion in your tank a person will get dizzy just looking at it.
  16. I don't know if there is a true answer to this but if it were me, dish soap and a good rinse followed by a vinegar soak and I'd feel pretty safe to use them. If you are truly worried, buckets are only $2/$3 at Home Depot without any risk involved.
  17. Current fish stock: -emperor angel -yellow belly blue hippo -orange shoulder tang -blonde naso tang -flame fin tang (being rehomed) -large chromis (being rehomed) -two clowns -flame angel -cleaner wrasse -leopard wrasse -flame hawkfish
  18. Glad I just came up with that salinity plan. Looks like my first batch of fish will be arriving tomorrow morning: -7 lyretail anthias -powder blue tang (replacement) -midas blenny (replacement) -majestic angel My final batch towards the end of the month will hopefully include the following fish: -flame wrasses -achilles tang -potters angel -potters leopard wrasse -pyramid butterfly fish (replacement)
  19. In an effort to save some money on salt for the upcoming QT of new fish and the care of the current fish, I'm slowly acclimating all my fish to 1.020 salinity. The lower salinity will be easier on the new fish and they usually come in at around that salinity anyways from the wholesalers.
  20. You got it! You picking up at the meeting?
  21. Things just got interesting for this meeting. There may be a pretty cool door prize one can win just by showing up! I'm hearing rumors of a "Ty The Real Estate Guy" donated used 5-gallon nano filled with some stock by your own local fish store, River City Aquatics. Details to follow but you don't want to miss this meeting! [emoji4]
  22. Good question!http://www.austinreefclub.com/index.php?/topic/35937-February-Meeting-at-FarmerTy's-2/20/16-@2PM
  23. So then one of the things you need to be DOING is visiting my frag tank. Muahaha! [emoji48]
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