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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. FarmerTy

    Jens 240

    Two weeks to really notice anything and fully online around 4-5 weeks. I'd definitely start slow with the biopellets, meaning only add half of what is recommended. They pack a punch and can easily strip your tank of nitrates.
  2. I'll have some soft drinks on hand and water but I don't think anybody will turn down tea if you bring it. If the weather is nice, we may even move it to the backyard since I can fit more people back there.Don't worry, my backyard is plenty shady for those that burn like no other like my wife does.
  3. Watch out for that motion in Jimbo's mini-ocean! The SPS are going to love it!
  4. I'm like the Kobayashi of spring rolls... Nobody wants to mess with me. [emoji41]
  5. Welcome back Brooks! Glad you're getting back in and chose such a clean looking setup to get back in with. You didn't miss too much, you're still the last winner of the tank of the quarter back in 2010! [emoji23]
  6. 8 spring rolls! [emoji15] C'mon San Antonio traffic... Help me out here! [emoji12]
  7. I thought you moved away! You back? [emoji3]
  8. Reminder update, the February meeting is this Saturday at 2pm. Meeting details are in the first post of this thread. Catered eggrolls and springrolls, free gift to all persons/group of persons to attend, and a free 5 gallon nano with livestock donated by RCA as a door prize for one lucky person. Details will follow with the door prize once I get some time to get it ready to give away. Meeting topic will be dipping SPS corals. If you plan to attend, please respond via the poll how many are coming so I have a good idea of how much food to order. If you're on Tapatalk, you won't be able to see the poll so switch to the web view to vote. Thanks all and looking forward to everyone coming to the house for the meeting and geeking out on reefing.
  9. FarmerTy

    Jens 240

    I currently use UV and biopellets Jen. Just make sure the eflluent from the biopellet reactor goes either straight into the skimmer or at least in the skimmer compartment. Hooking it straight into the skimmer is pretty straightforward. All you need to do is get a PVC Tee that fits your skimmer input and stick it on there, loosely even as it doesn't have to be water tight, and then stick the tube from the biopellet reactor effluent and stick it in the PVC Tee. The other opening will allow the skimmer to continue to pull extra water as needed since the biopellet reactor will not supply enough for proper skimming. I used to run the UV on my system in the sump to process all water returning to the DT but have since moved it to the DT. That way it'll pull water directly from the DT, towards the bottom, expose it to UV, and then return it right back into the DT. If you get bored and want a good read for Valentine's Day, here's my UV experiment I've been running: http://www.austinreefclub.com/topic/33773-uv-sterilizer-experiment/
  10. FarmerTy

    Jens 240

    No problem! Great looking tank by the way.
  11. FarmerTy

    Jens 240

    Cross your fingers it'll be a male and start growing streamers in a few years! Other than being a little picky when first adapting to being fed, I've always experience nasos as being very resilient to most diseases and aren't ich magnets like the hippos are. Great looking fish! They appreciate some brown algae and well as red, besides just the standard green algae strips.
  12. No problem! I'm that annoying guy on the forum that's always worried about tank crashes and what not so I always ask just in case.
  13. Was that all dry rock you added when you started the tank? Did you add bacteria or see a full cycle yet? I know there's a lot of products that'll help quick cycle a tank these days but 7 days from dry rock to stocked just seems a bit fast to me. I do move pretty slowly for the most part so it may just be different styles. I'd just keep an eye on ammonia and nitrite in the interim just in case. Tank looks good though!
  14. Looks like they may have accidentally printed the freshwater colors on a saltwater card. Either way, API is rubbish to me as a test kit. You're safer going with Red Sea Pro or Salifert. I've never used Salifert myself but they have good reputations. I like the Red Sea test kits because they are titration-based, more accurate in my opinion though user error could introduce some bias. If it were me, I'd get Hanna meters for alk and phosphate, then Red Sea for nitrate, calcium, and magnesium. Those tests alone should give you enough of a base for any tank.
  15. There's a forum under Reefkeeping for Build Threads. I'd just start posting what you have currently and what you want to do with the tank and there will be plenty of people who will help you connect the dots. [emoji4]
  16. Nice QT setup, they all look very happy in there. The Majestic is, well ... Majestic! Sadly, one lyretail got bullied to death last night. I saw the largest one pestering one that was about the same size. I was hoping it would relent but he's dead as of this morning. Their social structure is rough!
  17. Dig a lot? There's a lot of sage wisdom on every page, guaranteed! [emoji6]
  18. Just hearing that out loud already makes me feel bad. [emoji30] I have no room to talk, I'm the most notorious coral killer known to manFish deaths hit me right in the gut. Something about staring at that lifeless body and glazed over eyes just gets me.
  19. Welcome to the club John. I'm assuming you met Makena, such a great person. I'd start a build thread when you get an opportunity and list off the equipment you have and what your plans are for the tank. You'll get a lot of great ideas and good advice from that point as everyone here is really helpful and friendly.
  20. It looks like an alien spacecraft!
  21. FarmerTy

    Jens 240

    Gorgeous tank and great fish selections!
  22. Just hearing that out loud already makes me feel bad. [emoji30]
  23. Since my coveted regal angel was a bust, I went with 2nd place. Hello Majestic! It's so cool that they already have adult coloration at a smaller size. The emperor had to hit 4" before he even got close to adult coloration. The Majestic has always been my #1, but I did not think I could not have one in a reef. Will be watchin closely ... Don't watch too closely, you'll get prints on the glass. At least that's what my wife tells me.If you want to stalk him Jolt. [emoji41] FarmerTy.com User: jeeperty Pass: corals
  24. Sadly no. I think if I tried one now, I'd have a good chance with all my new QT knowledge and proper QT equipment but I just can't risk another one.
  25. Since my coveted regal angel was a bust, I went with 2nd place. Hello Majestic! It's so cool that they already have adult coloration at a smaller size. The emperor had to hit 4" before he even got close to adult coloration.
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