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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Oh yes, I forgot. I wanted to keep it real and for me to seem more approachable.
  2. Are you going to bring the high definition TV make-up?
  3. Well you let me know when it's time for the next tank raising (pun on barn raising in case anybody didn't follow... It's usually a sign of a bad joke when you have to explain)!
  4. Alright folks, I got a head count of 22 people coming this Saturday for the meeting at my house. Anybody else planning to attend, please respond via the poll so i know numbers to order eggrolls and spring rolls for everyone. I'll put in the final order Thursday. I plan to over order anyways so I can eat the deliciousness all through the weekend as leftovers. That backfired on me last year because apparently, the people on ARC can throw down some Vietnamese food!
  5. I thought it was party on the outside for you, old man on the inside? Wasn't that you the other day drinking lemonade on your front porch, mowing with your push mower, and screaming at kids to get off your lawn?
  6. Schedule 80 sir... add the color punch of "good gracious" gray in there to liven things up. [emoji23]
  7. It's like having flashy fabric inside your suit. All business on the outside, party on the inside!
  8. But your PVC farm! Think of the future!I got them from Makena's store, Petsmart, right before they remodeled and clearanced stuff out. Got them for $2-$3/piece. They are usually $7-$15 if my memory serves me right.
  9. Hey, that QT setup is nice! (hehe) Some cool guy hooked me up! [emoji106] It looks nice enough with the stand that I think it's officially wife-approved to stay permanently up in the office as my QT. Score one for the reef nerds!
  10. Good thing it's Saturday Sascha! Hooray! [emoji6]
  11. I've had plenty of those days myself! Sometimes weeks! [emoji30]
  12. Victoly pointed out this article by some guys that know way more about lab equipment than I do, discussing Triton. https://www.reefs.com/forum/mag.php?do=wp_post&articleId=159
  13. I use it to monitor annual trends as the data is precise but I'm still hesitant to say accurate. Basically, it'll tell me its 420 ppm consistently if testing the same water over and over but I'm not really believing that 420 ppm is really 420 ppm. It really could be 380 ppm. There's just too much interference with saltwater to conclusively get that precise of results from the equipment, or so the experts say.So I send in a sample one a year to see which elements are going up and down. Doing no water changes helps me minimize external sources of bias with my numbers. Anything decreases will mainly be because of usage and not because it was removed via water change. That's at least how I employ Triton results. I would never personally make any changes using the results I've gotten back from the annual tests though but that's just me.
  14. Triton doesn't give you alk results. And if they did, I wouldn't trust it as bacterial interference should play a huge part in your sample result... especially when the sample probably won't get tested for almost 1+ weeks after you submit it as it will have to be shipped to overseas to be sampled.
  15. Just to note, the manufacturer states not to run the Jaebo externally. It was designed to be run internal only.
  16. Doh! CaRX tech support duty! Well, it isn't the first time I've been on call for a calcium reactor setup. Adjusting the secondary pressure is for bubble size on the carbon doser regulator. So, you can start at 6-7 PSI and adjust up in PSI if you want the bubble larger or adjust down if you want it smaller. You use the dial to adjust how many bubbles per second... but that is pretty self-explanatory. Aquatek, RCA, Fish Gallery, and I believe Aquadome all carry the pH calibration solutions here in Austin.
  17. Well, it looks a little different now as my acros are coloring back up and there are no fish in it! Haha. But yes, please do come if you can make.
  18. Woohoo! Reburn and I won the JasReef CaRX media contest! [emoji6] I run my carbon doser regulator at 7-8 PSI. Make sure the knob is turned all the way off on the regulator before supplying air or it'll blow up your new toy before you even get to use it. They have online instructions on their website. That's where I found it when I was looking last.
  19. I don't have a skimmer for you but nitrate concentration is directly proportional to the volume of water removed. Basically, do a 50% water change, and you'll cut your nitrates by half. I'm not advocating a 50% water change. I was just using that number because it's easy to think of with the explanation.
  20. Ha! Thank you! Lots of Christmas and birthday presents. I'm looking for your tank build. I saw the picture of the tang you just sold, and the background looked incredible! Stay away from my tank build... unless you want to get sucked into a black hole and somehow pop back up a week later wondering what happened.Here's my best video I took of my tank. I've changed a couple things over the holidays. https://youtu.be/1RTwwSU2HJY The big reveal is this Saturday as I'm hosting the February meeting if you can attend. Free food, free nano tank giveaway, and a demonstration on 3 different methods on dipping SPS. http://www.austinreefclub.com/index.php?/topic/35937-February-Meeting-at-FarmerTy's-2/20/16-@2PM
  21. That's crazy! You had a great setup back then. I wish I could have afforded stuff like that at that age!
  22. Ha! Thank you!! I'm glad to see the community is still very active. No matter how long, you can't ever "get out," of the hobby! Good to see you're still here! Yeah, you can try, but you'll never fully leave!You knew me back in my "Jeeper" days, before I settled down and became a "Farmer". [emoji6]
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