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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Who wants to guess when I took my last 400-watt MH offline?
  2. Seeing how I was such a long time supporter of LEDs, I don't understand the shock? [emoji12]
  3. Its official, FarmerTy is all LED! [emoji16]
  4. Go old school and print it out and make a flipbook! [emoji4] Brian! We want electronic flipbooks please!
  5. Those are there to brace my ORA Chips colony until it encrusts to the rock.
  6. Thought it would be a good idea to copy my FTS pictures to my own thread. 12/12/2015 12/16/2015 1/12/2016 1/18/2016 2/2/16 2/4/16 2/6/16
  7. +1, get a sponge, dip in vinegar, wring it out, let it sit on a spot for a couple hours, then clean that spot. Rinse, repeat.
  8. No canopy, you're on your own sir. It does rust if I leave water on it and I believe some of the joints he welded have rust on them. In hindsight, I would have powder coated it or at least rhinolined or plastic dipped it.
  9. That's a nice looking clamp on that biopellet hose. I hear the owner wants that thing back soon!
  10. I thought it was that clumsy FarmerTy fella that knocked it out of there to sabotage your new tank in it's first week of existence?
  11. Pants on fire dude! The brace was on page 11! Post #209. http://www.austinreefclub.com/topic/29288-farmertys-215-build/page-11
  12. I just got a welder that works with stainless steel to make me a trim around the top of the tank with 2 braces across. My tank didn't come with a center glass brace but resealing a 215-gallon warranted some additional bracing to help me sleep at night. I think total with labor and materials was about $200 for that thing. I found the guy on Craigslist but he's no longer there.
  13. I get mine from Lowe's actually. The guy must be new.
  14. As far as I know, they're bristleworms. No?You got me! Maybe?
  15. Wow, have you identified what worms they are?
  16. Yeah, get those bad boys up in high light. They seem to retain their colors better then doing the whole acclimate on the sandbed business.
  17. I used to keep mine on the sand and away from all other rocks. It'll overtake any area you put it on and smother other corals out. It really doesn't need a ton of light so the sandbed is usually good in most tanks, unless you have dimmer lighting.
  18. They aren't the most keen to changes but practically unkillable. You'll probably start seeing them come out in about a week.
  19. I'd go back to bottom of the tank and medium flow. Give it time to come out and leave it alone.
  20. Nice John! They are alveoporas. While they look like flowerpot corals (gonipora), they are much easier to keep and aren't as temperamental as the goniopora. I've had mine for almost 3 years now and it's been a trooper. Pretty hard to kill... and believe me, I've put it through some tests!
  21. Looks like $500 takes all in his original post.
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