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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Wow! That's almost 1,100 gals/yr! Are you going to be using large stock tanks for holding saltwater? I guess what I'm curious about is what would be your daily/weekly schedule to always have fresh saltwater on hand and to dispose of old water? Who me? Water changes? [emoji15]
  2. What amount of water changes are you planning daily? Is the 3 gallons your final goal or just a test volume? That's pretty cool to be able to do that.
  3. Nice Brooks! Pics or it didn't happen! [emoji6]
  4. Wuh? Sacrilege! [emoji4] I'll sell you an orange shoulder tang and two clowns! Okay, kidding about the clowns... my wife would kill me.
  5. Yeah, I'm super excited that the PBT and achilles aren't trying to kill each other! This gives me hope that if they don't do that in a 40-gallon tub, chances are when they get bigger that they won't do it in a 215-gallon tank.The potters wrasse I got is huge! Like 4-5"! I sure hope he makes it through QT but he's doing the weird leopard wrasse thing where they just lay there until they get used to the time change and feel comfortable enough to explore. My current leopard wrasse came out like 10 times in 3 months while in the tub... They are just odd little creatures. I hope to get some pictures when I swap the tub again for TTM tomorrow. I would have done it the first night but the shipment got delayed and I wanted them in new water ASAP!
  6. I still have the emperor angel, flame angel, cleaner wrasse, orange shoulder tang, and yellow belly tang in the tub. I'm also currently QT'ing an achilles tang, a powder blue tang, a potter's angel, a potter's wrasse, and a flame wrasse pair. I'm starting to think I may have to rehome the orange shoulder tang. He's a good 5-6" long and may be tipping the scales of my bioload, especially once everything starts to grow to full size. I'm still on the fence since its such a cool fish.
  7. Two more went into the DT! Flame hawkfish Majestic angel
  8. Maybe make some water and put it in a happy tank and see what it does? [emoji6]
  9. That's how mine looked and it was a 4-5" adult. There was more orange actually.
  10. I loved my tomini tang Kim. It had a lot of personality, never stopped cleaning the rocks, was very peaceful, and was like my poor man's achilles tang.
  11. Bpb, Wouldn't that be as simple as your nutrients have no place to go because your clean-up crew and fishes remove any sign of algae before it can uptake nutrients? The skimmer will remove as much DOCs before they break down into nitrates and phosphates but once they are broken down, it does nothing. If you are still getting nitrates at really high levels without any algal growth, you've either limited one of the things it needs to grow, carbon, nitrates, or phosphates or your crew/fish mow it down so fast that it can't be used up. To me, that indicates to either allow some algae to grow to uptake some nutrients, do more water changes, run a fuge/ATS, or employ a nutrient removal strategy specific for the nutrient, such as carbon dosing/sulfur denitritator for the nitrates or aluminum oxide/GFO for the phosphates. I will say my nitrates were in the 20 ppm range for 3-4 months with no ill effect to the acros other than they were a little browner than I prefer. I still think all your recent deaths were due mainly to AEFW... not anything to do with your system. But, that's just off of what I remember of your system.
  12. White tail. Chevrons get dull as an adult... At least compared to their juvi form.
  13. What happened to no fish for 2-3 months! [emoji4]
  14. I think par values would determine that Brooks. I think enough people have the ATI fixtures that you could probably look up rough numbers for par. I aim for 500 at the top of the highest coral, 300 mid-tank, and 150-200 sand for a SPS-heavy tank.
  15. 5", but keep in mind that my tank is 29" deep and I run a SPS dominant tank where they love really high light.
  16. You're the wrasse king Rob, you guys will have to arm wrestle for the title if he goes that route.
  17. I think only premium members have access to club equipment. Totally worth getting the premium membership as the drill bits cost almost as much as the membership itself.
  18. That was my first assumption too... poor little guy, staring at plastic for the last two months with nothing to graze but nori... something green... bubble algae... I don't even care!!!
  19. So like the Eric Bana hulk then. [emoji23] They don't usually eat bubble algae if I remember correctly. He's just an anomaly is my guess. They love some dictyota and other fleshy brown algae though.
  20. I bet you can just get one of the LFS to order it, pending competitive pricing. I don't think I've ever walked into one of our stores and actually saw a white tail bristletooth though. They are pretty rare.
  21. Crazy, I had a bit of a bubble algae explosion towards the end of my fallow period but I kept it in check with manual removal and it seems to be not proliferating anymore. Well, just to show you that reefing is 20% skill and the rest dumb luck... my blonde naso, within 20 mins of being put back in the tank yesterday, eats about 8 bubbles in areas I couldn't reach. Hooray nature!
  22. ...and? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk And cue the cheesy videos!
  23. after seeing the tangs in Hawaii, I can tell you that just about all of them get to be the size of dinner plates in the wild... Aw man, I'm gonna trade in all my tangs then... either that or get a 9' tank. Hmmm.... How long was the biggest achilles you saw?
  24. First batch! -2 lyretail anthias -2 clowns -leopard wrasse -midas blenny -blonde naso tang Joyous day! [emoji4]
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