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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Collecting angels is obsessive! That's a gorgeous potters!
  2. No way, no how. I'm lazy! But I have enough alternative means of nutrient removal that they haven't been needed.
  3. I'm in! Beer makes me that much more tolerable to others once it sinks in.
  4. I do like to sprinkle a little bit of bitter sarcasm with every post on this thread.
  5. Oh yeah, don't give me credit for being that smart. I meant turn up the whites on the LEDs. Any genius that comes out of my mouth is usually by accident.
  6. All the frag heavy people are in the great white north! [emoji4]
  7. Don't listen to these guys! Their just jealous that I've been nominated for the Tapatalk award for longest thread in a reef forum without any useful content... [emoji19]
  8. Nothing special, it died back a bit when I removed the fish and acros but has been doing well again when I replaced everything again. I think nutrients dropped a little too low when everything was out of the tank and caused a good amount of dieoff.It's been healthy and happy lately and regrowing over the dead skeleton.
  9. Yes sir! Party van is full now! Woohoo! [emoji4] Well, party Jetta... [emoji53]
  10. Got one more spot open on the northie carpool down south. There will be a detour to aquadome afterwards so keep that in mind. Let me know! Looking forward to the meeting and the talk!
  11. I might have to setup a gofundme account!
  12. So far so good! The tangs on the other hand...
  13. Turn up the whites when you want to take a picture. That usually works for me.
  14. That makes two of us! At least two of them have been in there before so I know what I'm getting with them. The majestic has been living in the tank for 2 weeks now and been good... so Mr. Potter, don't screw it all up!
  15. Oh no! Not you too El Jefe? [emoji30]
  16. Big day! Angels returning to the display tank! Now I'll have a emperor, majestic, flame, and potters angel in the tank. In another 2-3 weeks, I'll drop the tangs and the wrasses into the tank and call it a day... Oh yeah, and my pyramid butterflyfish. [emoji4]
  17. Hey hey hey! A guy can't enjoy some green beer yesterday without jumping on here this morning and seeing his shout out to a holiday turn into a LeprechaunTy bashing fest? No pot of gold for any of you guys this year!
  18. Wow! Great stuff! Thanks for not going all nuts on the color slider like I've seen most online vendors do lately. Even the wholesalers are doing it now!
  19. What a coincidence! I hired this sucker to help me install a picture window this morning and I didn't even pay him!
  20. Hope everyone let their tank get a little green in honor of the day! Go green hair algae! [emoji4]
  21. I only ask because I get a monthly allowance of reef nerd stuff I can attend. Doing both is pushing it. [emoji4]
  22. Any northies that want to carpool, PM me and I'll shoot you my address. I'm by the Domain. I'll leave by 1:15pm to get down there. Also, there may be a detour by aquadome on the way home... I figured reefers wouldn't usually mind that.
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