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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Haha, I'm sneaking this one in the office. I grabbed the equipment from the garage but not setting it up in there.
  2. The worst part will be breaking my wife's heart and telling her that her husband is not perfect. It'll run her image of me. [emoji12]
  3. I'm thinking the first scenario is very likely. I will fire up the UV regardless as I planned to run it full time anyways. Not the end of the world as I'm pretty sure it won't go plague level on me like it did with the powder blue in there but still sad I can't have one.
  4. Oh no Ty, that sucks, I' m sorry to hear that man. Leopards are definitely finicky little buggers and potters are on of the tougher ones to keep. Totally stinks Rob, You're the person that'll appreciate this the most probably since you're such a wrasse-lover. I have a Japanese lunate wrasse (female), a Phillipine lunate wrasse (male), and a Hawaiian Elegant Coris wrasse (female) that I got from fellow hobbyist that is moving. I'll update with pictures/video when I get a chance. They all don't have full adult coloring yet but I looked them up and they are all spectacular! The Cirrhilabrus lunatus is the female from Japan... the Cirrhilabrus cf. lunatus was more recently discovered and that's the male I have from the Phillipines. Here's a cool Reefbuilders article detailing them a bit more. The Japanese one is discussed at the beginning of the article and the Phillipine one at the end. https://reefbuilders.com/2015/05/13/fairy-wrasses-lunatus-group-2/
  5. I've only encountered that once you start dipping below NSW level Jolt. Not sure the chemistry behind it either but just sharing what I experienced.
  6. 1280 ppm is normal Ceastman, that's natural seawater level. I tend to keep mine around 1300-1400 ppm though. That's good that the frags are looking good still Dan.
  7. I took a look in my garage and realized I have enough spare stuff in there to run a fully independent tank so that's what I plan to do. I just need to build a stand a find a good sized sump which I may just go with a Rubbermaid tub. It'll have an Apex running everything with a CaRX, skimmer, biopellet reactor, and a GFO reactor. I'm basically mirroring my DT, right down to the lights as I want them to have minimal stress when moving to DT. Also, I plan to have it setup right so I don't have to do water changes as well with this tank. Just replace media when needed and test every quarter, except for alk that is, that's at least a weekly task. It's both amazing and sad that I had enough spare parts to build a mini-me tank.
  8. I always superglue any edge that is RTN'ing. If the offending condition was just temporary, then it'll save it from going that much further. If the offending condition is still there, then it'll usually continue right past the super glue.
  9. I've never heard of the high alk, low Mg issue. Is that something that is pretty common? I've never really kept high alk so I've never witnessed it. I always suspect everything... you know the life of an acroholic. [emoji53]
  10. That's pretty surprising on a Mg drop, especially if it dropped to just NSW levels. Have you noticed this kind of reaction before to a Mg drop Dan?
  11. FarmerTy

    Shipping coolers

    Alright, I'm up! Mine are large, about 2' x 1', perfect beer cooler. I have 3. Let me know.
  12. If you're talking the powder blue, then no. He's still in the tub and for sale now. I started a for sale post for him. Not going to any buyer though, only going to best suited tank if that makes any sense.
  13. Selling my QT'ed powder blue tang. I put him through TTM to clear any ich and also prazipro for intestinal worms/flukes. He eats mysis and nori. About 2-2.5". $45. Priority given to best suited tank, not first to respond. I just want it in a good home with a high chance of survival. 90g minimum and not overly stocked.
  14. On that note, I may go ahead and introduce all the rest of my fish now since the new fish I got came from an established tank already and my tangs are already good to go. Only reason I would have waited was to put the new fish through TTM but seeing how they came from an established tank, the only other reason I would QT them for is flukes and marine velvet and both are unlikely from an established tank.
  15. Well sad to report that all my hard work during the 76 days of being fallow was for nothing. I saw some spots on my flame angel today in the main tank. I was sitting here thinking about where I could have gone wrong and two things came to mind. 1) On my 2nd batch of new fish, I got caught in one of those "life happens" moments and on the 4th transfer, I wasn't able to get the fish in new water until the next day. Being the last transfer, I thought I was pretty safe as it was the obligatory "just in case" transfer, but it seems like I encountered the case and it bit me in the rear. 2) My QT tanks were in the same room as my fish that were already treated and sitting in the tub. I believe the rule is 8-10' away as trophonts can be carried by air with water droplets and make it into another tank nearby. I think this is the more unlikely scenario but wanted to mention in case somebody was replicating the process. Anyways, pretty bummed but what are you going to do? The only rammification thankfully is that I still will have just an ich-maintained tank like 80% of the tanks out there and looks like I better rehome the powder blue tang. I don't want to chance it again. With the fish population I keep, it's just another outbreak waiting to happen. If more lightly stocked, I wouldn't worry as much. At least the little guy is already ich free to start and eats mysis and nori.
  16. Speak for yourself, Ty. It just helps me tune you out better [emoji850] [emoji12] Thanks for pushing it back to a week I'm in town!!! I'll tentatively plan on being there. Is that why you're coming back with cases of beer from Chicago? You're going to need a lot more buddy...
  17. You know me and water changes! Let me know if you ever want to implement some of what I do to reduce your maintenance tasks.
  18. Tank looked fantastic Kim this past weekend at the ARC meeting. Whatever you are doing, keep on doing it!
  19. Something to keep in mind with as well with circulation pumps. I programmed all my Jaebos to above 30% minimum to avoid wear on all modes I program, most importantly in the wave modes because of the start/stop.
  20. Heck of a deal Richard. These are almost the exact dimensions on my tank and I love it!
  21. FarmerTy

    Shipping coolers

    Once Dan clears out, I have 3 to get rid of as well.
  22. FarmerTy

    What up yall

    Welcome to the club!
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