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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. That was pretty nerve racking to watch and it wasn't even my tank! The results were stunning though!
  2. As of yesterday when I grabbed some of his water:Salinity - 1.027 (digital refractometer) PO4 - 0.0 ppm (Hanna ultra low phosporus meter) NO3 - 0.25 ppm (Red Sea Pro) Ca - 360 ppm (Red Sea Pro) Alk - 7.7 dKh (Hanna meter) Mg - 1560 ppm (Red Sea Pro) Bare in mind that a large portion of his corals and fish stock were removed earlier in the week I believe. Also, from our conversation, he was still running Red Sea NoPox (basically carbon dosing), running his giant skimmer rated for 500 gallons, and dosing 2-part in conjunction with kalk in ATO. So altogether, still dosing foundation elements and running ultra low nutrients while in cruise control. I can't remember if he said he was running GFO still or had any macro growing in the sump but Richard can fill that in if need be.
  3. All my fish back in the tank plus new additions! Sorry the video came out so blue, I'll still learning how to take pictures and record video in an all LED environment.
  4. When did you get a screen? I don't remember that at all!
  5. Nice! Those yellow sided wrasses are stunners! You going to cover your tank? I just had a $100+ wrasse shoot 14" out of a tub the otheryl day, only reason I ask. My red headed solon fairy wrasse did that in my tank about 6 months ago as well. Just a matter of time for wrasses.
  6. Yellow sided Fairy Wrasse and red head Solon wrasse?
  7. I better stay off the threads! Nothing like derailing other people's discussions!
  8. Check out Nikos, they have a tank similar in size for sale.
  9. I didn't have a center brace to bust out last night so I shut down my QT tub and tanks instead.
  10. Yikes! This thread has morphed!
  11. I just want to see video of them karate chopping this center brace.
  12. Nice! I can't wait to play with the macro lens!
  13. How do you know if you burned the tips of the acros?Clear white tips with no color on an acro, it's pretty obvious when it happens. Almost looks like a digitata or stylo with their white growth tips except it isn't natural.
  14. Something to keep an eye out for but I once got 3 mariculture colonies, dipped, and put them in my tank. The next day, all three started to RTN like crazy fast! I fragged what I could to try to save them but it was unstoppable. I ended up losing all of them. That wasn't the terrible part. The terrible part was either they had released a chemical signal into the tank that set off some of my other acros or whatever bacteria/virus that was attacking them and causing them them to RTN so quickly was making its rounds into my tank. It ate up a good portion of my aussie shortcake and a few other acros before it ran itself out. Still wasn't able to identify what it was but perhaps something may have been introduced with your recent maris you got? And maybe cutting them up caused them to be stressed and start this whole chain reaction of random healthy frags RTN'ing? I know I've never experienced RTN from low Mg but then again, my Mg has never dropped that fast either so maybe a moot point. Just wanted to mention just in case. Hope all of this craziness stops for you soon.
  15. Nice Richard! You pulled a Peyton Manning! It almost looks like your backdrop is the American flag with all those asterinas back there so perfectly placed!
  16. 7.5-8.0 dKh is where I keep mine. If you carbon dose at all (biopellets, vodka, etc) you want it below 8.0 dKh to prevent alk burn on the tips of acros. Some believe you will get better growth with higher alk numbers so they chose to run higher. Some believe you get better coloration at lower alk numbers, so they do that. Natural seawater is about 7.0 dKh. I've received acros direct before and the alk is usually at 7.2 dKh, though there may be some bacterial interference while being shipped. The most important thing is just a stable alk level, as long as it is within accepted ranges of 6.5-11 dKh.
  17. Don't go telling him to walk to your place, fish whisperer!
  18. Are you saying you are a buyer? Don't tempt me!
  19. That's how powerful Jimbo's become now! [emoji87]
  20. I would have to sign up for that one! You were the first person I thought of when I made that statement!
  21. And assume that Ty will be there no matter what. Only to grab pieces of equipment when you aren't looking Richard. Daddy needs him a new giant skimmer...an apex...a calcium reactor...
  22. Probably not a bad idea. We can gear it up for C4. That'll give people plenty of time to start fragging and planning.
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