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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Good times everyone who came. Nothing like the merits of micro bubbles, coral frag commerce, QT'ing with a buddy, UV sterilizers, newb mentoring, and monthly meeting attendence to discuss over a tasty stout in good company. Until the next one!
  2. Awww... I'll pour some saltwater on the ground for him!
  3. Here's the thread I started on UV. http://www.austinreefclub.com/topic/33773-uv-sterilizer-experiment/
  4. Hey guys, Anybody looking for a monster UV sterilizer for their setup? Now's the perfect opportunity for you to get one! I'm upgrading my UV sterilizer and wanted to move this along first before I'm stuck with two giant UV sterilizers. Asking $250 for it. Comes with 3/4" hose barb connections, a 1-month old bulb (really 1 week of run time), the attached ballast, and a replacement wiper nut in case the installed one ever leaks. PM is the key. -Ty
  5. See everybody in a couple of hours. Look for the table full of reef nerds.
  6. I'll give it a try with my cleaner wrasse and let you know how it goes.
  7. I used to only have it clean 2x/day but noticed that stuff built up pretty quick so now it does 6x/day.
  8. Those are called kids....I'm not trusting kids with the most critical test in my tank. They'll nuke my whole tank! [emoji87] I only trust robots!
  9. It makes my skimmer a no maintenance affair for me. When my external reservoir is full, I empty it, which is monthly. Every 6 months I'll clean my skimmer pump, air line, and the auto neck cleaner. I'll pay $150 for that any day. It's like the ATO of the nutrient control world. Something you're usually a slave to every 3-5 days becomes a non-periodic task for you from that point. Now if I can get an auto alk tester, I'd be in heaven.
  10. I have the Vertex one and I'm a fan. It's worth it for me not having to maintain the skimmer but only once/month.
  11. Just my usual red turf algae. I'm surprised it is not worse going from 0 fish to 20 in a month and a half. Time will tell, I've been on top of the nutrient removal. That's all you saw when looking at the pictures? [emoji6]
  12. I'm using Dan and Meg's setup, Nikon D5200 and Tamron 90mm macro.
  13. It was all the camera and lens! Thank you sir and go to bed!
  14. Fish photos with a borrowed DSLR and macro lens. This is really my first time experimenting with a real camera so forgive any rookie errors.
  15. You're using my name in vain again! How do I do an unlike vote? I made Dan promise not to tell anyone who gave him the 5000 and 9000 grit sandpaper! I knew it! Busted! [emoji14]
  16. Very interesting indeed! You be the first guinea pig! Do it! Do it!
  17. Deal was already sealed. He shook my hand at RCA earlier.
  18. I said one million grains of sand!
  19. What are your levels? Nitrates? Phosphates? Calcium? Alkalinity? Mg? Salinity? My guess is low alk/Ca.
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