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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. For the microbubbles, they were mentioning you want the 5% of the nano-sized bubbles being pulled into the return pump. The bubbles come in as a slow fog more so than a rush of aerated water.
  2. An experiment with no baseline! Wuh? I feed with Selcon and my probes don't go nuts.
  3. Yeah, mine is the zip tie and duct tape tank, not yours! Good call!
  4. That's because there wasn't any glass... I took top-down shots this time with a submersible lookdown attachment on the lens. [emoji6] Thanks for the compliment sir. I'm still playing with DOF with the F-stop settings. Sometimes I do want that narrow focus while other times, I'm trying to pull in a lot more detail overall and it's interesting to know when which looks better for a certain shot. I'm just a noob now so I figured I could get away with experimenting before I have no excuses down the line.
  5. That's terrible! Was the stand level? Seems odd for a bottom panel to crack unless the stand was not level when filling it. Good thing you found a replacement quickly.
  6. It's that time again, still messing with the macro lens.
  7. I don't think Thor is going to decorate his hammer with rainbow colors... I don't know the guy personally but that's just my guess.
  8. Ummm - to what are you reefering? I have no idea... Crazy Ty talk as usual... [emoji5]
  9. Have fun at the fest! Your macro skills are getting good Jake!
  10. What happened to the original hammer pic? Did you realize it was slightly suspicious in its intended use? [emoji12]
  11. Will you frag it? I just want the handle.
  12. I think that's overstated. I had mine with a cleaner shrimp just fine. I think they are more referring to something bite-sized, like a sexy shrimp or something else. If anybody has ever experienced something else, please do share.
  13. I've just reported you to the mods for character flaming!
  14. Can I just say that this is the best forum ever! I frequent a number of other reef forums and it often reminds me of why I like this site so much. Everyone is always very polite, jokes around, helpful, and quick to respond. What more can you ask for? Even our most contentious thread this year regarding chop shops and LFSs plights was done with great respect and consideration for other viewpoints. Thank you all that participate and make this the awesome forum it is. Thank you Mike and the staff that keep it awesome and continue to try to engage the members in new and exciting ways. For those that just silently creep the forum, I know who you are because I've talked to many of you already, start posting when you get a chance. Throw your tank up in a build thread. Ask questions, there really aren't any dumb questions... I had a million when I first started, and I'm pretty sure 999,999 I thought were dumb. Give advice if you have any experience with a topic. We'd love your contributions in any way! Alright, enough of that, I've professed my love enough for this forum. That should hold it over for another few years. [emoji6]
  15. wheres the new one??Just Reef way down south.
  16. a certain LFS that I love has had a sample for several days. They're real busy I suppose. [emoji848]Their results will be rubbish by that time, potentially due to bacterial interference. The water needs to be tested sooner than later. I'd drop off another sample if I were you.
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