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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. This is what happens when I'm left unsupervised. Thanks bud.
  2. Don't talk about the PhD speaker like that! You don't even know who it is yet! [emoji41]
  3. I typically use a toothbrush to dislodge the sponges that can grow in there. I do this everytime I calibrate. Speaking of... thanks for the reminder. [emoji106]
  4. Usually the delayed reaction is from a week or so ago, a month is maybe longer than what I've seen personally. I aim to never increase more than 1 dKh/day though I've seen them tolerate 1.5 dKh. I'm curious as to why your pH is lower without running a CaRX. pH is something I never chase in a saltwater tank but now I'm just curious. Are you still running a skimmer?
  5. Looks great KimP! SPS usually take a bit to recover from a stressful event, somewhat of a delayed reaction if you will. I would just continue to monitor and see if it picks back up. Whenever growth does slow for me, I always check the usual culprits, nitrates, phosphates, alk, Ca, and Mg.
  6. That is awesome KimP! I can't even sew a button! That's so nice of you to do. The tank looks great!
  7. You don't want to hear me talk about the importance of removing all your fish and corals every 3 months just to keep the tank fresh?
  8. Do a fit test on it Dan. You'd be surprised how much one can leak if it's not the correct shape for your face. Here's a quick guide I found online. This is the self-check. You can actually call up a place that does safety training on respirators and have them do a real fit-test with smoke irritant if you really want to do it right. http://m.gemplers.com/tech/respfitcheck.htm
  9. Good thing my evil labcoat I ordered off ebay should be here soon.
  10. I thought it had to be a radioactive grandis paly for it to work like that?
  11. I'm going to bribe my way to the top! Who wants some grandis palys? Palytoxin free on the house!
  12. I'll put an antennae on the top like those old remote control cars, that way it'll just flip itself back over.
  13. I'm available for birthday parties and tailgates! [emoji5] It was actually pretty fun building it even though I had no idea what I was doing.
  14. Haha, I didn't grow out of it until I was 20 and changed my major OUT of Marine Biology. I'm a slow developer... [emoji17]
  15. Oh nice! Remote DSB in the sump? You're all over this new tank. Great job bud! [emoji106]
  16. I heard things that end in -pora, -ordea, or -mussa help.
  17. Very ingenious and dedicated there sir! How deep are you planning for the sandbed? I think I used about 160lbs in my 215-gal if I remember right.
  18. Winner winner! You have my respect sir. I'll put it in the mail tomorrow morning.
  19. sexy red pvc corners you say? Do you happen to know of such an existing masterpiece? Some things just exist in my head sadly...
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