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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Second suspect I'm going to say is the hippo tang. They are known for dislodging and moving rocks.
  2. I've usually observed them start walking after 3-5 days of being shaded like that.
  3. Actually, putting a rock over the anemone to shade it out works best. When he's on the move, you snatch him as his foot won't be as attached as normal. The annoying him with a powerhead was the last ditch effort but that was combined with slowly dislodging his foot that allowed me to fully remove him from the rock.
  4. I'm a big fan of all mentioned so far. That labouti is definitely a good looking fish in person.
  5. So, doesn't have to be one you have currently or ever had... but if you had to choose one wrasse to put into your tank, which one would you get? I'm currently contemplating stocking plans since my wrasses all got murdered.
  6. Cleaner wrasse sold! Elegant still available.
  7. He didn't get chopped but I did punch him in the mouth when I finally removed him from the rock.
  8. I tried not to go nuts this time fragging. I think I had some good self-restraint! [emoji41]
  9. Thank you sir. It makes me feel better to hear that. Misery loves company. [emoji13]
  10. Nice! And we can play tic-tac-toe on the acrylic too! Multipurpose!!! I like the volcano. I got my money that Mr. Volcano moves to the front or back or that rock and off that peak though. Anemones are annoying that way... no amount of epoxy or superglue will convince them sometimes.
  11. That's a shame. It's worse when you can't figure out what happened. Sorry for the loss.
  12. Not fair, comparing anybody's corals to yours will make them look like pansies.
  13. Must won't run socks at the 10 micron level unless you want to swap them every hour before they get clogged. I think most socks are around 200 microns I believe.Either way, I ordered some from Amazon so I'm set. Thanks all.
  14. Nice! I'd go ahead and crank up the lights to let the diatoms cycle out of your system. Better now then when its full of fish and corals. They'll use up all the silicates that probably came from your sand and then be spent and go away. What's your plan for transferring everything to the new tank?
  15. Bump for a great elegant wrasse. She's so inquisitive and just brings a lot of activity to the tank.
  16. So I had bought a large 8 gal container to setup as my ATO for the frag tank yesterday. I did all kinds of wonderful calculations on the dilution of the kalk solution, the amount of evaporation/day, and the daily uptake of alk from the system... felt all smart for calculating I needed to supplement 0.4 dKh/day with a 0.21 gal/day evaporation rate with a pump that could pump 3.5 gph, and mixed a nice little 33% saturated solution of kalk top off water to dose with. I setup the whole system and plug it into the Apex, turn it on to test, then turn it back off... program it to come on for 1 min every 6 hrs... come back in horror about 30 mins later as my pH goes from 8.0 to 8.7 and my alk jump from 8.0 dKh to 10.0 dKh. All that and I forgot to plug the pump I used, the Tom's Aqualifter, to either the 4th or 8th port on the EB8 (for those non-Apex'ers, the 4th and 8th port are used for low voltage devices as they sometimes get stuck in the on position otherwise). So basically on my first test run, I dump about 2 gallons of kalk saturated topoff water into my frag tank. Luckily my corals are battle-hardened and most are ticked but okay. [emoji4]
  17. I do it to only bring in coral flesh from any frags. The less "other" stuff I bring in with the coral, the less likely a hitchhiker I don't want will come in with it. It's the same concept of cutting maricultures off their plugs, so that you don't introduce all the algae/pests/hitchikers that reside on the plug.
  18. I'm assuming you are talking about SPS polyp extension? -strong, random flow -no parasites -stable parameters for a length of time -decent amount of available foods in the water column (bacteria, detritus, plankton) -fish that don't pick on the corals -CUC that don't disturb the corals -low phosphates
  19. Well, if you have him isolated, try several different types of food to feed him. With no physical symptoms apparent, I think he's just starving to death. I think if you release him now, I think he will just die based on what you mentioned.
  20. Pictures look great sir! I'm a fan of getting that 6500k bulb in there to warm things up a bit. Remember, friends don't let friends do montis. Just kidding. But seriously, put them on their own rock or they'll take over eventually. I've had to systematically remove each monti as it started overgrowing other corals. You got the right idea though... kalk paste is your friend.
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