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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Happy to help you along when you get to that point Heather.
  2. Can the prize be a tiny, waterproof top hat for your urchin to wear around the tank?
  3. Really? That's your favorite coral child and you don't even carry a picture of it Sascha? Where's the pic? [emoji12]
  4. Jake at RCA was carrying some of the BRS products, such as their GFO as well.If you are in a bind and need some, you can use mine and just order me some more on the next order.
  5. Before I post, I just want to say I love all my coral children the same. But my current infatuation is with my ice fire echinata. The contrast between the white base and the blue tips is jawdropping.
  6. I blame you and your ticket pulling skills Zack! [emoji14]
  7. They have a time set when they randomly come on. You can adjust that time frame. I borrowed the code so can't tell you anymore than that.
  8. Hi Heather,I usually have one of my reef buddies drop by just to check on things and I return the favor when they are out of town. Going to the monthly meetings helps usually connect with some of the people on the club when you can meet them face-to-face. That or the occasional beer:30 we have at random locations just to sit around, have a drink, and nerd out on reefing. What area of town are you in? I can't see on Tapatalk right now. Perhaps post your area and there might be someone who lives in that same neighborhood willing to swing by for you and you can return the favor some day down the road.
  9. FarmerTy


    Awesome Zack! I'm happy you are pushing forward with this idea! Your last video had me pumped! I think I'm ready to either go on a long run or go fight Rocky.
  10. 3 out of 6 for me... somewhat productive I'd say. The swap was pretty fun and there were a lot of vendors. I'd say if you were in the market to start stocking your tank with zoas/palys and LPS, you definitely should do yourself a favor and go to the next one. The variety is endless. I still find the SPS selection a little on the slim side with mostly us Austinites bringing anything worthy in that area but there just isn't a lot of stickheads in San Antonio... to the point where I stopped bringing my nice acros as well to the swaps. I wish you continued success on your glaring.
  11. FarmerTy

    Masterflex lu

    One last thought, I've always run a decently robust effluent stream. Not really a full stream but definitely more than a drip. Though you end up burning through your CO2 a little bit quicker, it helps avoid the pitfalls of flow that is too slow. That could have repurcussions not only on the inlet stream with detritus and other things clogging it but also on the effluent drip, with alk precipitating and hardening, causing clogs on the effluent end.
  12. FarmerTy

    Masterflex lu

    I think the dangers of a CaRX are overblown. A heater could nuke your system just as quickly as a CaRX, hence the temp probe. A CaRX has the same ability, hence the pH probes. Tons of reefers use a heater with no issues yet a heater can warm up your tank high enough in a day to nuke everything. With a CaRX, with the effluent rates we use and the little CO2 that is used, it would take a lot to bring the alk up enough to nuke everything in a day, especially considering the range at which alk can be run, 7-11 dKh. You'd literally have to go full bore on the CO2 and liquefy all your media to the point that it would blow your system up with alk. At that point, I sure hope your pH probe is telling you something is wrong.
  13. FarmerTy

    Masterflex lu

    You got me sir, I've never had that problem... and this coming from a guy that uses no mechanical filtration... well... if you want to be picky, yes, my skimmer could be considered mechanical. I'll say that the sponge in my CaRX reactor does get clogged up with a ton of detritus by the time I have to refill my media every 6 months but it has never affected CaRX performance. Or maybe it has but I've always been on top of the adjustments. I've actually never had any issues running a CaRX that I can remember... 5 years of solid performance from multiple different reactors. The pH probe had always warned me prior to anything going south... that and my obsessive alk testing. All 3 of my reactors that didn't require a peristaltic were run off the manifold for my return pump. The only time I ever had anything clog was when I decided using a Tom's Aqualifter was a good idea to run a CaRX. That was in my newb phase when I first got a reactor.
  14. I don't deserve them... They need to be with a more qualified frag tank owner... [emoji53]
  15. Hoping the setosa and jedi mind trick pull through.
  16. ARGHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Fitting end indeed! I went home and just crawled into a hole... I'll come out when the world feels right again! Oddly, only stylos, birdsnests, and my ORA Jeremy's Monti were nuked. All other corals looked fine once I put them in new water. Go figure.
  17. FarmerTy

    Masterflex lu

    Fair enough, just wanted to share my experience with the 4 CaRXs I've run and only needing a peristaltic for one of them. The valve location depends on the CaRX but generally, you'll want to put it before the reactor as most aren't designed to run with much pressure at all and you'll end up with leaks.
  18. Didn't I trade you a fungia plate and Superman Rhodactis for it earlier today? [emoji12]
  19. I was pretty impressed with the San Antonio Aquarium as well. Quite robust compared to the Austin one for being owned by the same company. For those that didn't make it this time, I think it's worth the trip just to get free admission to the San Antonio Aquarium, especially those with kids. Thanks Zack for organizing such a great event! I'm sad I didn't win that Maxspect Gyre but there's always next time!
  20. FarmerTy

    Masterflex lu

    FWIW, the MTC Procal does not require a peristaltic pump. A simple tee off my return line and it's been holding effluent flow pretty steady. It has a flowmeter built in for me to gauge it. My old Korallin didn't require a peristaltic either... It actually was designed to run slightly pressurized so having a needle valve on the effluent flow allowed me to control the consistency of the flow and it didn't over pressure the reactor as it was designed for it. I tried this with a generic PM reactor and it gave me fits as it wasn't designed for pressure. I had to put the needle valve in the inflow instead but it managed to keep a pretty steady effluent flow as well without needing a peristaltic.
  21. FarmerTy

    Masterflex lu

    Why'd you decide you needed a peristaltic? Has your effluent not been consistent? I only ask because I've only used one reactor that really needed a peristaltic due to its design... it was just flawed and could never keep a stable effluent flow so I ran one briefly on it before the noise drove me nuts. It's not even that crazy loud but when you used to do groundwater sampling for 10 years and most of the time you were running peristaltic pumps for 12hrs/day nonstop for a week, you can understand why hearing that sound again made me grate my teeth.
  22. Red Dragon, I'm waiting for you to hook me up with the Pacman.Oh yeah! Let Mr. Pacman settle into his new home for a bit and I'll cut you a frag. [emoji4]
  23. Nice! Tank looks great. Is that a red dragon or a Mr. Pacman acro?
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